
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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397 Chs


Half an hour later, Nangong Wu walked out from the room. Her charming face was flushed red, and her beautiful eyes revealed a puzzled look. This was because this man really did not do anything to her during this half-hour.

He was merely controlling her and not allowing her to move.

Of course, this bastard would do some cheap tricks from time to time to take advantage of her. However, it was very different from what she had imagined before.

"Brother, you're out." "Are you done?"

Hearing the sounds coming from the villa, Han Shan and the rest immediately flew over. They were extremely curious as they sized up Xia Ping and Nangong Wu, who walked out of the room.

These people looked at Nangong Wu and Xia Ping with strange expressions, as if they were gossiping about something.

He had no choice but to gossip.

After all, the two of them were alone in the room. It was normal for anything to happen. One of them was even the princess of Tianshui City, the beloved daughter of the Nangong family. It was impossible for her not to be curious.

"Yes, I'm done. "I'm very satisfied with her service." Xia Ping nodded. "Go over immediately and get some food for them." Don't neglect them, understand?"

He looked nonchalant.

Service? What kind of service was that? It could actually make this stingy bastard so generous, and even make them not dare neglect him? Han Shan and the rest were dumbfounded. Images that were inappropriate for children kept appearing in their heads.

"Miss Nangong, are you alright?!"

At this moment, a group of girls from Xiulan High School quickly ran up to Nangong Wu. At the same time, they looked at Xia Ping warily, as if they were looking at a pest.

If not for the group of lackeys beside them, they would definitely rush up and beat Xia Ping up.

"I'm fine."

Nangong Wu's tone was indifferent. She took a step forward and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she held onto the white wall beside her to prevent herself from falling.

"Miss Nangong!" A group of girls hurried forward and exclaimed.

Nangong Wu angrily glared at Xia Ping, her heart filled with shame and anger. Just now, it was this bastard who used too much force, not moving for almost half an hour, causing the blood in her body to flow irregularly and her feet becoming numb, which was why she was in this type of unstable state.

"Sorry, I used too much strength just now." "I'll be careful next time."

Xia Ping also recalled what had just happened.

"Next time? There won't be a next time. Nangong Wu glared at Xia Ping with her beautiful eyes, as if she wanted to tell him not to land in her hands in the future, or else she would definitely make him suffer.

She had completely remembered this grudge. She had never suffered such a huge loss before.

Too strong?!

Hearing those words, Han Shan and the rest felt dizzy, and their thoughts nearly short-circuited. It was just a dance in the room, so why did Xia Ping have to use force? What did that bastard Xia Ping do to Nangong Wu?

Some of the students' expressions immediately changed. After thinking about it carefully, they felt extreme fear. When they thought about Nangong Wu's appearance, expression, and movements just now, it was as if they imagined the truth.

This scene was also clearly broadcast to thousands of households in Tianshui City by the HD camera. Some of the netizens on the live-stream platform were in an uproar and shocked. They were boiling like lava.

"It's over, it's over." My goddess is completely over. "She's been defiled by this shameless Xia Ping." A netizen wailed on the Internet and cried bitterly. He had suffered a huge blow and wanted to jump off a building.

However, there were some who didn't believe this, frantically shouting out, "Impossible! This type of thing is simply impossible! This is an illusion! It is definitely an illusion! "How could this type of thing happen?"

"Wake up, brother." What's done is done. The two of them went into the room, and a man and a woman were alone in the room. That beauty was still Nangong Wu. It was just a casual dance, and the two of them were already on fire. "It was unstoppable."

"I'll dry wood on your face." Why is it getting out of hand? "Don't spread rumors here."

"This isn't a rumor." Didn't you see Nangong Wu's appearance? Her face is completely red, her forehead is covered in sweat, and her body is weak to the extent that even her legs are weak. "One can imagine what happened."

"Big Brother, you've been through this before." You're very focused on the main point. Indeed, I can tell too.

"Although I don't have much experience, I have a lot of experience in theory." "I've watched countless movies and don't know anything."

"That bastard even said that he used too much strength." It was just Nangong Wu's dance. Why did that bastard use so much strength? Where did he use it? "It's terrifying to think about."

"They even stayed in the room for half an hour." That's half an hour. There's plenty of room for imagination.

"I'm not bragging. "I can come ten times in half an hour."

"Boss, you're awesome." You only do it once every three minutes. "No one can make impotence sound so refreshing."

"Boohoo, how can my goddess fall into the hands of others like this?" There's no justice in this world. Is there still hope in this world? Everyone, tell me, is there still hope? "Can a toad really eat swan meat, or is it eating for free?"

Countless netizens analyzed the situation and speculated what had happened in the room within half an hour. However, the result was horrifying, causing countless people to wail and cry.

Especially when they imagined a goddess like Nangong Wu falling into the hands of this bastard, it made countless men feel despair.

"Complain; I want to complain about this shameless man."

"She's still a high school student. "How dare she do such shameless things on TV?"

"Since when can you watch a movie on a live broadcast?" Is there any relevant department to manage it? "That's too lawless."

"Although the images didn't show it, the truth is obvious."

"He's only a high school student, yet he's already so ridiculous." "How many women will be harmed by this beast when he grows up?"

"He's grown up a long time ago. He's already eighteen years old and already knows how to play with women."

"I suggest the police arrest this bastard Xia Ping immediately and drag him over to teach him for a few years." "He'll be locked up with a bunch of gays."

"That's right, arrest him. It's best if we confiscate his tools."

At this moment, countless netizens were filled with indignation and roared endlessly. All of them were filled with hatred, and they simply wished for nothing more than to tear this bastard that blasphemed the goddess into pieces.

Xia Ping had already provoked public anger and was being scolded by countless people. He was like a rat crossing the street on the Internet.

in a VIP room in Tianshui City's government center.

Many big shots were speechless when they saw this scene. Although they did not think that Xia Ping had taken advantage of Nangong Wu so easily, it was obvious that something had happened in the room.

When a woman was with a man, no matter what, a woman would suffer more.

Meanwhile, some of the big shots who had conflicts with the Nangong family were gloating. After word got out, there would be fewer people approaching the Nangong family to propose marriage.

"Damn it!"

The head of the Nangong family, Nangong Hai, clenched his fists, and his face turned green. He could not wait to tear Xia Ping, who was trying to take advantage of his daughter, into pieces.