
Chapter 141: Tan Men

Wang Yuande got the specific position of Tanmen and was ready to set off immediately.

He sent someone to prepare the car, and then drove out towards Tanjiazhen.

Tanjia Town is about an hour away from the Nancheng District. Wang Yuande did not dare to delay all the way, and quickly drove to Tanjia Town.

Tanjia Town can be regarded as an ordinary small town, the town still retains the old habits of life, and the pace of life is also very slow.

Farmland is everywhere near the town, and there are even many farmers working in the farmland.

The roads in Tanjia Town are a bit dilapidated, and the car drove on the road, raising dust in the sky.

Wang Yuande frowned. If it were normal, he would not come to such a backward place.

But now there is no way, in order to find someone to deal with Jia Siwen, he must come here.

Looking at the dilapidated houses in the village, Wang Yuande frowned. With so many houses, who knows where the Tanmen in Tan Song's mouth is?

Although the town is not large, it has a population of thousands of households. If one family finds it, it will be impossible to do so within a day or two.

Wang Yuande had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road and walk towards an old man sitting by the road.

The old man's face was full of wrinkles and her eyes were very muddy, so she sat quietly on the side of the road.

"Hey, old man, do you know where Tan Men is?" Wang Yuande asked impatiently when he walked up to the old woman.

The old man looked up at Wang Yuande, took a sip of the dry smoke in his hand, and said slowly: "Young man, don't you know that you respect the old and love the young?"

"The **** respects the old and loves the young, the rich is the uncle, and I am the uncle!" Wang Yuande said disdainfully, "hurry up and tell me where Tan Men is?"

The old man shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Wang Yuande said impatiently: "Don't you just want money?"

As he said, he took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a piece of 100 from it and handed it to the old man, saying, "Okay, I will give you one hundred, hurry up!"

The old man glanced at the money in Wang Yuande's hand, shook his head and said nothing.

"Why? You old lady is still too young?" Wang Yuande was furious, staring at the old man and said, "I give you money to give you face! I warn you, don't toast or punish wine! You said today, too. You have to say it, you have to say it!"

Having said that, Wang Yuande stretched out his hand to grab the collar of the old man. The old man looked no more than 1.5 meters tall and he was thin, so Wang Yuande could easily pick him up.

However, just as Wang Yuande's hand was about to grab the old man's collar, the old woman's cloudy eyes flashed with a gleam of light. The next second, his dry palm came out and grabbed Wang Yuande's collar. Past!

Wang Yuande didn't know martial arts at all. When he reacted, the dry palm of the old man had firmly grasped his collar!

"You dead old man! You dare to attack Lao Tzu! Do you know who Lao Tzu is?" Wang Yuande stared at the old man and said.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, outsiders come to visit Tanmen and die!" The old man's turbid eyes were filled with cold light at this time, seeming to stab Wang Yuande like a sharp blade.

Wang Yuande was stunned. He twisted his body vigorously to get away from the old man's palm, but no matter how hard he struggled, the old man's hands were like iron tongs, and he couldn't get away.

"Say, who sent you?" The old man said coldly, "If you tell me, I can make you die faster!"

Although Wang Yuande looked like five big and three rough, but when he was really threatened by his life, he suddenly trembled and said, "No, no! Tan Song asked me to come!"

"Tan Song?" Hearing the familiar name, the old man said in a daze, "Didn't Tan Song go out to practice? Who are you? Why do you know him!"

Wang Yuande hurriedly recounted the process of getting to know Tan Song, and described the appearance of Tan Song being scrapped by Jia Siwen in a very miserable manner. Those who heard it were sad, and those who listened to tears.

After listening to Wang Yuande's narration, the old man frowned, his eyes burning with anger and said: "Damn! This person dares to do something to our Tanmen! He definitely doesn't want to live!"

"Old gentleman, you can put me down first, so that we can talk." Wang Yuande said hurriedly.

The old man threw Wang Yuande to the ground and said eagerly, "Where is Tan Song now? What's the situation?"

Wang Yuande hurriedly said: "Old sir, he is now receiving treatment in the hospital. He is in very good condition, so don't worry."

"That's good." The old man said with a sigh of relief.

"Hey, old sir, what is your relationship with Tan Song? Why do you care so much?" Wang Yuande asked suspiciously.

"Tan Song is my grandson." The old man said lightly.

Wang Yuande was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "It turns out to be talking about the old man, it's really disrespectful! Please don't take those words to your heart.

Tan Wu waved his hand impatiently and said, "I didn't bother to care about what happened just now. I ask you, where is the one who defeated my grandson?"

"I don't know where he is. I only know that he left as if he had finished fighting. He also said that Tan legs are just embroidered legs with fists, and they are not on the stage at all..." Wang Yuande kept talking about Tan legs. , He wanted to arouse the curiosity and anger of the old man in front of him.

"Asshole! When I find him, I must let him know how powerful the real Tan legs are!" Tan Wu gritted his teeth and said, "He dares to move my grandson, and I must make him pay!"

Wang Yuande was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "Old sir, you can go to Nancheng with me. There are still some people under my staff. I can definitely help you find the trace of that kid. He must be better than dead by the time!"

"Forget it, I can't go. Once I leave Tanjia Town, they will definitely come." Tan Wu shook his head and said.

Wang Yuande, who was full of hope, suddenly wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

If the old man in front of him goes together, he believes he can defeat Jia Siwen!

But Tan Wu couldn't go with him, so his goal was not achieved. By then, let alone deal with Jia Siwen, it would be a good thing not to be humiliated by Jia Siwen.

"Then what to do?" Wang Yuande said with a full face, "In this way, your grandson is injured in vain!"