
Chapter 30: Jump in line?

When Jia Siwen saw Niu Guangyuan's miserable appearance, his eyes were red, and he said coldly, "Who did this?"

Yang Zi couldn't help but shudder, and said, "It's not me, it's them! It's them!"

Looking at the little brothers who were wailing on the ground, Jia Siwen wanted to go up and give everyone a punch, but he still couldn't bear it in his heart.

"If I dare to come next time, I will never show mercy." Jia Siwen said coldly.

"Yes, yes, we don't dare anymore." Yang Zi hurriedly knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said.

Jia Siwen put Niu Guangyuan on his back and walked quickly toward the road outside.

He took Niu Guangyuan to the avenue and drove a car to the Nancheng First People's Hospital.

Nancheng No. 1 People's Hospital is the best hospital in Nancheng, so there is an endless stream of people coming every day, and it takes half a day to register.

Jia Siwen walked directly into the emergency room with Niu Guangyuan on his back.

The entire emergency room is overcrowded, and if you want to go forward, you have to find a chance to get through the gap in the crowd.

If it was Jia Siwen alone, it would really be able to pass smoothly, but it would be very difficult for him to walk over with a Niu Guangyuan on his back.

Just when Jia Siwen was embarrassed, a crisp voice suddenly rang in his ears: "Hey, benefactor!"

Hearing this familiar and unfamiliar voice, Jia Siwen looked back subconsciously, and at a glance he saw Ye Siruo in a white coat, holding a report in Ye Siruo's hand.

"Doctor Ye, what a coincidence." Jia Siwenqiang said hello with a smile.

Although Ye Siruo is very beautiful, he is not in the mood to see beautiful women now. He is worried about Niu Guangyuan's safety.

After all, Niu Guangyuan was injured so badly, in case it was delayed for a long time, Jia Siwen would regret it for the rest of his life, because he asked Niu Guangyuan to help with him yesterday.

"What's wrong?" Ye Siro frowned, staring at Niu Guangyuan and said.

"He was beaten." Jia Siwen said bitterly, "The injury is very serious."

"Ah? I was beaten? What's the matter?" Ye Siluo was taken aback and asked hurriedly.

"Because of yesterday's events, those people who found helpers came back today. Lao Niu went out to eat alone and was seized by them." Jia Siwen's face was a bit cold, he clenched his fists, his eyes were about to breathe fire. Up.

His heart was full of self-blame. If it weren't for himself, Niu Guangyuan would not have suffered this unreasonable disaster!

But now he didn't even have the opportunity to seek medical treatment for Niu Guangyuan.

"What? Are you retaliated?" Ye Siruo said in shock, "Then what about you? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, I just received a slight injury. The old cow is seriously injured. Can you arrange it in advance?" Jia Siwen asked helplessly.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help this matter!" Ye Siruo said firmly, "This matter started because of me, and I will definitely help the old cow."

"Thank you." Jia Siwen said gratefully.

"Come with me, let's go over here." Ye Siro pointed to the employee channel beside him and said.

"Okay." Jia Siwen nodded and followed Ye Siruo to the employee channel.

The staff channel can go directly to the front of the emergency desk, which is also for the convenience of medical staff who have some urgent matters to deal with to walk quickly.

Walking in the staff passage, I soon came to the front of the emergency desk and became the first in the team!

Ye Siro stood in front of the emergency desk and said to the nurse in the emergency desk with a serious look: "Xiao Wang, you will arrange X-ray examination and surgery immediately. This patient's situation is urgent!"

"Okay Doctor Ye!" The nurse nodded hurriedly and started working on the computer.

"Yo! Your doctor actually took the initiative to jump in with your acquaintances?"

At this moment, a sharp and piercing voice came from behind. Jia Siwen looked back and saw that it was a middle-aged aunt who looked more than 50 years old.

The aunt's hair was a little gray, and she stared at Ye Siruo and Jia Siwen with triangular eyes, as if she couldn't wait to take them alive.

"Auntie, we are not jumping in line." Ye Siro explained.

"Isn't it to jump in the line? I've been in line for most of the day, and the result is about to come to me, but you brought people in. What is this not to jump in? The big guy judges!" the middle-aged aunt said angrily.

"Yes, this is clearly jumping in line!" An old man who looked more than 60 years old behind the middle-aged aunt immediately stood up to support the middle-aged aunt and said.

"Yeah, I also lined up for the whole afternoon, and I have to hurry back to class." Another girl with dyed red hair and school uniform said dissatisfiedly.

Seeing someone speak for herself, the middle-aged aunt suddenly became more vigorous: "Even if you are a doctor, you can't bring your acquaintances to jump in the queue! Everyone is watching!"

Ye Sirodai frowned and her voice became cold: "At the emergency desk, there is no first-come-first-served distinction, only the severity of the illness. Why are you uncomfortable?"

The middle-aged aunt pointed to her feet and said, "My feet have been itchy for a long time, and they are too uncomfortable."

"I don't feel well here." The old man pointed to his stomach and said.

"My foot was sprained while running, and it still hurts. What if it swells up if I don't deal with it in time?" the girl complained.

"If I guessed correctly, Auntie, your feet should be athlete's foot." Jia Siwen stood up and said lightly, "Uncle, you are referring to your own stomach, it means you should have a stomachache, right?"

The old man nodded and said, "Yes, it's been several years."

"The old thing is sick." Jia Siwen nodded, looked at the last girl and said, "As for your sprained foot, you have judged it yourself, so I won't say more."

"You are all some of the most common diseases, and my friend was injured and his leg was almost broken. Is your condition more serious than his?" Jia Siwen's face gradually became gloomy After coming down, his tone also became cold as frost.

"Huh, is it amazing to be beaten up? The little gangster fights, and it deserves to be beaten to death!" The middle-aged aunt gave Jia Siwen a disdainful look.

"Auntie, they are not rascals, they are good people who are righteous and brave!" Ye Siro stood up and said with a firm look at everyone present, "Yesterday my bag was snatched by someone, and they helped me take it back. But today they were retaliated by the other side and they were labeled as such, so they are eligible to see a doctor in advance, and they must also see a doctor in advance. Does anyone else want to say anything?"