
God Level Demon Novel

Shameless Xia Ping, not only did you steal my martial arts manual and medicinal pills, you even took my fiancée! "We're not finished!" "He’s the embarrassment of the Martial Way and a parasite of the human race. "A complete scumbag." "There’s nothing that he won’t do." "Not only would he not help an old person cross the road, he would even steal the lollipop of a three year old." "He causes problems everywhere." All of the geniuses in those big families have been beaten up by him before. "Now, he’s no longer tolerated by either humans or gods!" Countless Yanhuang Star martial arts experts despised Xia Ping to the bone. They were just itching to completely crush him into pieces. As for Xia Ping? Facing the hatred of so many people, he just calmly pulled up the interface of the "Grand Hatred System" and looked at all the wonderful things there. He rubbed his chin and said, "I’ve already saved up so many hatred points." What should I exchange it for now? Saint-grade medicinal pills? Or perhaps that primordial pill? The peerless martial art skill, Tathagata Palm, also seems pretty good. But then there’s that divine weapon, the Cosmic Cauldron. "It really is too difficult to choose!" Note : I am only Translator, but if you wanna support me, please vote or rate this novel with 5 star. thank you! lets share your happiness with litllesnake: https://ko-fi.com/litllesnake If you want to read advance chapter go to my patreon page, its free!!! Link : patreon.com/Litllesnake

litlleSnake · Fantasy
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397 Chs

Beiming Protection Technique

The next morning, in Xia Ping's home in Tianshui City, sunlight shone in through the window, incomparably gentle.


Xia Ping sat upright on the large bed in his bedroom. He let out a long breath, which almost solidified into a white stream. The True Qi in his body surged like a tidal wave, filling his body with explosive power.

He suddenly opened his eyes and shot out a frightening golden light. A mysterious power flickered in the depths of his pupils, as if it could pierce through the void. After a night of cultivation and taking a bottle of gold potion, the true energy in his body had increased quite a bit. He was stronger than the day before, and his strength was increasing every second.

"As expected of a golden potion. "The energy contained within is extremely pure and massive." "It's not something ordinary energy potions can compare to." Xia Ping's eyes flickered with satisfaction.

Last night, he had absorbed a bottle of golden medicine to aid his cultivation and circulate the Pure Yang Indestructible Formula. In the end, his improvement was amazing. In just one night, it was comparable to the past three months of cultivation.

One could imagine how helpful the golden potion was to him.

However, the price was also very expensive. One bottle cost 500,000 federation coins. Such a price was not something ordinary people could afford. At the very least, only super-rich people could afford to consume it.

Fortunately, I actually obtained 40 bottles of gold potion during this trip to Black Moon City. "I've really struck it big this time." Xia Ping faintly smiled. He had originally wanted to go to Black Moon City to buy a gold potion.

However, who would have thought that such a dangerous accident would happen? He almost died in Sin City. Fortunately, he returned safely and even obtained the gold medicine, worth 20 million Federation coins.

This was a huge sum of money. Even the profits he gained from writing novels would not be as fast as this.

Of course, this was also a windfall. It was stolen goods and couldn't be exposed.

Once he was exposed, Black Bear Company would probably come knocking on his door. Even the government department would come looking for him to settle the score and pursue legal liability. When that happened, he would be in danger.

But no matter what, he still returned safely, and even obtained great benefits. From the results, this was a good thing.

"I'll take three or four more bottles of Gold Potion. In a month's time, I estimate that I'll be able to clear my sixth meridian and break through to the sixth level of martial apprentice. Xia Ping clenched his fists.

The reason why he needed a month was because he could not take the golden medicine continuously. As the saying goes, too much is as bad as too little. There was also a limit to the body's absorption.

Every time he consumed a bottle of gold potion, he would need to spend a week training his body, digesting the energy of the gold potion, and consolidating his martial apprentice foundation.

If he were to consume too much at once, not only would it not be beneficial to his body, but it might even damage his martial foundation, causing his foundation to be unstable. At that time, it would be very difficult for him to advance to the warrior realm or even higher.

"However, is there no way to increase the efficiency of my body's energy absorption?" Xia Ping's eyes flickered. Although breaking through to the sixth level of Martial Apprentice in a month was already very fast, he still felt that it was not enough.

After all, there were only four months left until the college entrance examination. If he did not improve his cultivation as soon as possible, he would not be able to achieve good results during the college entrance examination and would not be able to enter a good university.

All of a sudden, the system's voice sounded. "Host, There are methods to increase absorption speed.


Xia Ping was shocked. He didn't expect the system to suddenly appear. However, he quickly calmed down and asked, "What is it?" Tell me!"

"There's a cultivation technique called the Dark North Protection Body Technique."

The system replied, "It's an unparalleled protective cultivation technique." It's extremely powerful. "It can absorb the power, energy, and so on from enemies' attacks and convert them into energy for itself."

"In fact, through the attacks and beatings of the enemy, the cells, muscles, bones, and so on, of the body would be destroyed." Then, the mysterious life force would be channeled to continuously repair the damaged body and tissues. It could greatly increase the speed at which the body absorbs energy, and the body would become stronger.

"If the host cultivates this body-protecting technique and constantly competes with others and gets beaten up, then the host will be able to quickly digest the excess energy in the body and continuously become stronger."

Beiming Protection Technique?!

Xia Ping's eyes immediately lit up. Being beaten up would allow one to constantly become stronger and increase the absorption rate of energy in the body. How convenient was this auxiliary technique? It was too unbelievable.

Even on the Yan Huang Star, he had never heard of such a mysterious cultivation technique. However, if this cultivation technique were real, it would be the best supplementary cultivation technique for him.

However, he still calmed down. "How many hatred points does this skill require?" He knew there was no such thing as wasting time in this world, and the system on him was no exception.

"One million hatred points are needed for exchange." The system replied.

The corner of Xia Ping's mouth twitched. "Indeed, I knew it. "How can such a powerful cultivation technique be cheap?" "The hatred points on my body are probably not even a fraction." He looked a little helpless.

"No, no, no."

The system said, "This is the price to exchange for an entire secret manual." However, you can only exchange for the first secret manual. The rest can be exchanged for later. "This is a discount for you."

"I can do that too." "Isn't this payment in installments?" Xia Ping's eyes lit up. For his current martial arts realm, exchanging for the entire secret manual was a little extravagant. Just the first level of the secret manual was enough for his current cultivation.

"Tell me, how much do you need to exchange for the first level?"

The system said, "You need 3000 hatred points to exchange for the first level of the secret manual."

Three thousand hatred points!

Xia Ping asked, "Do I have enough hatred points now?"

"Host, you have 2,600 hatred points in total. "You are still short of 400," the system said honestly.

Four hundred?!

Xia Ping felt a little regretful. When he was in Black Moon City, he killed many members of the Black Bear Company and caused a huge disaster. Many members of the Black Bear Company hated him and brought him a lot of hatred. Not only did he recover the loss of the invisibility pill, but he also made a small profit and gained some benefits.

However, it was still not enough. He was still short of four hundred.

"Right. Tomorrow."

Xia Ping suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up. "Tomorrow is Monday, and it will be the day of the school's wrestling competition." At that time, I will represent my class in the fight, and countless students will be watching from below. "This is the best opportunity to attract hatred."

To gain more hatred points, the more people, the better. Tomorrow was his chance. He believed that with his ability to attract hatred points, it would be easy to gain 400 hatred points.

"And Zhou Tai' an."

Xia Ping clenched his fists: "I have to repay him for what happened last time." His eyes were burning with anger.

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