
Chapter 12 A Dispassionate Request from King Wolf_1

It was just a greeting, and Li Changlin would not feel any shame.

"Wolf in sheep's clothing has sent Li Changlin two cigarettes!"

True to his status as the top spender on the Endless streaming platform, he welcomed Li Changlin with a gift worth five hundred yuan as a greeting present.

"I heard you just sang an original song that moved Mou Zhong Mou Jing Zhong Jing to tears?" Purple text flashed continuously in the chat channel, almost blinding everyone in the room.

Li Changlin smiled lightly and calmly said, "It was indeed an original song of mine, perhaps it struck a chord with Marshal Sister. I didn't expect King Wolf to know about it."

"Your fans advertised for you in the 'Wish I Could Go Back' livestream, and I happened to see it." Wolf in sheep's clothing sent a smiling emoji, then added, "Sing that 'Beautiful Mood' song again for me to hear!"

With that said, Wolf in sheep's clothing sent a cigar as well.

Tycoons will be tycoons—those cigars aren't cheap, each one costing a thousand.

After just a couple of exchanges with Li Changlin, he had already gifted a total of fifteen hundred yuan in presents, which equaled Li Changlin's monthly base salary.

Of course, out of the fifteen hundred yuan worth of gifts, Li Changlin could only keep six hundred.

Even so, Li Changlin was very happy inside.

If Wolf King made a request, there was nothing more to say—he would sing.

At this moment, visitors kept entering the livestream.

The number of people in Li Changlin's room had reached over three hundred and sixty, largely due to his fans advertising in other rooms.

Seeing the numbers greatly exceeding past records, Li Changlin couldn't help but feel extremely delighted.

He knew in his heart that all this achievement was brought by the God Tycoon Cultivation System.

Thereupon, he lightly coughed to clear his throat, and started to sing.

The rainy winter has finally passed,

The sky reveals a hint of pale blue clearness.

In the fresh sunshine of early spring,

I read through the diary I wrote back then.


In one's lifetime, one will love or like many people.

But every person has only one first love.

In everyone's heart, there's always that little place, harboring such a deeply etched memory.

For some, this memory is sweet; for others, bitter; some feel comforted; yet others, regretful!

However, regardless of what goes through these people's minds, they must admit.

It was that bygone relationship that truly made them grow up.

Having faced setbacks in life, one understands more the value of the past.

That period of affection never really left, after all.

Perhaps, in some part of time, on some day unknown even to himself, that chapter of his youth, that period that must be eternally remembered, has already taken deep root in his heart and blossomed.

Maybe, some have indeed missed that person in their lives.

Yet, they have already begun a brand new life.

And because of those days of past hurt, they grow faster and stronger.

Thus, maybe not in everyone's heart, but certainly in the vast majority, there is a deep sense of gratitude for that past relationship.

Now, when the audience, who had already heard "Beautiful Mood" twice before, listened to it again, their feelings were naturally the most profound.

As for those who entered the live stream after seeing the promotions, since they were not affected by the sad, sorrowful cries of "Eyes Within Eyes, Jing Zhong Jing" at the time, they too quickly grasped the true essence of the song.

In life, where there is romantic love, there will naturally also be heartbreak.

After heartbreak, it indeed takes a very long time to fade the pain in one's heart.

However, during or after this period of time, it's very possible to discover how beautiful the past love was.

And the pain brought about by heartbreak can actually become a valuable treasure in one's life.

If you've experienced it, don't regret it.

Because the journey tomorrow will surely be more composed.

Forgive others, pardon them.

Do not dwell on the past, but instead deeply hide that eternal memory in your heart.

Cherish well, both the losses of the past and what you have now.

This song, though sad, also conveys a sense of consolation!

"This song is sung so well!"

"Sadness mixed with tolerance, sorrow with enjoyment of happiness. Li Changlin, you are so talented, I support you!"

"It made me cry, 55555555555!"

"It hurts so much, suddenly I really want to call her from my past. Over these years, I don't know how she's been, I really want to say sorry to her!"

"There are always some regrets in life, but the lucky thing is, we grow from setbacks and become stronger. Perhaps, that's what real life is about!"

"Good, it's honestly so good to listen to. No doubt about it, let's send some gifts!"

Very soon, a massive wave of gifts flew up on the live stream's main hall screen.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, the entire live stream hall was shaking violently.

One after another, volcanoes erupted at the center of the screen.

In an instant, Wolf King, disguised as a sheep, gifted Li Changlin three Volcanic Eruptions.

Three of them! At ten thousand a piece for Volcanic Eruption, to spend that much right off the bat is really shocking. It's no wonder he's called King Wolf; he's really freaking rich.

"Thank you, thank you so much for the generous support from my Wolf King!" Overwhelmed with gratitude, Li Changlin immediately stood up, clasped his fists, bowed, and loudly expressed his thanks.

As expected of Endless live streaming platform's number one tycoon, it had only been a few minutes, and he had already gifted Li Changlin more than thirty thousand in gifts.

And at this moment, Wolf King dressed as a sheep hadn't stopped yet.

After sending three Volcanic Eruptions, he then sent Li Changlin ten cigars.

Afterwards, Wolf King, tapping rapidly on the screen, typed out a line: "Li Changlin, you write good songs and sing even better. Here's a favor to ask: I'd like you to write a song for my friend."

Sending gifts worth tens of thousands wasn't for nothing, of course.

It turned out Wolf King had his own request.

For this request, Li Changlin naturally wouldn't object.

The old him certainly didn't have such eloquence, but now with the Divine Tycoon Development System, Li Changlin had no worries about original songwriting.

After pondering for a short moment, he spoke up: "What's this about a favor to ask? I must give face to King Wolf! Well then, King Wolf, please tell me what your friend needs!"