
God Level Recycling: Starting from the Twin Martial Soul

Author Of this Book Is Feng Xian I am just translating it on webnovel all rights belongs to only him. Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a twin martial soul. Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a million-year-old spirit ring and spirit bone. Ding, congratulations to the host for becoming a titled Douluo, and starting the god test! ...... The spiritual energy is revived, and the earth has entered the era of martial arts. Ordinary young Lin Fan obtained a god-level recycling system.

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Ma Dahai Xu Xiao Wu Zhiji Fan Xiao

"Old Kong."

"I heard that your academy has a big move."

"Will you not disclose it?"

"Old man Nangong, but the entire family circle was shocked." The

four principals sat together.

The dean of Xiliang College, Xu Xiao asked directly curiously.

"What a big move, a small move."

"That's Ye Jiuji doing something."

"What he's going to do, I don't know the specifics."

"Anyway, you'll find out soon."

Kong Wen waved his hand.

The Kyushu Spirit Master Academy is divided into inner and outer courtyards.

Generally speaking, the outer court is in charge of the affairs of the college.

The inner courtyard is the outer.

Kong Wen's identity is generally mainly to manage students and cultivate good seedlings.

"Old Kong."

"You are not authentic."

"As you are, what is Ye Jiuji doing?"

"You don't know yet?"

"The relationship between the brothers, who is with whom?"

"Say Come on, you're going to die."

The dean of Dazhou College, Wu Zhiji, said to Kong Wen angrily.

"That's right."

"Kong Wen, you can't hide it."

"You said it all, and we'll all know when the time comes."

"Tell us earlier, can't you?"

"You must know what old man Ye is doing. ."

Fan Xiao, the dean of Nandu College, also asked.

"I know, you guys will ask about this shit."

"Well, have you seen the Soul Lord boy I brought?"

Kong Wen gestured to Lin Fan to the four principals.

Kong Wen took Lin Fan, and he really meant to cultivate Lin Fan and let Lin Fan practice in the tidal valley.

Of course, there is also a second layer of intentions.

That is Ye Jiuji's recent promotion of the method of the soul.

All parties are understanding.

The Kyushu Spirit Master Academy is also cooperating with Ye Jiuji.

Kong Wen and Lin Fan were nothing more than taking advantage of the influence of the exchange competition between the four major colleges.

Expand the influence of the law of the soul.

Kong Wen originally did not intend to bring Lin Fan.

Because the law of the soul will be announced sooner or later.

It's just that Lin Fan's strength has reached level 50 combat power.

This also made Kong Wen feel that he could give Lin Fan a chance.

It can be said that there is also an accidental reason for Lin Fan to become a substitute student in the exchange competition of the four major colleges.

Of course, sometimes, an accidental situation turns into a certain necessity.

Like this time.

The deans of the four academies all paid attention to Lin Fan.

"Kong Wen, you old bastard."

"Are you fucking kidding us?"

"This kid is a level 33 soul master, weak like a grasshopper."

"Ye Jiuji was shocked, like You want to overturn the Kyushu Kingdom."

"What use is this kid's grasshopper strength? Is there a connection?"

Ma Dahai said angrily.

"I can't explain it to you right now."

"Let's just let the exchange competition begin."

"Just pay attention to this kid Lin Fan later."

"When the time comes, you'll know."

Kong Wen said lightly.

The method of the soul is quite complicated.

It is better to let people see directly.

Therefore, Kong Wen was too lazy to speak.

"Is there something wrong with this kid?"

"I'll let the two boys try it out."

Ma Dahai said again.

"what ever."

"Let's announce the start of the exchange competition first."

"I still need a sense of ceremony."

Kong Wen said seriously.

The other deans also looked serious.

"Kyushu Spirit Master Academy, Dynasty Academy, Xiliang Academy, Nandu Academy, Dazhou Academy."

"Student exchange competition, ready to start."

"Students enter."

Ma Dahai, as the host, directly began to host the exchange competition.