
God Level Recycling: Starting from the Twin Martial Soul

Author Of this Book Is Feng Xian I am just translating it on webnovel all rights belongs to only him. Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a twin martial soul. Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a million-year-old spirit ring and spirit bone. Ding, congratulations to the host for becoming a titled Douluo, and starting the god test! ...... The spiritual energy is revived, and the earth has entered the era of martial arts. Ordinary young Lin Fan obtained a god-level recycling system.

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Evil Soul Master

Ye Jiuji's remarks.

For Lin Fan, his heart was full of shock.

However, these shocks also gave Lin Fan a lot of motivation.

Earth evolves further.

There will be god-level powerhouses that surpass Title Douluo.

The full deity test will also appear.

These have naturally become Lin Fan's vision for the future.

But the future is too far away.

Lin Fan's strength is still very weak.

At this moment, what Lin Fan wanted.

It is to obtain the third spirit ring.

"This is the Wind and Thunder Canyon."

"Kid Lin Fan."

"Whether you can get the spirit ring of the power of wind and thunder that suits you."

"It depends on your luck."

"We try to hunt down the brutal and vicious soul beasts. "

Don't kill indiscriminately."

Ye Jiuji told Lin Fan.


Lin Fan nodded.

After seeing the peace-loving spirit beasts in the Baiyao Mountains, the group of Baiyao Mountains.

In Lin Fan's heart, he also did not agree to hunt soul beasts.

Even he thought about it.

See if you can sneak out of everyone's sight.

Use the system directly to obtain the third spirit ring.

But when Lin Fan was thinking about this issue.

Not far away, there was a violent tremor.

"There is the aftermath of the battle over there."

"The power of wind and thunder fluctuates."

"It's a soul beast."

"Brother Lin Fan, you are lucky."

Zhang Yuxuan said excitedly.

As soon as he came to Fenglei Canyon, Lin Fan met a suitable soul beast.

"The aura is not right."

"Lean over and take a look."

Ye Jiuji said directly to the three of Lin Fan.

The three immediately moved closer to the direction of the battle shaking.

"Damn beast, I didn't expect such power to erupt."

The man in the black hat robe made a gloomy voice, and his body had a strong stench of blood.

Behind him, there is a vampire bat spirit floating.

The eight spirit rings showed his strength as an eight-ring

spirit Douluo, and the spirit beast in front of him was a severely injured wind and thunder tiger.

Although the Wind Thunder Demon Tiger is full of fatal wounds.

But it was still roaring, trying to force the man back, as if it was protecting something.

"Damn beast."

"If you hurt me, I want to drain all the blood on your body." The

man scolded extremely angrily.

His strength, logically speaking, is impossible to be hurt by this wind and thunder tiger.

It's just that this wind and thunder tiger suddenly burst out with power, making it unexpected.

Just when the man was about to completely kill the wind and thunder tiger.


A whimper came from the side.

A young Fenglei Devil Tiger ran to the side of the severely injured Fenglei Devil Tiger.

A sad whimper came out of his mouth, and he licked the face of Fenglei Mohu.

"It turns out that you are protecting this little beast."

"In that case."

"Then I will crush this little beast in front of you first."

A cruel sneer appeared in the man's eyes . .

He patted the young Fenglei Demon Tiger with his palm.

At this moment, the severely injured Fenglei Demonhu cried out in mourning and despair.

He stood up in pain and once again stood in front of the young Fenglei Demon Tiger.

"Want to protect your little brat?"

"Hehe, I won't give you a chance for this beast." The

man enjoyed the joy that he was about to slaughter the wind, thunder, devil and tiger father and son.

A slap slapped the severely injured Wind Thunder Demon Tiger.

With the palm of his hand, he grabbed it directly at the young Fenglei Demon Tiger.

Seeing that the young Wind Thunder Demon Tiger was about to be pinched to death by the man.


"Your Excellency, you are too cruel, right?"

"There is an unwritten rule in the soul master world that you are not allowed to hunt soul beast cubs."

Lin Fan and the others arrived in time.

Zhang Yuxuan said angrily.

"ZuiZuanZuan, two beautiful little beauties, this kid is also very delicious."

Seeing the four of Lin Fan, the man had an excited smile on his face.

Because Ye Jiuji's breath was restrained, the man didn't look at Ye Jiuji more.

Instead, he focused his eyes on the three of Lin Fan and licked the corners of his mouth.

"You guys, it's fine if you want me to let go of these two beasts."

"As long as you let me suck it dry, your blood will do."

"The blood of a soul master is much more delicious than the blood of these beasts. "The

man said coldly and evilly.

"You, you are the Evil Soul Master!"

Zhang Yuxuan's face changed greatly.

"That's right."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, such a superb beauty."

"Presumably, beauty, your body is not only delicious, but your blood is equally delicious." The

man said excitedly.