
Chapter 77: New task

Wang Qiaoan sniffed deeply, and said in surprise: "It smells so good! You can also fry eggs?"

Jia Siwen skillfully put the eggs on the plate and put them on the table, and said with a smile: "Of course I will, I will cook a lot of dishes. When I was young, my parents always had to go out to work. I have no choice but to learn to cook by myself. Slowly, I become more and more skilled."

Wang Qiaoan looked at the two crystal-clearly fried poached eggs, and suddenly felt a violent hunger in his stomach.

"Be hungry, let's have a meal, there are no other dishes." Jia Siwen said, holding up the porridge, "Breakfast is simple."

Wang Qiaoan picked up the chopsticks and carefully picked up a piece of poached egg.

She moved very lightly, for fear of breaking the egg yolk.

After picking up the poached egg, she slowly brought it into the mouth, took a bite, and murmured: "It's really good! This poached egg is so tender!"

"You like it." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"Old Jia, I'm going to have breakfast."

While the two of them were eating breakfast, Niu Guangyuan pushed the door and walked in and shouted loudly.

In the next second, Niu Guangyuan saw Jia Siwen and Wang Qiaoan who were having breakfast.

Wang Qiaoan's face flushed instantly, and he was here to have breakfast with Jia Siwen. Doesn't it mean that he slept with Jia Siwen last night?

"Uh, that...I don't know that Teacher Wang is here, sorry, sorry, you two didn't come here before." Niu Guangyuan said hurriedly.

After speaking, he ran away like an escape.

Niu Guangyuan's reaction made Wang Qiaoan's face even redder. She gave Jia Siwen a fierce look. Jia Siwen stretched out her hands helplessly and said, "It has nothing to do with me, you have to come here to sleep."

Wang Qiaoan was so angry that she wanted to slap Jia Siwen, but thinking about it, Jia Siwen was really right, and in the end she still failed to lose her temper.

After breakfast, Wang Qiaoan left in a hurry. She hurried to give her classmates a morning study. In addition, the national flag was raised this morning, and the head teacher must be present.

Seeing that Wang Qiaoan was gone, Jia Siwen opened the system spike mall and saw three things jump out.

The first one is an ancient painting. The painting is about mountains and trees. Jia Siwen can't see the details. He just thinks that when he glances at this painting, he feels like he is on the mountain and overlooking the mountains and forests below. Open-minded, a wave of pride rushed into the sky.

"Fuchun Mountain Habitat, this is actually a Fuchun Mountain Habitat?!" Jia Siwen murmured, "This is really a famous painting handed down from generation to generation! Will it actually appear here?!"

Afterwards, Jia Siwen looked at the second item, which looked very grounded, and was a brilliant diamond.

When Jia Siwen saw this diamond, he suddenly felt his heartbeat missed a beat.

This diamond is pure deep blue, like a vast deep sea emerging in front of you, although it is only facing a diamond, but Jia Siwen feels that he is facing the vast deep sea!

"The Heart of the Deep Sea?!" Jia Siwen muttered as he looked at the diamond dumbfounded. He felt that the world was too crazy, and the Heart of the Deep Sea and the Fuchun Mountain Habitat were once again present!

If there is not only one chance, Jia Siwen really wants to replace the two things together!

Each of these is a priceless treasure.

Then Jia Siwen looked at the third item.

Compared with the first two items, this third item is not so special, but when Jia Siwen saw this item, he was still shocked.

[Psychedelic Voice]

Jia Siwen opened the introduction of [Psychedelic Voice] in a puzzled place. After reading the introduction, he knew that this [Psychedelic Voice] was the voice of the sea monster in my legend!

It is said that the sea monster will sing in the boundless deep sea, drag all the people on the big ship into the illusion, and make them kill each other!

This psychedelic sound has such a terrifying power.

Jia Siwen knew that if according to the record on that mysterious ancient scroll, this kind of martial arts should be regarded as a special kind of sonic martial arts, and it is also the rarest fantasy martial arts in sonic martial arts!

Can directly bring others into the illusion, and this illusion is basically controlled by Jia Siwen himself, as long as he wants, he can even control the enemy to commit suicide!

Of course, this also has a prerequisite, that is, the enemy's mental power must be weaker than him, otherwise it will be impossible to pull into the illusion.

Looking at these three things, Jia Siwen's heart was very difficult to choose.

"Forget it, don't press down with more skills, as long as I am good enough, I will have more chances to get the baby in the future! Moreover, even if I now get the Fuchun Mountain Habitat and the Heart of the Deep Sea, if someone else knows about it, I'm afraid it will provoke a murder. What a curse!" Jia Siwen still knows the truth of guilt.

In the end, Jia Siwen reluctantly changed [Psychedelic Voice].

After making the choice, Jia Siwen suddenly noticed a warm current pouring into his throat, and then he returned to the original state.

He coughed twice and didn't notice any difference.

"I have to find a chance to try this [Psychedelic Voice]." Jia Siwen said eagerly in his heart.

In that ancient scroll, the magical martial arts were blown up in a magical way, as if the magical martial arts could be invincible in the world, Jia Siwen naturally wanted to try it.

But now there is no chance to try, he can only control his mood and wait for the opportunity to come.

When Jia Siwen exited the spike mall, the system prompt sounded in his ears.

"Ding Dong, the new task of the system is released, please receive it in time for the host," the system said.

"Is there a new mission again?!" Jia Siwen's eyes were full of excitement. A mission means a more generous reward. Maybe you can get something good!

Jia Siwen couldn't wait to call out the mission system. When he saw the new missions given by the system, he was immediately dumbfounded.

The last open class? !

That's right, the task of the system is to let Jia Siwen go to an open class!

Jia Siwen's face was green.

If it is a teacher of other courses, it is not difficult to have a public class, but the problem is that he is a physical education teacher, and he is also a physical education teacher in the third year!

It's pretty good to still be able to take physical education classes. Would you like to take public classes? It's just a foolish dream!

"The countdown to the task has started. Please complete the task within 24 hours, otherwise you will be severely punished." The system said lightly.

"I rely on it, a silly system! Can you give a normal person a task that can be completed? Don't embarrass me every time! Do you think I have good luck every time?" Jia Siwen yelled angrily.

"The tasks given by the system correspond exactly to the host's current situation, and there will never be any tasks that make the host difficult. Please rest assured, the host," the system explained.