
God Incarnate

What if you could unlock your brain's full potential? What if the limiter that was set on your body was broken? What if... --------------------------------------------------------- In a far and desolate planet there was a boy who contracted a virus that killed millions of people. He was already on his last breath until... The boy, through sheer will and unwillingness to die suddenly managed to unlock his full potential. His brain, the universe inside our head evolved into something that made him into a higher being. Able to adapt to any environment, able to evolve his body to best suit his surroundings. His evolved brain is able to process data faster. And his mutated body was able to regenerate faster. He became a God. An immortal. An everlasting entity. Thus he was able to live until the day his planet was destroyed. After his planet was destroyed his body reformed into space. He then began to wander the eternal cosmos for a new planet. His body underwent a major change during his travel. Able to absorb and produce different kinds of energy that he encountered…Going from planet to planet observing its beginning and witnessing its ending. Learning about parallel-universe. Meeting beings made of magic or law; Gods! But with eternity comes solitude. He became apathetic and lost his desires. He became stagnant. After travelling every known realm and space, he has killed every being just to satiate his ever empty feeling. He seeked battles and war just to feel something. And when the last Primordial God died by his hands he stopped moving. He drifted into space for half an eternity. Seeking closure in slumber, reliving the days he spent as a mortal, as a weak being who was struggling to survive. He wishes to go back to the past and relive it all but that would be impossible because his power was designed to destroy and not create. Suddenly he awakened! He then began gathering every power he had on his body and… BOOOM! he self-destructed… After his body exploded it came together and formed a new realm, a new universe. His death birthed new lives and a new path, a new world, a new beginning with a new meaning. And after billions and billions of years later he again came into being…. Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Fat_Neko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


In the desolate place Gin was nimbly running around avoiding crescent shaped energy attacks from his demon. "Is that all you got?! Hahaha" The demon's laughter reverberated throughout the place. It was enjoying itself, like it finally found a toy it wished to play with after a long time.


Gin didn't utter any response, he was too focused. 'If I defeat this demon then I'll gain power! I'll avenge Mary and save Leah!' But how much time does he have? He didn't know so he was becoming desperate.

"Shit!" Gin cursed. He was simply helpless in the presence of his demon. He knew he had to relax and calmly face this monster but he felt so irritated because he doesn't have that much time.

"Still like water. Calm like water." He repeatedly told himself.

"No matter what you do. You can never defeat me! Just stay still and be devoured by me little Gin!'' Uttered the demon as it kept on toying with Gin. "You want to avenge that little girl with the power that you'll get from defeating me?! ME??! The Great Demon of Greed?! HAHAHA fucking naive!"


Gin winced in pain as a crescent energy grazed his side. He clutches it as he keeps his distance. The demon seems to be able to read his mind. If so then all his struggle will be futile…

"Exactly!" The demon said as it stopped attacking him. It kept smiling at Gin for a little while before it casually approached him. "You see this place is your own world little Gin, as well as mine. Every thought you ever had echoes here…"

"In this desolate place… this prison." For a moment Gin managed to see a different expression on the demon. It was still smiling but its eyes weren't. Gin saw faint melancholy engraved deep within.

"Which is why…


"I'M GONNA DEVOUR YOU!!!" A more deranged expression took over the creepy smile on the demon as it dashed toward Gin and pierced his chest with its hand coming out of his back. Gin was helpless; he couldn't even move. It was as if time slowed down as his eyes slowly saw its hand pierce his chest while his body was too slow to react.

The demon was done playing, that was the only explanation.

Gin's eyes slowly lost its luster as his consciousness slowly disappeared.


In the outside world

Gin's body jolted and his consciousness returned but his aura was now dark. Lost was the azure and calm aura and now replaced by a chaotic and destructive red aura.

"HAHAHAHA Finally I'm free!" Bellowed the Great Demon of Greed that now possesses Gin's body.

Leah and the beast stopped their battle as they sensed this eerie newcomer.

They looked at the Demon. The Beast recognized it as an enemy right away but displayed no emotion on its visage. Leah on the other hand looked uncertain at first but then bared her fangs and showed great rage towards it.

"Hmm.. Let me test how much power I can release on these insects." Uttered the Demon as it got ready to stand up and let go of Mary's lifeless body. It was about to when suddenly its eyes widened because it couldn't let go of Mary's body. 'What.. Why can't I move?' It was greatly puzzled at first then it looked at Mary. 'It's this thing's fault!'

