
A bullshit gift and an even more bullshit sacrifice

Walking up Eric walked did his daily routine. Shower, change clothes, have breakfast, brush his teeth and check to see if the armies of hell had breached the wall... Wait, what? Let's go back a bit and see how this happened. TAKE TWO! LET'S DO THIS FROM THE TOP!

walking up Eric did his daily routine. Shower, change clothes, have breakfast, brush his teeth and feed the cat. After this Eric walked over to his living room. Looking around Eric lived in a small apartment that he paid for by morning part-time. Family? Car crash when he was young. Do I need to explain?

Sitting on the couch and looking out the window he saw the sun just starting to rise. While admiring this site his cat 'blacky' (named this for obvious reasons) sat down on his lap and began to lie down like it owned the place "hey guy. How you doing?" blacky purred in his lap as if to say 'I'm good' "coll, now get off me I can't to go to work!" tossing the cat off him self Eric went to grab his wallet and keys so he could go to work.

Seeing that cat hiss at him as he left the house he waved and walked over to his dingy motorbike that looked like a slight breeze would turn it to dust. He sat down and turned the key... And nothing happened "oh COME ON! You gotta be shiting me. Why today of all days!?" kicking his bike he rushed towards the nearest bus station.

Running to the bus stop he saw it just pulling up so he tried to speed up. "fuck, I need to get back in the gym." seeing the bus started to leave he rushed forward hoping to coach up "WAIT, I'M HERE. STOP!" hearing the commotion outside the bus driver stopped and opened the door "15 dollars for a ticket." hearing the middle-aged man tell him the price he grabbed his wallet and hurriedly found his card "here." grabbing the card the bus driver scanned the card and gave it back to him.

Hoping on the bus and sitting down Eric checked the time on his phone. Muttering under his breath he said "fuck, I'm gonna be late for work." looking back up he saw something he would never forget. A giant blood-red portal opened in front of the bus, but before they could drive in, a horde of monsters rushed out and rammed into the bus "motherfu...


Walking up Eric had a splitting headache "damn, don't remember drinking last night." looking up he saw he was in a giant white room. As he began to look around he heard an elderly voice "welcome." tuning around he saw nothing but an empty expanse of white "who's there?" "worry not, I am just here to give you your gifts." remembering what had happened before he got here he asked, "are you God?" as if hearing a great joke booming laughter came out from all around him "AHAHAHAHA! No boy. I am not God. I am just the messenger of the game master." hearing this Eric asked "game master?" sorry but you're too weak to know." hearing this Eric asked, "you mentioned a gift?"

Hearing this messenger said "yes, as the game has begun all players will be granted a major and minor gift. As per the agreement, you will be able to choose said gifts but you will have to sacrifice something in return. The greater the sacrifice the better the gift. So, what do you choose?"

After thinking for a while Eric asked "before I choose I want to ask something, can I?" "sure, ask away." getting the green light Eric asked, "does reincarnation exist?" confused the messenger asked, "why would you ask?" "Just curious." hearing this the voice said, "yes reincarnation does exist, and as a little bonus ill tell you that all things have gone through it and will continue to until the end of time."

Getting his answer Eric said, "ok then for my major gift I want potential, and for it, I will sacrifice my ability to reincarnate." after a long pause, the messenger yelled "WHAT!? you're going to sacrifice your ability to reincarnate!? Do you even know what that means?" rubbing his ears Eric replied, "yes I know what I'm doing, so is the sacrifice big enough or not?" calming down the messenger said "of course the sacrifice is big enough why wouldn't it be? And before you say your next gift I would like to ask why you would sacrifice every life after this one?" "we'll first. I'm greedy and second, my life has been shit so far so I don't want to go through that any more times than I already have."

"you know, I would normally be shocked but the fact that you just sacrifice your future reincarnations has stopped me from being surprised for the next thousand years." looking for eric asked, "can I have my minor gift now?" "Sure, what would you like?" once again getting the green light Eric smiled and said, "I would like the adaptability and for the sacrifice..." looking up at where he assumed the voice would be him he gave the biggest smile he could and said,

"I'll sacrifice my past lives." . . . Silence. . . "you what?" hearing the disbelief in its voice Eric said "you heard me, I want my minor gift to be adaptability and for the sacrifice, I chose my past lives. And before you ask, it's for the same reasons as my first gift."

after a long pause, the messenger finally said "fuck it, I'm getting too old for this shit. Fine." clearing their throat he said, "for your gifts, you choose potential and adaptability, and for your sacrifices, you choose your past and future lives are this right?" answering Eric said "yep." "ok then, when you want to walk up just close your eyes and think of leaving. when you wake up you will be in the same place as last and you will have your gifts." hearing this Eric said, "see ya later then."

Closing his eyes Eric slowly vanished from the room. After fully disappearing the voice said "I almost feel bad for whatever poor soul makes that madman angry"