
God-level battle maniac


Black_rabbit24x · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Some new drip and the real benefits of his gifts

After a few hours, Eric had finished sowing. The main color was a deep purple along with some embroidery made with the deep blue thread. The final outcome was a mix between a mob boss coat and a pimp jacket, the hem reached just below the waist while the sleeves while long still left room for maneuverability, It also had a fur-lined collar. Looking down at the almost-finished product Eric thought out loud "damn, I really need to get some more of that fur. This turned out well, just one thing to go." picking up the coat Eric placed it down in the refining circle before reaching out his hand and grabbing the air.

In his hand, there was a blurry and faded red orb that seemed to be made of smoke. This was the hell cat's soul, he only managed to salvage some of it in the end as most of it disappeared before he could collect it. Placing the soul on the coat he activated the refining circle, for this occasion he had left the hell cat's skeleton and some organs alone. Once the circle was fully activated the hell cat's body began to merge with the coat before the soul shifted into a mirror image of it and also merged with it.

Grabbing the now complete coat there were a few differences from before. Three were now two fingerless spiked gloves on top of the coat and the coat itself had changed. The previous purple had now become more vibrant and natural, like it was always that color from the start, and the sowed patterns had changed from what they were to mural-like directions of different beasts and wildlife. Looking over at his status there were some changes.

{name: Eric

Gifts: potential, adaptation

Realm: energy gathering 1/9

Powers: energy refinement, physical refinement, passive growth

Skills: enhanced intellect, rapid learning, black magic(intermediate), sacrificial magic(intermediate), puppet control, soul magic(beginner), multi-minded, body magic(beginner) life/trade skills(beginner)

Energy: demonic/mana

Equipment: flesh seed(growth type), bestial set (2/2, coat, gloves, growth type)






Constitution: 100

Mp:7,500 (100%)}

The life/trade skills were just the outcome of doing various mundane tasks that required a little bit of skill and could be used in any kind of trade job, like sowing or making the water basin, albeit out of bone, or dye-making and use. That he already knew he had, he got it soon after finishing sowing the coat. what he didn't expect, however, Was it turning into a set item and a growth type at that.

Growth-type items were items that could do as the name suggested, grow. While a normal item could be upgraded it would eventually become less of what it originally was and instead, just become what had replaced it. Growth-type items would actively grow and enhance themselves to become stronger but still what they were at the start, essentially meaning you would never have to replace them with a better one.

Set items were simply items that belonged to a set, the more of a set you had the more powerful it was. However, a growth type and a set type together were special, normally a set-type item only had as many parts as it started with, and you couldn't add more. Growth-type ones, however, would add more as time went on if need be, such as the fingerless gloves.

While he couldn't attune to the new items he was soul bound to them, meaning that no one else would be able to use them as they were specifically connected to his soul. A side note that's interesting is that the vast majority of attuned items were growth-type and vice-versa. Wearing his newly acquired coat, and gloves, sadly without the fur neck lining as it was removed during the refining. Eric tested out the new item's abilities, The flesh seed was only made to assist in sacrifices and other flesh-needing activities so it didn't have any other benefits.

After some tests, he found out that the bestial set had a total of 6 benefits. one, it would increase the 'ferocity' of his energy and aura. two, it had a significant defense. three, it was incredibly durable and would even repair when given energy. four, the spikes on the gloves had a penetrative effect and would induce shock waves in whatever it hit, effectively bypassing armor. Five, It enhanced his body's basic functions such as metabolism or his heart health and power. and lastly, it looked damn good on him.

Over the next few weeks, Eric just idled around. He would occasionally go to the forest for some fun but most of his time was spent training, learning, and researching or testing. He had learned some interesting things about his gifts though. The reason why he was able to do so many things and learn them so fast was due to his gift of potential. Normally, someone's talent for something would be decided based on their past and current lives karma, that was why some people were better at something than others.

When someone tried to do more than one thing at once, such as dark magic and sacrificial magic, the speed at that they learned both would be half of normal, slowing down their progress in both, and for every extra thing added the speed would be halved again. So if someone would be able to fully master dark magic in one year by they decided to learn sacrificial magic, something that they could also master in a year, they would now take two years each. And if they added body magic, something that would once again just take a year, all three things would now take four years, then 8 then 16, and so on. And as you got more advanced in something it would become harder to advance, but the manifest would be even better the higher you went in mastery

With Eric he didn't have karma, meaning that he would learn all things at the same speed, he also wasn't affected by karma built up in this life, meaning that he could learn as meant things at once as he wanted and they would stay the same speed. The downside was that he also wasn't affected by good karma either, meaning that he wouldn't learn any faster no matter what he did be it full concentration on one thing or 50 things so he could only learn things fast through hard work.

His gift of adaptability just caused his very existence to change to best suit the situation, like how when entering hell his body adapted to demonic energy to better use it, or when he turned his whole body into a core it changed again to accommodate for the changes. And even when he began to strengthen his soul using other souls his own soul changed to absorb and use the new soul energy without any detriment the downside of this though was that once he died his very existence would be reached from all of reality in every way possible resulting in his complete and utter erasure.

And about that snot-nosed brat? Well, he did manage to kill a few slaves but as soon as the guards tried to kill him he just killed them instead before feeding their flesh to the flesh seed and eating their souls before cutting off the brats sword hand, meaning he wouldn't be able to use a sword, or any weapon, properly again, Not that he could use them properly in the first place. He didn't try much after that.

There you go, the full benefits and drawbacks of his powers.

Black_rabbit24xcreators' thoughts