
Chapter 7: Complete in three minutes

Liu Wenchang was also hard to believe in his heart, but it was indeed thanks to Jia Siwen's reminder just now, otherwise he was still calculating with complicated formulas, even if it was three days and three nights, it would be impossible to calculate the correct answer.

Seeing everyone's eyes turned to him, Jia Siwen touched his nose with some embarrassment and said, "What? Is the matter of being a physical genius exposed? Alas, I wanted to keep a low profile, but now I can't keep a low profile. It's a headache."

There was a boo in the surroundings, and they looked at Jia Siwen with contempt one by one. They really couldn't believe that Jia Siwen actually made the question just now.

luck! It's purely a blind cat and a dead mouse.

In the end they can only think of this word.

Professor William ignored the words of the people around him, he knew at a glance whether he could be physics.

"Are you willing to accept my challenge?" Oliver looked at Jia Siwen with a fiery face and said.

Oliver, like his father, is all physicists. It is rare to encounter a person who is equally proficient in physics, and it is inevitable that he wants to compete.

Jia Siwen shook his head helplessly and said: "Since you want to claim defeat, then I will give you a chance."

The people around looked at Jia Siwen with contempt, and thought: This guy is really ignorant of the heights, do you really think that if you encounter luck, you can come back to luck? After being abused by Oliver, I'm afraid I will be speechless.

Professor William glanced at the two of them, then sat down and began to write questions.

In just a few minutes, he took out a question and put it in front of Jia Siwen and Oliver.

"This is a thermodynamics problem. It was used in country Y when it made intercontinental ballistic missiles." Professor William said casually.

Hearing this sentence, the teachers behind each craned their necks and wanted to come together to see what the subject of being able to participate in the manufacture of intercontinental ballistic missiles looks like.

When they saw the series of characters and formulas above, their heads suddenly became bigger.

If it weren't for the Chinese in the title, I'm afraid they would think that the title was written in English.

"Oh my God, what should I do with such a difficult question?"

"I can't even understand the topic. What is this topic? It's too torturous. Is this a topic for people to see? It's terrifying for me to reinforce it."

"Physics is too difficult, I really can't learn it without a little brain."


The surrounding teachers talked a lot, and their faces were filled with rejoicing and gloating.

Fortunately, I don't need to go up and do this problem. Even if I didn't do it, I can't blame them. They are gloating when they see Jia Siwen doing the problem. They don't believe that Jia Siwen can do this problem at the level of Jia Siwen.

Jia Siwen glanced at the problem and already had several ideas for solving the problem.

He glanced at Oliver's draft paper again, which was densely packed with formulas, which made people feel dazzled at first glance.

However, the thing that usually gives Jia Siwen a headache has now become what he is best at.

At a glance, he had already thought of all the opponent's ideas for solving the problem.

As the saying goes, he knows himself and knows his opponents victorious in all battles. He originally wanted to decide his own problem solving speed based on Oliver's problem solving speed. But when he took a look now, he found that Oliver had taken the wrong idea of ​​solving the problem, and if he continued like this, the correct answer would not appear.

"Hey, it's really boring, let's take a break first." Jia Siwen said with a yawn.

He lay on the table and closed his eyes and started to take a nap!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the surrounding teachers and the principal turned black.

What is this called? Obviously it was here to play, so it's okay for you to start sleeping right away? Even if you can't, you have to pretend to work hard!

Oliver on the side saw that Jia Siwen was actually sleeping on his stomach, and a trace of mockery flashed in his eyes.

After a few minutes, the principal really couldn't stand it anymore. He lowered his voice and said, "Jia Siwen, what are you doing? You won't stand up and pretend to me, what do you look like now! Do you still think about it? Continue to do it in school?"

Hearing the principal's words, Jia Siwen immediately opened his eyes and said with a smile: "Principal, I'm not taking a break. I'm putting some water on my opponent, otherwise I'll win it all at once. It's so boring, you Can't you stop me from turning right because of this!"

"Puff, hahaha..."

Hearing what Jia Siwen said, the other teachers couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Give water to your opponent? Teacher Jia, you can really laugh. If you can't do it, you can't do it. Don't make any excuses. What's more, your excuse is so bad that no one will believe it."

Jia Siwen showed an inscrutable smile on his face and said: "It seems that you don't believe it anymore. Whoever doesn't believe it will stand up. I'll make a bet with you."

"What do you want to bet on?" a teacher said jokingly.

"If I can do this question within three minutes, then I can directly convert to the right, how about it?" Jia Siwen said confidently.

"What if you can't do it?" The teachers asked contemptuously, not believing what Jia Siwen said.

"If I can't do it, then the rest of the school's toilets will be handed over to me for one month." Jia Siwen put up an index finger and said with a smile.

"Okay! That's it!" Many teachers shouted excitedly.

They all saw Liu Wenchang's calculations beside him. Liu Wenchang didn't get a result after calculating for a long time. Just relying on Jia Siwen, a physical education teacher, wanted to make it? It's as difficult as the sky!

"Okay, the principal is here today. Everyone will give me a testimony to see how I got better." Jia Siwen said confidently.

Other teachers sneered, and no one believed that Jia Siwen could solve this problem in three minutes.

Jia Siwen picked up the pen on the table and began to count on the draft paper.

As the formulas were written down one by one, three minutes was almost up.

At two minutes and fifty seconds, Jia Siwen put down the pen in his hand, showed the answer sheet in front of everyone, and said with a smile: "I'm done."

Unlike the draft papers of Oliver and Liu Wenchang, Jia Siwen's paper is very neat and tidy, as if participating in a calligraphy competition.

"That's it, can it be correct?" one of the teachers said disdainfully.

"Is it right, just let Professor William have a look?" Jia Siwen confidently handed the answer sheet to Professor William.

As soon as Professor William took the answer sheet, he looked at it seriously.