
Chapter 12: Shocked the audience

"What does Teacher Jia think? Why do you want to run a long-distance race with Li Zixuan? Li Zixuan has practiced long-distance running for so many years, how could Teacher Jia be an opponent?"

"Hey, I guess Teacher Jia was also angered by Li Zixuan's attitude, otherwise he would never act so irrationally."

"Compared with long-distance runners, it is the first time I heard that Teacher Jia will lose terribly. It is not certain whether he can finish the three kilometers."


The surrounding students talked a lot. Jia Siwen put his hands down and said loudly: "Everyone, be quiet, and be a testimony to this game."

"Good." The students nodded and said.

"Hey, when will it start? I can't wait." Li Zixuan put his hands on his chest and looked at Jia Siwen proudly, as if he were a lofty king.

"Don't worry, we will start right away." Jia Siwen pointed to the white line in front of him and said, "Here is the starting point, and the end point is the next end point. When will it finish three kilometers and when will it stop."

"No problem." All the students said in unison.

"Every place, get ready, start!" Jia Siwen shouted sharply.

As soon as the voice fell, Li Zixuan rushed out like an arrow from the string, and quickly fryed and ran for the next circle.

But Jia Siwen didn't seem to be anxious at all, he ran forward, his speed was not only a little bit worse than that of Li Zixuan.

"Teacher Jia, hurry up and catch up!" The classmate was anxious and shouted loudly.

"Yes, come on, Teacher Jia, come on, Teacher Jia!"

"Teacher Jia is the most handsome, come on, Teacher Jia."

Hearing so many people shouting for cheer, Li Zixuan suddenly felt uncomfortable. Lao Zi ran so fast and no one praised him, but Jia Siwen ran like a tortoise. There were people shouting for cheering, and most of them were very beautiful. Sister!

He looked back at Jia Siwen, his eyes full of disdain.

"Cut, what can I do if there is some cheer? It can't be compared to me or not to me..." Li Zixuan said with a sneer.

But the next second, he was stunned.

I saw Jia Siwen's toes hit the runway several times, his body was as light as a feather, and he rushed forward quickly.

Originally, Li Zixuan had already opened Jia Siwen more than half a circle, but now he was gradually caught up by Jia Siwen! This makes Li Zixuan really unbelievable!

"Huh, what if you can catch up?" Li Zixuan said with a cold snort disdainfully, "Look at Lao Tzu to throw you away three times!"

Li Zixuan exerted a slight force, accelerated his feet, and ran towards the front at a fast pace. With every step he landed, he quietly recovered a part of his strength, which was able to reduce his energy consumption.

As Li Zixuan increased his speed, people around him suddenly exclaimed.

"I'm going, someone competes with Senior Li for running? Who is that person? How courageous!"

"You don't even know that person? Isn't that the teacher who won the physics competition with a foreign professor yesterday? It seems to be the surname Jia."

"Cut, that's just good physics, do you think he is good in sports? I guess Senior Li can pull him three or four laps."

"Well, at the speed of Senior Li, I finished the run in a few minutes. This teacher can't do it. I don't know if this class can be finished?"

"You said he is not better than him, and he has to run a long distance with Xuechang Li? Isn't this asking for trouble? I have never seen such a self-abuse."

"He might be looking for excitement. I really think the athletes of the provincial team are so rubbish? If the provincial team is so rubbish, it won't be so difficult to enter. A total of five or six people are recruited every year! This is for the whole province. Thousands of people!"


Li Zixuan's speed increased to two-thirds of his original running speed, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a scornful smile.

Surely you can get rid of that guy this time, right?

Li Zixuan looked back, almost so scared that his eyes fell out.

Because he found that the distance between himself and Jia Siwen remained the same, maintaining the original half-circle distance!

"What's wrong with this? Does this guy also hide his strength?" Li Zixuan's forehead dripped with cold sweat. He gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "I don't believe it anymore, can this guy catch up? I can't?"

Li Zixuan increased his speed again. This time, his running speed was almost equal to his usual training speed!

If the speed is increased, even Li Zixuan himself will be a little overwhelmed.

Seeing the scenes on both sides receding rapidly, Li Zixuan gradually entered a state of running, adjusting his breathing very evenly, as if he breathed out and breathed out regularly.

Just when Li Zixuan adjusted his state, a figure quietly passed by him and came to a position about one meter in front of him.

And this figure is Jia Siwen!

Seeing Jia Siwen who suddenly appeared in front of him, Li Zixuan's adjusted state instantly shattered.

His breathing became hurried, and he gasped and said, "You...how could you..."

"Student Li Zixuan, your speed is a bit slow." Jia Siwen took a deep look at Li Zixuan, and said lightly, "I originally wanted to run faster, but now it seems that I don't need it anymore. This speed is enough."


This is a naked provocation!

Li Zixuan was so angry that his chest rose and fell violently. He gritted his teeth and glared at Jia Siwen and shouted, "You wait! Watch me surpass you!"

After speaking, Li Zixuan accelerated again, his legs sprinting as if they were equipped with a motor, trying to surpass Jia Siwen.

However, no matter how much he accelerates, Jia Siwen has always been one meter in front of him. He will not exceed too much, but he will never lag behind.

If someone who doesn't know sees it, I'm afraid they will think that Jia Siwen is running with him.

All the people around were dumbfounded.

"My God, teacher Jia is too good? Can you even keep up with Li Zixuan's speed?"

"More than that, you see, Li Zixuan is panting so badly, but Teacher Jia seems to have not consumed at all, even his breathing is almost normal!"

"Let me go, Teacher Jia is really an idol, Wen Neng suppresses Professor, Wu Neng suppresses physical education students, this is also terrifyingly outstanding."

"Hey, if I can be like Teacher Jia, would I still worry about finding a girlfriend? Girls have come to me on the initiative..."

"Then Li Zixuan is really arrogant. You should let Teacher Jia treat him so as not to make him so arrogant in the future."


The surrounding students looked at Jia Siwen with fiery eyes, full of worship in their eyes.