
Chapter 26: trap

Jia Siwen still didn't know what happened in class, he strolled slowly back to his bedroom and was about to lie down to sleep.

He and Lao Niu were fighting for four or five hours in the game last night, and they hardly slept. Naturally, they had to take advantage of the afternoon to make up for their sleep.

Niu Guangyuan pushed the door in, rubbed his red eyes and said, "Old Jia, are you going to eat?"

Jia Siwen lay on the bed and waved his hand and said: "Don't eat, I have eaten."

"I'm going, you guy went to eat secretly behind my back!" Niu Guangyuan's eyes were wide and he looked at Jia Siwen and said, "No, I remember you are not used to eating alone, then who did you eat at noon? ?"

"Hey, it's Teacher Wang, the teacher of the seventh class." Jia Siwen said with a smile.

Niu Guangyuan shuddered and said, "I'll go, Lao Jia, you are so powerful that you dare to soak even the Tigress from Class 7? Are you afraid that she will eat you alive?"

"Cut, what's so scary about this, as long as you are courageous, Zhenzi will be on maternity leave!" Jia Siwen said with a smile, "You go to dinner, I won't accompany you, I have to make up for the rest."

"Then you go to sleep." Niu Guangyuan nodded and walked directly out of the school.

When Niu Guangyuan came outside the school, most of the snack bars outside the school were closed. The snack bars here only open at noon and evening meals. After all, their main business objects are the students in the school. No one comes to eat with them.

"What should I eat?" Niu Guangyuan was puzzled looking at the few remaining stores outside.

"Forget it, let's take a look while walking, what's delicious to eat." Niu Guangyuan murmured.

While talking, Niu Guangyuan slowly walked forward.

At this moment, Niu Guangyuan slowly drove a small black electric car behind him. On the electric car were two young men in vests.

The man in the back seat pointed to Niu Guangyuan and whispered, "Is that him?"

The driver nodded and said, "Yes, it's him, get ready to do it."

"No problem." The man in the back row raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and said faintly.

The electric car suddenly accelerated, and the car rushed towards Niu Guangyuan with howling.


The electric car directly hit Niu Guangyuan's calf, and there was a muffled noise.


No matter how strong Niu Guangyuan's body is, it is nothing more than a mortal body. How could it be possible to stop the sudden collision of an electric car?

He was knocked directly to the ground, with a pained expression on his face, and he kept groaning with low pain in his mouth.

"Haha, boy, you made trouble before, right?" The man in the back row stared at Niu Guangyuan with a sneer, "I will teach you a lesson today. If you dare to commit another crime next time, then you have to be careful of your own life."

After speaking, they prepared to drive away.

Niu Guangyuan gritted his teeth. He stretched out his hand to hold his calf tightly and stood up, staring at the two men with ox-like eyes and said, "You two stop me!"

He limped and chased in the direction where the two fled.

When the two saw this, a cold smile appeared at the corners of their mouths: "Hehe, this stupid big guy really got fooled, let's drive into the alley."

"No problem," the driver said with a quick nod.

He slammed the accelerator, the electric car roared into the alley ahead, but he did not increase the speed to the fastest, but deliberately kept a tail to hang Niu Guangyuan.

"Stop for me!" Niu Guangyuan gritted his teeth and roared as he looked at the electric car in front of him.

Although Niu Guangyuan's leg was seriously injured, he still insisted on running forward, he wanted to catch up with the two bastards!

Seeing the electric car driving into the alley, Niu Guangyuan didn't feel fraudulent at all, so he chased it directly inside.

This alley is very small and can only accommodate three people walking at the same time. The electric car is driving fast and sprinting around. It may be very difficult to catch up with people's footsteps alone.

However, Niu Guangyuan didn't care about this at all at this time, his eyes fixed on the electric car, and he ran toward the front quickly.

After running for about ten minutes, they finally ran out of the alley and came to a deserted field.

This field was obviously deserted for a long time, the surrounding ground was covered with weeds, and there was only one trail that was forcibly opened.

The electric car was parked on the side of the road quietly, and the two people in the car had already got off the car, standing beside the electric car leisurely and waiting for Niu Guangyuan.

Niu Guangyuan dragged his almost broken leg, gritted his teeth and walked in front of the two people step by step.

"Oh, it's quite strong. I can walk so far after being hit like this. I really admire your perseverance." One of them sneered.

"The two of you... are the accomplices of those two people yesterday?" Niu Guangyuan's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his leg had just been injured. At this time, walking so far is naturally painful!

"Haha, how ugly is the companion? We are companions." One of them sneered, "You interfered with Brother Long's good thing yesterday, but today I just came to give you a warning."

"Hmph, even if my leg is injured, you two scrawny guys are not my opponents!" Niu Guangyuan clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Niu Guangyuan had studied Sanda when he was in college. Although he can't say how proficient, but the technique that he distributes and his tall physique can deal with two or three people.

"Hahaha, of course it's not just the two of us." One of them laughed and said, "Did you not find out? We brought you here, brothers, come out!"

As his voice fell, a dozen people suddenly walked out of the surrounding grass!

They all hold all kinds of weapons in their hands, including wooden sticks, daggers, machetes, iron chains...

Looking at the weapons in their hands, Niu Guangyuan's heart secretly screamed. These guys were clearly prepared for a long time. They are now fighting alone and have fallen into the encirclement!

What's more, he has poor legs and feet, and it is difficult to take a step, let alone escape.

"Hahaha, now you kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe we can let you go." The man laughed and said, his words were full of provocations, and he wanted to provoke the anger in Niu Guangyuan's heart. It happened to crippled Niu Guangyuan.

They have already investigated this abandoned farmland. No one has come to this farmland for a long time, and there is no camera or anything else, even if they killed Niu Guangyuan here, no one knows.