
Chapter 9: As light as a swallow

The principal smiled and accompanied Professor William to leave, leaving only one sentence when he left, turning Teacher Jia Siwen into a regular position.

This sentence made Jia Siwen overjoyed.

Although Nancheng No. 1 Middle School is not a top-notch school, it is not easy for the intern teachers of this school to become a regular student. If there is no relationship, it is almost difficult to become a regular student.

This time, Jia Siwen also took advantage of this opportunity to turn himself into a regular position and officially became a physical education teacher in Nancheng No. 1 Middle School.

The other intern teachers looked at Jia Siwen with envy and jealousy. They were all worried about the assessment of the conversion, and they were ready to give the principal a gift. As a result, Jia Siwen turned straight!

But what can be done? This is what Jia Siwen did when he did physics problems, and he couldn't imitate it at all.

Niu Guangyuan came over and looked at Jia Siwen enviously and said, "Damn, your kid is really lucky, you must treat yourself tonight!"

"No problem, at the hotel at the entrance, you can order whatever you want." Jia Siwen said generously.

"Damn, there is only one S County Hotel at the door!" Niu Guangyuan said dissatisfiedly.

"Yeah, isn't S County Hotel a hotel? Don't you look down on S County snacks?" Jia Siwen said with an upright expression, "We as teachers, we must lead by example, honesty and integrity, absolutely not too extravagant ."

Hearing Jia Siwen's distorted theory, Niu Guangyuan grew up for a while. He waved his hand and said: "Forget it, S county is S county. I will order three-point duck leg rice in the evening and have a good meal."


At night, Jia Siwen lay quietly on the bed. He was in a teacher's dormitory, but this was only the intern teacher's dormitory.

This was given to them after the old teacher's dormitory was retired. The house was older than him. The walls were covered with green moss, and there were even a few cracks, which looked like a dilapidated house.

If he hadn't just graduated and had no money to rent a house, he would have rented it out long ago.

Thinking of the brand-new teachers' dormitory after he became a regular employee, Jia Siwen's heart was full of hope again.

Thinking about it, Jia Siwen fell asleep faintly. In his dream, he dreamed that he was driving in a luxury car and taking Teacher Qiao Wanrong for a ride on the street. When he stopped the car, Qiao Wanrong slowly turned Mouth leaned towards him.

Jia Siwen's heart beat faster, and when he was about to meet him, the alarm clock suddenly rang.

"Damn!" Jia Siwen suddenly woke up from his sleep, Qiao Wanrong who was in front of him just now disappeared instantly, and the old wall was still replaced.

"I will take you apart next time!" Jia Siwen gritted his teeth while looking at the severely worn alarm clock beside him.

Although helpless, Jia Siwen got up.

"Today's seckill products are on the shelves, please check the system mall page for details."

This familiar voice rang in Jia Siwen's mind, and his heartbeat suddenly missed a beat and jumped directly.

He quickly opened the system mall and checked it carefully.

There are still three spike products in the mall.

A Maserati sports car, a high-end residential house, and a special skill.

Light as a swallow.

Looking at this familiar four-character idiom, Jia Siwen was a little curious: Hey, can it be said that after learning this skill, my body can really be as light as the swallow?

Jia Siwen has liked to read martial arts novels since he was a child. Whenever he saw those heroes in the novels rise into the air and fly up to the cliff of ten thousand meters, his heart is very excited.

He also jumped from the roof with a branch as a sword, but he almost fell dead on the spot, and suffered a broken leg bone. He stayed in the hospital for three months and was scolded by his family.

With curiosity, Jia Siwen chose [body as light as a swallow]!

After he chose, he suddenly felt his body lighten, and the gravity of the earth seemed to have lost its effect on him.

He tapped his toes, his body jumped more than two meters easily, his head slammed against the ceiling, and he made a "boom" sound.


Jia Siwen fell to the ground abruptly, just clutching his head, grinning in pain.

But the pain in the head did not extinguish the excitement in Jia Siwen's heart at all.

This is the real light work!

He barely used much force just now, and his body jumped so high. If he tried harder, wouldn't he have to reach at least three or four meters? This can easily break the world record!

"If I go to join the national team, how much will I be paid?" Jia Siwen wondered with joy in his heart.

But he immediately rejected the idea.

The world record is just over two meters, and he easily jumped three or four meters. It would be strange if he was not taken as a monster to study.

"Forget it, I'd better be my physical education teacher, just show it to the students occasionally." Jia Siwen stretched out and said with joy.

After getting up, dressing and washing, he walked out of the room.

When he walked out, the door to the next room opened, and Niu Guangyuan walked out together.

As soon as Niu Guangyuan saw Jia Siwen, he said in surprise: "Hey, Jia Siwen, why are you still living here? Haven't you all become regular?"

Jia Siwen yawned and said, "Don't worry, I will go to the Academic Affairs Office to ask Director Liu after the class."

"Oh, I really envy you. Everyone has just graduated, so you turned into a regular employee. It's really more popular than others." Niu Guangyuan said enviously.

"Hahaha, good luck, good luck, let's go quickly, we're going to have some **** next, let's get in place quickly."

Having been busy for a long time, and finally finished with the things on hand, Jia Siwen returned to the office and sat down and started to rest.

Before he warmed his ass, the principal's voice came from the door: "Mr. Jia."

Jia Siwen was taken aback, his body bounced off the chair instantly as if he had installed a spring, his face also changed into a smile, and he said respectfully: "Hello, principal."

Although I made a little fame in Nancheng No. 1 High School because of the match yesterday, I still have to look at the principal's face if I want to stay here. Otherwise, even if you don't fire you, it will be enough for you to wear small shoes.

"Hehe, Teacher Jia, Oliver has asked to come to your class. I will arrange Oliver for you in the future. You must teach well, know?" The principal said with a smile.

The principal's mood is naturally nothing to say. Since the signing of the cooperation agreement with Professor William, he is like a second spring. Everyone is smiling, and people who don't know think what's wrong with him.

Only then did Jia Siwen saw that there was a blond boy standing beside the principal, that was Oliver.