
Chapter 59: Captain Yang's revenge

Jia Siwen smiled bitterly and said, "Lao Li, I didn't expect you to be the director of the security office!"

"Hehe, it's not in a hurry today, and I didn't have time to say, fortunately, those guys didn't do anything to you." Li Liangcai saw that Jia Siwen was unscathed, and he said with a sigh of relief.

Jia Siwen unfastened the handcuffs, twisted his muscles and bones, and then felt a lot of relief.

"Thanks to you, Lao Li, if you didn't come in time, I'm afraid I would have been beaten by those guys." Jia Siwen said with a wry smile.

"I have received a report from the Zhang family a long time ago, but I understand the Zhang family's style, so I didn't listen to their side words. I learned what the neighbors around your house saw. I just happened to see you taken away by them. I rushed back in a hurry." Li Liangcai sighed and said, "Some of them accept bribes. I will report to the Supervision Department and let the Supervision Department handle it."

"Then trouble you Lao Li, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"No problem, you go back first, I will take care of the Zhang family's affairs, and I will contact you when there is progress in the follow-up." Li Liangcai said with a smile.

Jia Siwen nodded and left the security station and walked towards home.

Although Captain Yang and the others drove in a car when they came to capture Jia Siwen, they were actually only about one kilometer away, and it took only ten minutes to walk there.

Jia Siwen slowly walked towards home. Suddenly, he felt as if someone was following behind him, but when he turned his head, he found that there was nothing.

Most of the towns are small alleys. If you want to hide, there are still many obstacles around, which give the other side a lot of help.

Jia Siwen sneered in his heart, but on the surface he remained silent and continued to walk forward.

Seeing Jia Siwen continuing to walk forward, Captain Yang, who was hiding behind the trash can, quietly poked his head out, his eyes staring at Jia Siwen almost burst into flames.

If it weren't for Jia Siwen, he would not lose this position, and now he has to take revenge on Jia Siwen!

"Follow up!" Captain Yang waved his hand, and the few men chased in the direction where Jia Siwen had left.

Jia Siwen turned left and right and walked into an alley. This alley is already on the edge of the town. At the end of the alley is a small pond.

Because there is a lot of garbage in the small pond, no one passes through it at ordinary times.

When Captain Yang saw this, he was overjoyed, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a cold smile: "Hehe, brat, you don't want to go on the big road by yourself, but you have to take this kind of path. This time you are dead, I will take the You throw it into the pond to accompany the garbage, and no one knows when you die!"

He waved his hand, and then walked into the alley with a few of his men.

When they walked into the alley, they saw Jia Siwen standing quietly at a distance of about a hundred meters from them, looking at them.

When Jia Siwen saw them walking into the alley, there was a smile on his face, and he put his arms around his chest and said lightly: "Hehe, you really came in, there are no people around here, you will definitely not give up this opportunity, I was right. Right? Captain Yang."

Captain Yang saw that Jia Siwen had noticed their tracking in advance, the expressions on their faces were stagnant at first, and then returned to normal.

"Huh, what can I do if you find out?" Captain Yang said dismissively, "You want to fight with a few of us on your own? You are so courageous."

Although Captain Yang and several of them were dismissed from their posts, they had still been in the security post before, and they had learned the special capture and fighting skills of the security bureau.

These are all genuine fighting skills, much more practical than ordinary punches and kicks!

Jia Siwen spread out his hands and said indifferently: "Since you are here, then I will naturally entertain you. Come if you have anything."

Captain Yang saw that Jia Siwen looked down on the four of them, his face darkened, and he waved his hand and said, "Xiao Li, go and teach him a lesson! To deal with this kind of brazen guy, there is no need for the four of us to work together!"

"No problem, I will let this guy know and dare to offend our fate!" A man with a height of over 1.6 meters twisted his neck and sneered.

Although Xiao Li's height is not very high, his body is very strong, with all muscle lines on his arms, which looks like a bodybuilder.

With that said, Xiao Li took a step towards Jia Siwen.


When Xiao Li approached Jia Siwen about 20 meters away, his eyes suddenly changed, and his otherwise plain eyes instantly became sharp.

With a violent drink from him, his body suddenly burst like a cannonball and rushed directly towards Jia Siwen.

Xiao Li charged quickly, came to Jia Siwen in the blink of an eye, and hit Jia Siwen with a punch.

Seeing Xiao Li's quick shot, Captain Yang nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's not bad. Xiao Li's strength has increased, and his speed seems to have increased again."

"Oh, if this guy solves that kid, it would be really boring, I still want to do it! This **** has lost our work, I must kill him!" One of the strong men clenched tightly. Fist, staring at Jia Siwen and said coldly.

"Count me! Mother, I have to knock out all his teeth!" the other person said viciously.

Jia Siwen stared at Xiao Li's fist, he waved his hand casually, and patted his palm lightly forward.

Xiao Li sneered, and used his palm to fight his fist. This is not rock-paper-scissors. Do you really think he is a very high hand?

But when his fist fell on Jia Siwen's palm, his face changed instantly.

Because he felt that all the power on his fist was absorbed by Jia Siwen's palm, and Jia Siwen's face looked like an okay person, completely unaffected!

Jia Siwen said lightly: "The speed is barely okay, but this power is not enough."

Hearing Jia Siwen's comment, Xiao Li's nose was crooked.

I'm not here to test my strength. What kind of thing is this? Who can do it if he is not strong enough? He is a person who can hold two hundred catties in both hands. Can you find someone who can do it?

"Asshole, die for Lao Tzu!" Xiao Li's other fist suddenly shook Jia Siwen's chest. He wanted to knock Jia Siwen to the ground directly, so that he could take the lead, and then he could directly. Suppressed Jia Siwen out of breath.