
Chapter 97: Unlucky Luo Hao

Finally, Jia Siwen finished the recitation.

There were only crying voices in the entire multimedia classroom, and they all seemed to think of their mother.

"Cut, what's the point of crying? One by one?" A harsh voice suddenly sounded, Jia Siwen followed his reputation, and saw Luo Hao holding his hands on his chest and said with a disdainful face.

Jia Siwen was stunned for a moment, he just used [Psychedelic Voice] just now! It stands to reason that everyone present is inferior to his mental strength and will definitely be brought into the illusion he created, but Luo Hao has not been brought into it!

Luo Hao said with disdain: "Isn't it just a mother doing things to the child? What's so funny about it? It's ridiculous. These things should have been done by the mother. It's justified."

Jia Siwen frowned slightly. According to Luo Hao's statement, Luo Hao must have been brought into the illusion, there is no doubt about it.

In this case, Luo Hao is probably a person who has no empathy at all. He can't understand the feelings of others. He has always been self-centered, and has no regard for other people's feelings!

"Huh! Such a selfish guy." Jia Siwen's face sank and murmured, "If this is the case, then I will let you learn something!"

After speaking, Jia Siwen slowly said: "Luo Hao, please come up and help me wipe the blackboard."

Luo Hao said impatiently, "Why do you want me to wipe it? Don't you have any hands?"

"Hehe, Luo Hao's name has been spread throughout the school a long time ago, and I want to have a good contact with Luo Hao." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

Jia Siwen's flattery made Luo Hao dizzy, and praised him in front of so many teachers, which satisfied his vanity.

"Well, it's not bad, since you said that, then I will reluctantly wipe a blackboard for you." Luo Hao stood up and said.

The teachers behind frowned.

"This teacher Jia actually talks to the students like this. This is not the time for get out of class. It's a loss of teacher's dignity!" Wu Yalin said strangely.

Li Shujing on the side nodded in agreement and said: "That's right, this kind of person is not worthy of being a teacher! He will only shame Nancheng No. 1 Middle School and discredit the profession of the teacher!"

Wu Yalin glanced at Li Shujing with admiration, as long as someone agrees with him, it will resonate with other teachers, and he can take the opportunity to get the principal to expel Jia Siwen.

"That said, we still have to look like teachers when we are teachers. We can get closer to the students after class, but we have to keep a sense of proportion. How can we flatter students? It's really shameful!"

"Yes, the young teacher now, hey..."


Seeing several older teachers around him agreeing, Wu Yalin's heart was full of joy. These older, senior teachers seem to be inconvenient at ordinary times, but as long as they speak, the principal has to show face!

Wang Qiao's eyebrows frowned slightly. She looked back at Wu Yalin and said, "Mr. Wu, what's wrong with Mr. Jia's talking to the classmates? What's the problem? He can also activate the classroom atmosphere and stimulate the emotions of the classmates by speaking like this. It's much better for some teachers to just read the text to the textbook, right?"

Wu Yalin's face was cold, he gritted his teeth and said: "I didn't read the textbook right in class. Do you still read the extracurricular books like Teacher Jia?"

"Language is never just the content in class. If you want to really do well in language and literature, you must learn extracurricular content. This is the basic common sense." Wang Qiaoan said lightly, "But Wu Yalin, obviously you don't Knowing this, your idea is to just upload the content of the text casually, and don't care if the students can understand it."

Wu Yalin's face was pale. Indeed, Wang Qiaoan was right. Although Wu Yalin knew the extracurricular content, he didn't bother to look for the extracurricular knowledge.

Even the knowledge in the textbooks took a long time to teach. How can there be time to teach extracurricular content?

"Hmph, anyway, Jia Siwen is wrong to talk to the students in this way." Wu Yalin said angrily when he could not tell the difference.

"Haha, why don't you want to add a crime?" Wang Qiaoan smiled and ignored Wu Yalin.

Wu Yalin was trembling with anger, but had nothing to say.

Luo Hao stood up and walked towards the blackboard. When he picked up the blackboard eraser and was about to wipe the blackboard, red chili powder was sprinkled out of the blackboard eraser, and all fell on Luo Hao's face and clothes.


The severe pain caused by the chili powder immediately made Luo Hao scream, and clutched his face tightly.

But how could he stop the chili powder? The chili powder slid through his fingers and fell into his mouth.

The tingling sensation spread in his mouth instantly, and the pain made him open his mouth wide, and he kept fanning his mouth with his hands, trying to fan the pepper out.

But what Luo Hao didn't know was that his subordinates directly selected the hottest devil pepper in order to let this chili powder completely solve Jia Siwen.

As soon as this chili entered the mouth, it felt like his mouth was on fire. It could make a person's face flushed with hotness. How could Luo Hao stand this?

"Water! I want water! I want water!" Luo Hao kept shouting.

The students below were also panicked. Suddenly someone pointed to the bottle of water on the podium and shouted: "Look, isn't there water there?"

Hearing these words, Luo Hao, who was in a panic, seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw. He immediately turned his head and rushed towards the bottle of water.

When Dafei and Zhang Yang in the audience saw this, their expressions suddenly changed. The two wanted to shout to stop Luo Hao, but at this time, where would Luo Hao listen to others?

He grabbed the bottle of water, unscrewed the bottle cap without even looking, and took a few mouthfuls, suddenly feeling that the hotness in his mouth was reduced a lot.

"Much more comfortable." Luo Hao breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his mouth became much cooler.

But in the next second, he suddenly felt a groaning cry in his stomach, and the whole stomach was hurting like a river.

Dou Da's cold sweat dripped from Luo Hao's forehead and dripped to the ground. He looked at the water bottle in his hand with an incredible expression, and rushed out of the classroom like crazy.

When he stepped on the pool of oil at the door, his body suddenly lost his center of gravity, and he fell heavily to the ground with a "plop".

Principal Zhang, who was sitting behind, changed his face when he saw this.

You know, Luo Hao is the son of Nancheng No. 2 High School. If he were to know that his son was injured in Nancheng No. 1 Middle School, he would be the headmaster.

"Hurry over and take a look!" Principal Zhang said with a wave of his hand.