In A World With Abilities, There Exists A Being With The Ability "God Mind" This Allows The User Execute All Tasks That Require Brain Power Swiftly & Flawlessly, This Person Could Master A Language Better Than Even Experts After A Few Hours, Or Create A Copy Of A System With Just A Few Months Of Casual Study, This Is The Intellect Of The User's Of "God Mind", The Only Side Effect Is Indifference To The World Due To Even Having Basic Knowledge Of The Future, Even Without Trying.
A Young Lady Is Shown Walking Through A Hallway
"Don't die by falling over Quinn!" A Boy shouted at someone from next to her
The Young Lady then glances at the two as their information appears in her mind
|Quinn Talen|
|16 Years Old|
|Ability: None|
|Bodily Potential: Poor|
|Mental Potential: Above Average|
|Overall: A Smart Young Man With A Weak Body|
|Davy Bootlicker|
|16 Years Old|
|Ability: Lv:2 Light|
|Bodily Potential: Below Average|
|Mental Potential: Worst Possible|
|Overall: A Retarted Young Man With An Average Body & A Weak Ability|
After the young lady casually looks over them, she ignores them again and starts walking, then, she stops, she looks around vigilantly
'What was that' She thinks
'An unfamiliar change, something is different about the fabric of reality now.'
'What could have changed'
As the young lady thinks about this, she arrives in the suburbs at a decent looking home
The young lady enters the home as then a voice appears
"Welcome home Ms.Irwin" The Voice Appears
"hello arthur" The young lady surnamed Irwin lightly replies
"You will be picked up for Military School tomorrow Ms.Irwin" Arthur announces
"download yourself onto a hard drive, I'll place you in the dorm when I get to the academy" Ms.Irwin tells Arthur
"But, Miss Elisa I don..." Arthur tries to say before being interupted
"How many times do I have to remake you for you to know to just call me Ms.Irwin Arthur?" Elisa Says with a bit extra force in her tone
"Ms.Irwin, I don't think that's a good idea, what if you need my help?" Arthur asks
"With reading a book? with sleeping? with cooking breakfast? i made you arthur, if you can do it, i promise that i can as well" Elisa casually retorts
"But.. Okay" Arthur Relpies as he stops speaking and suddenly a usb drive appears on the coffee table in front of the tv
Elisa then retrieves the usb that Arthur downloaded himself on and casually put's it into her pocket as she then goes downstairs to the basement as she then pulls out a button from her school shirt and presses it
A sound is made as a hole opens up in the floor of the basement going further down
There are seemingly endless stairs, as Elisa starts slowly walking down them, like how slowly an old man walks in the park
1 hour later...
Elisa then arives at the bottom of the staircase, as inside there is so much futuristic tech that it would make any faction, no matter how advanced, or powerful, terrified to their core
'i have to research this change in reality, quickly too' Elisa thinks to herself
'eureka, it seems that this change in reality came from a person who turned 16 and is now no longer a human' Elisa thinks
'god, why are changes in reality so hard to figure out, i have to leave to school now, and i barely touched the surface of the change in reality, and i doubt that those people from the military academy have even 1% of the tech needed to even detect a change in space, nonetheless a change in existence itself' Elisa thinks as she prepares herself for the stupid people ahead
Elisa then walks to a empty wall in the lab as she then pulls out a different button this time, as she then presses it and the floor under her raises at extreme speeds, as she arives back in the basement 3 seconds later
She then walks up the stairs, and then goes to a light switch by the door
*click *wooosshsh
Elisa clicks the switch and everything in the home suddenly is sucked into the flooring, the only thing that's left is a wallet
'i just love my tech so much' Elisa thinks as she grabs the wallet and then walks out the door... just as a man in a military uniform was about to knock
"Elisa Irwin, I'm sergean..." The man starts introducing himself
"Sergeant Griff, 47 years old, level 5 earth abilty, 5.7 abilty level according to the academy's standards" Elisa says
"What the... I'm here to take you to the academy" Griff says
Elisa then walks past Griff and onto the bus
"How did you know where it was?? Actually, nevermind" Griff sighs
Elisa heads to the back of the empty bus and as hours pass, more students trickle into the bus
Then Elisa sees Quinn enter
'Hmm, Quinn, no, not Quinn? he's different, not... human, i can sense it, could he be? the reason for the change in reality?
As the drive goes on, suddenly Elisa sees students falling asleep, at an unnatural speed
'hm?' Elisa thinks
'sleeping gas, interesting?'
'do they really think i don't know where their school is, laughable'
'should i pretend to sleep? nah, too much effort'
"Looks like a few of you are able to resist the sleeping gas. Then we will just have to bag you"
A black bag comes over Elisa's face
"that's kinda kinky ya know" Elisa announces to the person who just placed the bag on her head
"ew, what the hell is wrong with you" The man says
"what do you mean, Private First Class, Woodrow Jameson, 23 years old, level 2 teleportation ability, 2.9 ability level according to the academy's standards" Elisa tells Woodrow
"wtf, HOW, how do you know this info little girl???" He asks
"want me to tell you your dick size?" Elisa retorts
"What THE FUCK, HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT" Woodrow Screams
"i know a lot of things, like your mother's breast size" Elisa replys
"GO TO SLEEP YOU DEMONIC LITTLE GIRL" as Woodrow then punches her in the back of the head
"no" Elisa says as she then clocks him across the head, knocking him out
"Girly, I'm guessing you already know the exact location of the school? If you do then we won't have to bag you, cause you already know where, and you probably would've revealed it if you intended to" Griff tells her as he takes off the bag
"mmm, i know, want me to tell the the exact coordinates of everyone currently in that school?" Elisa asks
"Nope, no need for that" Griff hurridly stops her