
God Mage

Imagine a life where no one cares to give you a proper name and you end up going by the name of your hair color. Imagine a life where you're unaware that you possess the greatest power in the universe. Imagine a life where you're hunted by a Celestial for something you know nothing about Imagine a life where you're discriminated by your fellow orphans. A life ruled by loneliness and sadness... But one day, that all changed when you met the strongest mage on Earth, Read and find out Green's adventures in a high school for social rejects as he tries to escape death from an evil fraternity backed by a powerful Celestial. But will his efforts be enough to save his life and the universe? Find out in this action packed fantasy book.

Chukwuemeka_101 · Fantasy
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47 Chs

13 The Bullies

Classes had ended for the day and Green was going back alone, Sam had dragged Ryan off to someplace where she needed to go so Green decided to return to the dorm alone.

He was about to leave the school building when he saw a group of 3 first years dragging another first year to the back of the building.

'What? What's going on there?'

He thought as he stealthily followed them.

It was when they arrived at the back of the building that Green realized that these group of boys were the same group that he saw at the cafeteria.

'What are they doing?'

He didn't need to ask twice because the biggest student among them walked up to the boy that they were dragging and gave him a hot slap across his face.


Green flinched as if he was the one that was slapped as he looked at the poor boy that was writhing on the floor in pain.

"Did that hurt?"

The big guy said and grabbed his dazed victim by the hair.

"If you don't want another one, you do what I say right?"

The student who was slapped didn't understand what the big guy was saying but he just nodded his head as if he did.

"Good, now transfer all your stubs to my account"

He said, the student who was slapped was still looking at the ground while holding his red cheeks when the big guy yelled,


Green began to boil in rage at the scene that was unfolding in front of him.

'So unfair! School has just barely started and they're already robbing and bullying their classmates. These ones must have their social defect in their brains'

He thought in rage and stomped out of his hiding spot towards the group.

"Ken look! A student is coming here"

A tall, lanky student among the bullies warned the big guy as Green approached them,

"Let him be, he's just another fish swimming into our net"

Ken replied with an evil grin

"Hehehe hehe, fish fish!"

The other student among the group said in glee while clapping his hands like a child, his own social defect was obviously psychological.

Green broke into a run as he headed straight for the group, he wanted to reach them before the poor kid would transfer all his stubs to the bullies.

Ken looked in Green's direction and ran forward to ram him to the ground. Green's plan was to evade Ken and try to get the victim out of there because he knew that he stood no chance in a one-on-one fight against any of them there.


Green ran forward and tried to dodge but he underestimated Ken's speed and he ended up been slammed to the ground by Ken's sturdy body.

"Well well, what do we have here?"

He said and sat down on top of Green while dragging his hair.

"Ahh! Let go!"

"What did you say? I didn't hear you, why don't you yell louder?"

He pulled Green's head backwards that his neck almost broke,


Green couldn't even think properly, the pain was searing.

"You wanna play hero huh? Be my guest"

Ken lifted Green up, due to his huge body size and strength, lifting Green was a piece of cake.

"Hey guys, we have a special guest today... A Grinch!"

"Hee hee hee hee, Grinch! Grinch! It ain't Christmas yet!!"

The nut job screamed,

"Yeah, so we..."

"What are you all doing here?"

They all turned to see a tall blonde man with blue eyes beneath a pair of fancy spectacles leaning on the wall while watching them.

"Dammit! How long has he been there?"

The lanky bully asked,

"I don't know! Let's just scram!"

Ken said and the bully trio ran away, leaving Jack, Green and the other student.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Green asked softly as he approached the boy who was sobbing uncontrollably.

The boy shook his head,

"It's okay now, the bullies are gone"

Green tried to comfort him,

"No! No! You shouldn't have gotten involved, now they'll come after you too!"

With these words, the boy ran away.

Green just stood there and watched as his figure receded into the hallways and away from sight.

"Thank you for saving us Sir, I'll be leaving now"

Green said and was about to turn to leave.

"What happened to your special perception?"

Jack had a bemused expression on his face,

"Sorry, do I know you?"

Green spun around to look at the man again,

'Wait a minute... The voice sounds familiar, but it can't be him right? I mean... He had black hair'

"I promised you that I'd be back to show you lots of cool things, didn't I?"

"What the...?! Mr Mage? How are you here? What happened to your hair?"

Green was surprised, he couldn't even perceive the slightest aura from Jack's body.

"Well, I now teach here and let's just say that this is my new look for the meantime. Come on, let's go have a talk in my office..."

Jack had applied for the math teacher vacancy at the high school and he was given immediate employment because they were so impressed in his mad expertise in education. Little did they know that he was even the owner of a magic academy.


'Well.... So far so good, he hasn't called me since then so I'll assume that he's doing fine for now. Damn... I didn't even know that he had enough power to wipe out a whole city, he's definitely the real deal. I'm so glad that I have him on my side, Jack stands no chance against him once I equip him with some other magic equipments, I'll finally have more access to Donjons where I can get more seals..'

Wilhem thought as he sat smugly in his office, on his table was a mountain of paperwork that had accumulated during his time with Tenebris, it was mainly files of the new students He was going through their files while searching for potentials.

In his school, he usually fished out students with powerful offensive social defects, he would offer gifts and presents to them throughout their stay in the school so that when they graduate, they would have no choice but be indebted to him and would eventually become his soldiers, that was actually how he was able to secure some of his teachers at the school.


The telephone on the table rang out loudly, jolting him back to reality.


He said as he picked it up,

"Sir, please there's a man here that wants to... Hey wait! Don't go in!"

Becky yelled as if someone was trying to break into his office,



His words hung in the air as his impenetrable metal door came crashing down, he quickly stood up from his seat and looked at his expensive door that was just destroyed, that door was designed in a way that only members of the fraternity who were the strongest mages in the world could be able to break it. He didn't know when his legs began to shake as he looked at the man standing at his door.

5'11, a very thick and powerful dark red magic aura, long black thick bushy hair, a black tattered coat, scars all over his arms and an unkempt beard. If Wilhelm didn't know better, he would've said that this man was a savage who had been living in a cave for decades but that was not the case, this man standing before him was the famous wanderer, Robert Allen who was known to have traveled to every nook and cranny of the world in search of something but what was that something? Nobody knew.

Due to his exceptional magic battle prowess, he had been offered countless invitations by the fraternity but he had declined all of them with the words, claiming that he didn't want to be affiliated with any organisation, he wanted to do anything he wanted without having to answer to a 'flimsy group of villains' as he called them.

"R..R..Rob, w..w..what..a surprise"

Wilhem stuttered with a forced smile on his face trying to look calm, but deep inside, he wanted to run far away to the other side of the world,

'Why am I getting involved with so many beasts nowadays? Why?'

"Wilhelm... We need to talk"

Robert said and dropped a newspaper on Wilhelm's table.


When Wilhelm saw the headline on the front page of the newspaper, he gulped,

'Oh boy, I'm so busted'

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