"Why are you so attached to this lifeless thing?! Huh?" The Demon irritatedly asked out loud. But there was no response. And then it groaned. Countless memories smashed against its consciousness. Memories of Mary where she was angry, sad and most of all memories of her smiling towards him. Then something deep within the Demon's or Gin's body surfaced, it was an emotion that the Demon found repulsive; it was care, attachment, affection. It couldn't understand such a concept and had a really hard time fighting this invading force. "If I can't move because of this thing then there's no need for it! You think something like this will stop me?! After everything that I've endured to get here!?" It bellowed as it gathered chaotic energy in its mouth then pointed it towards Mary.

As the Demon was powering up, the Beast and Leah reacted. The Beast didn't like what this newcomer was doing and felt greatly threatened by its red energy so it gathered mana in its mouth just like the Demon and this dirty green acid-like gas appeared and formed a ball in its mouth, it then launched it toward the Demon. Leah on the other hand rushed towards this thing that now possessed Gin. She was intending on saving Mary's body. Even though she was unconscious her instinct told her to do so and so her body obeyed.

But the Beast was quicker and it wasn't holding back this time. It really wanted to erase this red abomination from the get go. That's how much the Demon threatened this emotionless Beast.

The acid-like ball of energy was close and the Demon felt it. It frowned at first but then it ignored it after feeling its energy. It doesn't seem too bothered by such a meager attack. It's focus was on Mary and then it released its attack. Leah looked at the red beam making its way to Mary in slow motion. A linger of emotion flashed on her face as she looked helplessly. But then…


Winds blew all about as a huge azure magic circle appeared on the ground beneath Gin. Gin's body then produced a strong fluctuation of mana that pulsed and created this wave of energy like a ripple in the ocean. It traveled far and wide. Every living thing on the Smog mountain felt it and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. The power released by Gin was so strong that it nullified the attack of the Demon and the Beast and the beings that felt it received a feeling of being contained or being oppressed. It was a strong feeling of being sealed. Their movement was restricted and some even fell to the ground unmoving. Leah and Beast froze in their spot while beings like Chris and Calir was only restricted for a moment.


In a remote place in the Village.

Three elders and a handsome middle aged man were drinking tea on the veranda of a wooden cabin. This cabin was unlike any other. It was unique because it was on top of a big old tree. It almost looked like a part of the tree itself. The surrounding was a scenery anyone would appreciate and enjoy. The tree house was surrounded by the wonders of nature, abundant plant life as well as wild life. Prey and predators alike roam around and birds of different kinds perched on top of trees with abundant fruits. But this peace was disturbed by a ripple of strong energy. The birds panicked and fell to the ground and the other beasts slumped down whimpering...

"Demon Sealing Technique!!!" An old man muttered. He was big like a bear with a long beard and bushy eyebrows that covered his eyes.

"Did Yama break his seal? Or is it someone else from that clan?" Asked by an elegant looking old woman with unfeeling cold blue eyes.

"If a Demon Sealing Technique was used then there's bound to be a Demon nearby." Uttered by another old man with a muscular body and spiky short white hair.

"None of the Elders felt a demon's presence?" Asked by a handsome middle aged man in a wheelchair. He had long black hair with a pale complexion. He looked like he was born of nobility.

"Unfortunately, no Vincent. So if there really was a Demon then it seemed to be a powerful one. If it passed the boundary then that would be another story since we'll be able to feel its presence even if it tries to hide with all its might." Answered by the old man with bushy brows that was as big as a bear.

"For there to be a surviving member of that clan." Uttered by Vincent, the handsome middle aged man.

"Master seems to be forgetting that there is another living survivor in the Village. Although I think it's too early for him to wield such power." Said by a newcomer in a butler's attire. He was carrying a tray with some biscuits, cookies and other pastries.

"Jared, are you alright?" Asked by Vincent.

"Yes, I only felt restricted a bit earlier so I'm a bit late in delivering the pastries." Jared said apologetically. He looked like an amicable young man in his mid twenties with his slick back blonde hair and friendly face.

"We'll eat it later. We have more pressing matters to attend to. Chris and Calir should be on their way now." Said by the Old man with bushy brows as he stood up. The other elders also stood up.

"Be careful Elders, also please take this. I hope this helps a little." Said by Vincent as he swiped his sleeve as bottles of elixirs of different colors appeared. The Elders divided the bottles and then nodded before disappearing from the scene.

"Even while restricted they still move so fast." Uttered Jared in amazement.

"Well they aren't called the Three Paragons for nothing." Vincent said respectfully.

New Chapter after a long time. Whoo. Stay tuned!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fat_Nekocreators' thoughts