
Chapter 149: trap

Before long, the taxi drove downstairs in the abandoned building.

This abandoned building was originally intended to be turned into a prosperous commercial building. However, some things caused the developer to go bankrupt and ran away. The construction plan for this abandoned building was also shelved.

And this abandoned building has become a signature building in the South CD District.

This abandoned building was completely dark at night, looking ghastly and terrifying, plus a few people were killed here, so in general, no one would come to this abandoned building at night.

Looking at this abandoned building with dozens of floors, Jia Siwen narrowed his eyes, and when he was about to go up, the driver behind shouted: "Hey, you haven't paid for it yet! I want to take a free ride!"

Jia Siwen hurriedly paid the car with a smile, and the taxi driver drove away cursingly.

Looking at the gloomy building in front of him, Jia Siwen gritted his teeth and walked directly upstairs.

The inside of the building is pitch black, and it is almost impossible to see with the naked eye, but Jia Siwen has insightful eyes. Even in the darkness, he can barely see clearly.

The entire building is still in a rough state, and all kinds of garbage are piled up in the building, which has almost turned into a garbage dump.

Just when Jia Siwen didn't know which floor to go to, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

He picked up the phone and said, "Hey, who?"

"Hehe, Jia Siwen, you really came, really reluctant to bear your own students." Wang Yuande sneered.

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here, right downstairs, where are you?" Jia Siwen said coldly.

"Haha, I'm on the fifth floor, come to the fifth floor, I'm here waiting for you." Wang Yuande hung up the phone after speaking, not giving Jia Siwen a chance to speak at all.

Jia Siwen raised his head and looked up. Sure enough, looking down the cracks in the stairwell, there was a pale light above!

He stepped on the stairs with one foot, and with a strong kick on the sole of his foot, his body rose into the air and rushed directly upwards.

In just a few breaths, Jia Siwen had already rushed to the fourth floor!

Looking at the corner leading to the fifth floor, Jia Siwen stopped and carefully checked the surroundings.

After making sure that no one was in ambush, he walked up and quickly stood on the fifth floor.

Incandescent lamps were installed on the fifth floor. The pale light illuminates most of the floor, and the surrounding environment can finally be seen clearly.

Just standing on the fifth floor, Jia Siwen saw Qiao Linlin who was tied up. Qiao Linlin knelt down on the ground in tears, her eyes swollen from crying.

"Linlin!" Jia Siwen shouted.

As soon as Qiao Linlin, who was in despair, heard Jia Siwen's voice, she instantly widened her eyes and looked at Jia Siwen, her eyes suddenly filled with hope again.

"Brother Siwen...Help me..." Qiao Linlin was crying and she was almost speechless.

Jia Siwen nodded and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will definitely save you!"

"Hehe, Jia Siwen, you are really here, you are really courageous." A voice full of contempt came from the side, and then Wang Yuande walked over and stood beside Qiao Linlin.

Seeing Wang Yuande, Jia Siwen's heart burst into anger, and he said in a cold voice, "You beast! Just look for me if you have a grudge, why bother to find a little girl who has just entered high school?"

"Haha, if she weren't here, would you come over?" In the face of Jia Siwen's scolding, Wang Yuande still looked like a good gentleman, but Jia Siwen knew. Under Wang Yuande's appearance of Mr. Good-looking, there is a heart like a beast hidden!

"Now I'm here, can you let her go?" Jia Siwen said coldly.

"Of course there is no problem." Wang Yuande said with a smile, "but I have to wait for me to kill you."

After speaking, Wang Yuande waved his hand and suddenly a group of people rushed out from the dark room behind. The group of people held sharp folding knives in their hands, shining silver under the shining of incandescent lamps.

There was a movement even below. I don't know how many people gushing from the room on the originally quiet fourth floor. They quickly blocked the stairway on the fourth floor. If you want to go down the stairs, you will inevitably encounter they!

Seeing so many people, Qiao Linlin paled with fright, and her eyes were full of fear.

Jia Siwen narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "It seems that you are quite prepared."

"Haha, to deal with you, if you don't prepare a little more, how can you deal with you?" Wang Yuande sneered, "This time I'm fully prepared, and I won't let you run away anyway!"

"Do you think these people under your hand will be my opponent?" Jia Siwen said lightly.

"Even if you are a copper-headed iron wall, I don't believe you can get out alive with so many knives!" Wang Yuande sneered.

"Let's go together." Jia Siwen said lightly, "Since you have confidence, then I will wipe out all your confidence."

"Hmph, then it depends on whether you have this ability!" Wang Yuande said coldly.

Wang Yuande waved his hand and sternly shouted: "Give it to me, let this kid have a long memory!"

"Yes!" The boys rushed towards Jia Siwen, and the folding knife in their hands slashed directly at Jia Siwen's chest!

Although this folding knife is not as sharp as a machete, it can still easily break the wound when slashed on a person's body.

"Be careful, Brother Siwen!" Qiao Linlin's face was pale with fright, and she shouted.

Jia Siwen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw his figure flicker, turning into an afterimage and slamming directly towards the person in front.

"Hmph, looking for death!" The man snorted coldly, and the folding knife in his hand pierced Jia Siwen's chest directly!

However, Jia Siwen didn't mean to evade at all, letting the folding knife pierce his chest!

"Ah!" Qiao Linlin screamed in fright, closing her eyes and daring not to look.


Only heard a crisp sound, that folding knife suddenly snapped off! The broken folding blade shot out, directly inserted into another person's thigh, and blood sprayed out, staining the ground red.

"Ah!" The man who was stabbed in the thigh by the blade screamed and fell directly to the ground, holding his leg and rolling constantly.

The man was in a daze holding the folding knife with only the handle left. He couldn't imagine that the folding knife stabbed in Jia Siwen's chest and was broken abruptly!