
1. I want your body

Hello my name is niko and im going to be borrowing your body.

"AHH huff huff just a dream" hi my name is saruyama im 15 and a 2nd year highschool student i live in a large apartment with my younger sister mio that my parents pay for my dad has a post high up in govorment so he makes alot of money. life is pretty good all exept for one thing "leave me alone you pervy weirdo" my horrible luck with the ladys ive been rejected time and time again ive tried many aproches ive been charming and romantic but it still didnt matter no mater how hard i try and all because of somthing that happend in middle school. I woke up late one morning and i put on apair of my sisters under by mistake some girls at school saw and ever since then people think of me as some pervy weirdo that nick name even followed me to highschool. But enuff of the past i mean im smart good looking and because my parents pays for my expancess ive got over 6 000,000 yen saved from my part time job. "good morning mio whats for breakfast" "i made you an extra special omlet to celebrate your birthday" "thanks but why is it red" "i added some assblaster hot sause for flavor" Man just once id like to have a normal meal "thanks" i take one bite "AHHHH" "Have a good day at school bro" "you to" i walk down the street on my way to school.

"Whats up saru" "oh morning nat"nat natsou my best and only friend manly because like me no one likes him eather. "So whats up saru you look like shit did you get rejected again or mabey you got caught doing something else" "n-no nothing like that its just mio made me a SPECIAL omlet this morning to celebrate my birthday and the bit that made it special was assblaster hot sauce" "thats rough but since were on the subject of birthdays i got you something here". He hands me a small rapped box I open it and inside is a silver necklace "thanks its cool but wassent it expansive" "no actually I found it a little wile ago and got it cleaned then this morning i remembered it was your birthday so I rapped it and gave it to you".


"I'm home" "hay bro how was school" "well nothing extradinary happend if that's what you mean im going to have a shower before dinner" " k don't be long im making sweet n sour pork".

I take my shirt of and look in the mirror i have scars and bruises allover my body from bullying when I was younger "huh" "hay bro dinners ready" "Kay i just finished" i walk down the hall i can smell spice "i see when you said sweet and sour pork you ment ass blaster spicy pork" "yeparooni i know how much you love spice" "umm yea... sure".

Man my stormatch hurts from dinner i have to destroy that sauce one day I need sleep "night mio" i go to my room and get to sleep.


"ahh so heavy" "well that's no very nice and after i healed your stormatch" " huh who are you" i sit up to see a beutiful girl around around my age she's short slim and has short white hair. "What do you mean who its me niko i meet you in your dream last n1ight remember" "hmm well I do recall a strange dream were i met a beautiful girl who said some thing strange like i want you body but" "actually i said i wanted to borrow your body and since you don't remember let me introduce myself i am... GOD but you can call me niko" "what did you just call yourself god" "mhuh" "okay i don't know how you got in here by he need to lea"... I stand up and she is gone... "im behind you" "ahh how did you do that" "do what you mean teleportation its sutch a simple trick"... she vanishes from the bed i turn my head and she is standing by the door she vanishes again and appers on top of my head i look up she vanishes and appers in front of me again. "Now do you believe me I am god" "w-what do you want" "i told you I want to borrow your body" "what do you mean b-borrow my body" "i mean im weak from a battle and need to let my energy recover so I am going to merge with your body and soul and we will become one" "what b-but" "i know what your thinking and im not going to force you but think about it i will give you all the powers of god to use however you like and in return when the time comes you will defend this universe" Defend the universe me no its impossible but having the powers of a god not to mention she will be around and and "o-okey I'll do it but on one condition" "and what might that me" "well why did you choose me" "well you have a strong healthy body and there went many people with your abilities" "what abilities" "you will see" .