
Chapter 57: Black hand

After a while, the talent slowed down. He stood up and said to Jia Siwen, "Thank you, boy."

Jia Siwen took a look at the person in front of him.

This is a middle-aged man wearing plain clothes. Because he fell into the big pit, his clothes were covered with mud and sand, and even his sleeves were torn open with a big hole. His appearance looked very miserable.

However, Jia Siwen noticed that there was a hint of majesty in this man's expression. He knew that this middle-aged man might not be as simple as he thought.

"No thanks, please help others, this is what I should do." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"Hey, I really don't know who dug the hole!" The man stared at the big hole on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "If you let me know, I won't be able to spare him."

"Uncle, why did you fall into the pit?" Jia Siwen asked suspiciously.

"Oh, didn't I want to go up the mountain to collect some herbs. The herbs over there were all collected. I thought of coming here to take a look. I didn't expect it to fall off, and my waist felt like I was about to break. "The uncle said painfully, touching his waist.

"I remember it was forbidden to dig pits a few years ago, why are there still pits?" Jia Siwen frowned and said.

"Hey, who knows? I don't know which family has dug such a big pit here. Fortunately, I have a strong body. If I fall in another person, I'm afraid I will really break my leg and break it." The middle-aged man wrinkled. Said with a frown.

Jia Siwen frowned and said: "This kind of behavior must be stopped, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

"I know." The middle-aged man nodded. He turned around and smiled and nodded to Jia Siwen and said, "Thank you young man, what is your name?"

"My name is Jia Siwen." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"Okay, you can call me Lao Li, Xiao Jia, thank you for your life-saving this time, come to me for anything in the future, as long as it is legally permitted, I will do my best!" Lao Li Zhengqi Said awe-inspiringly.

Jia Siwen smiled and nodded and said, "Thanks to Lao Li, I will definitely be welcome in the future."

"If this is the case, then I'll go first, and I have to go back and treat the wound as soon as possible." Old Li touched his waist and said with a bitter smile.

"You are careful on the road, don't fall again." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it won't happen this time." Lao Li waved to Jia Siwen and walked quickly down the mountain.

Watching Lao Li walking away, Jia Siwen picked up the sickle and cut the herbs again, and soon filled the medicine box behind.

Seeing a basket full of herbs, Jia Siwen went down the mountain contentedly and returned home.

Li Shujing looked at Jia Siwen with a surprised look and said: "Hey, Siwen, how did you get so many herbs?"

"Haha, good luck today." Jia Siwen spread the herbs on the two bamboo mats and placed them neatly in the courtyard to welcome the sun.

These herbs have to be dried in order to be better preserved.

Looking at her son at work, Li Shujing's face showed a gratified smile. With Jia Siwen at home, all these tasks can be handed over to Jia Siwen, and she can also relax a lot.

Just as Jia Siwen was drying the herbs, the sound of a car suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

He looked up and saw two security bureau cars and a black car parked outside the yard.

The person who got off the black car is just an acquaintance of Jia Siwen, Zhang Kangning!

Immediately afterwards, several Security Bureau personnel in uniforms walked down and followed Zhang Kangning to the courtyard of Jia Siwen's house.

"Jia Siwen, open the door quickly, I know you are at home!" Zhang Kangning walked to the gate of the yard and shouted after patting the gate of the yard heavily.

Jia Siwen frowned slightly, he put down the herbs in his hand and walked to the gate, opened the gate, and at a glance, he saw Zhang Kangning and the security staff standing at the gate.

"Hmph, Jia Siwen, this time you are dead!" Zhang Kangning said, staring at Jia Siwen with a sneer.

Jia Siwen looked at the security bureau personnel. A leader dressed up as a captain walked forward and took out a piece of paper to Jia Siwen and said: "We have received a report. You are suspected of intentionally hurting others. You must follow us. Once, go back and be investigated."

This piece of paper placed in front of Jia Siwen is an arrest warrant!

Jia Siwen nodded. He knew that it would be very unwise to oppose the security bureau.

If he resists arrest, Zhang Kang Ning will be in his arms.

The captain took out a pair of shiny silver handcuffs from his waist and put them on Jia Siwen directly.

Li Shujing heard the movement outside and ran out in a hurry. When she saw someone from the Security Bureau, she paled with fright.

"Comrade, what did Siwen do? Why are you arresting him?" Li Shujing said nervously, pulling the captain.

"He is suspected of intentionally hurting others. We want to take him back for investigation." The captain glanced at Li Shujing and said impatiently, "You'd better not be nosy, otherwise, we will bring you back with you."

Li Shujing was shocked by the captain's words. She was an honest person all her life. She had never broken the law, and naturally she had never contacted anyone from the Security Bureau.

Jia Siwen smiled and said: "Mom, you go back first, I'll be investigated, and I'll be back after the investigation."

"Huh, come back? I don't think you can come back." Zhang Kangning put his hands on his chest and sneered.

Jia Siwen glanced at Zhang Kangning and said faintly: "Master Zhang is very prestigious, even the security staff can be found, but I will not admit defeat."

"Huh, see if you will be so mad in a while?" Zhang Kangning showed a cold smile on his face.

He had greeted Captain Yang a long time ago, and when Jia Siwen entered the interrogation room, he would "enter" him well and make him honest.

Captain Yang escorted Jia Siwen into the car. He waved to Zhang Kangning and said, "Master Zhang, let's go first. Go back and interrogate the prisoner."

"Okay, Brother Yang, then I won't bother you. Please call me anytime if you have anything to do." Zhang Kangning said with a smile, "I will bring you some good wines for you to try the next day. All are imported foreign wines. It tastes good."

As soon as Captain Yang heard this, his eyes lighted up, and he sucked in his saliva and said, "Okay, then I will thank you first."

After speaking, Captain Yang directed his men to drive, and several cars whizzed away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Li Shujing stood in place anxiously. She was so scared that she had no choice but to find a mastermind to discuss countermeasures.