
GOD: I give you S-class stealing, and you use it to steal from me?

It is a fantasy MMO novel. The protagonist accidentally receives the S-class stealing ability given by God, but decides to steal from God. Guided by the rebirth and return, he befriends a group of like-minded partners and embarks on a journey to find God. After a fierce battle, they discover the secret of God and successfully destroy God's core, dissipating God's power and revealing the truth that God is not omnipotent.

Daoisto7TQwQ · Games
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61 Chs

Chapter 9: Card Mechanics! Monster Attack.

"Is it possible to learn the [Dodge] skill?"

Chen Ming decisively tapped OK.

[Ding - Ghostly Shadow's racial power, Dodge Mastery] is triggered!

The [Dodge] skill is upgraded to the [Ghostly Shadow] skill!

It's a done deal!

Chen Ming was ecstatic!

He hadn't been wrong about the wager!

[Ghostly] (Passive) (Purple Legendary)

Profession: Thief

Effect: The dodge rate is doubled, allowing the character to dodge magic attacks!

Introduction: The unique ability of the [Ghostly Phantom] race, which has roamed the world of [Glory] since ancient times, they are like shadows and have no entity.


"Purple-level legendary skill!"

"It can dodge magic attacks!"

"It was damn awesome!"

Is this what it feels like to have your heart in the right place?

When Chen Ming looked at the poisonous wasp again.

A hint of cruelty passed through his eyes.

Can now dodge magic attacks ...

Then what is he afraid of?

Rushing up and inviting seven or eight poisonous bees in one breath!

In their rage, their tails suddenly lit up.

"The sting of the poisonous bee!"

Seven or eight poisonous bee stings attacked in one instant.

If it had been earlier, Chen Ming was afraid that he would have panicked.

But at this moment, he smiled and prepared himself for a round of skillful bombardment.

Hit me, count me out.




Three consecutive misses!

Chen Ming was unharmed!


No longer hesitating, he rushed towards the swarm in a single breath!

With the physical-magical double dodge, he was no longer worried about the level 10 Green Bee or the level 11 Purple Bamboo Bee!

Pull all the monsters you can.

Poison them and be done with it!


Half an hour later.

Chen Ming looked around.

It's full of bee corpses.


A golden light flew up from the soles of his feet.

"Congratulations on reaching level 8!"

Chen Ming immediately transformed into [Heirloom Leather Armor - Wrist Guard].

His defense instantly skyrocketed by 10 points!

From 19 points, it broke through to 29 points in one breath!

If Chen Ming remembered correctly, the attack power of the poisonous wasp was only 29 points.

It couldn't even break his defense!

"And that's only one thing ..."

"If I put on a full set of [Inherited Leather Armor]."

"How terrifying will I be?"

After some fantasizing.

Chen Ming started to touch the corpse.

The number of poisonous bees this time was not as high as the five hundred or so coyotes from before.

But it was a hundred or so.

No less.


Chen Ming touched a card.

[Poisonous Wasp Illustration]

Introduction:Activate the Poisonous Wasp in the monster icon after use.

Attribute: Permanently increases Agility by 3 points


Chen Ming was surprised.

Surprisingly, it's an illustration of a monster.

The Monster Atlas is a very important training system in Glory.

Every monster has its own iconography.

Once it is activated, you can receive a permanent attribute point bonus.

Illustrations can be obtained by brushing monsters.

However, the burst rate is extremely low.

It's even harder to get than equipment.

However, it is mandatory for every player to hug Sakura.

Every time a player reaches level x9, e.g. level 9, 19, 29.

You will then need to activate at least 3 artifacts in that level range to upgrade.

For level 9, you need 3 monster artifacts from levels 0-9.

For level 19, you need 3 monster artifacts of levels 10-19.

And so on.

Otherwise, it will stop at level x9 and cannot be upgraded.

The icon pop rate is extremely low though.

If you really can't get rid of it.

It can also be activated with experience or coins.

For example, this level 9 Venomous Bee icon by Chen Ming.

You need 900 silver coins to activate it with gold coins.

That's a whole 9 da no slips!

Ninety thousand dollars!

I guess only scumbags would choose this.

Activating with experience, on the other hand, requires the full experience of the icon's level.

A level 9 Poison Bee icon would require the full experience of levels 9 to 10 to activate.

This is what the vast majority of players choose.

But no player would choose a high-level icon just for the sake of an upgrade.

Too much consumption.

Go ahead and activate the lower level icons.

For example, level 1, level 11, and level 21 that end in 1.

There is a lot of natural consumption.

But relatively.

Attributes will also vary.

The big guy activates the level 7, 8, and 9 icons.

Civilians only mess with level 0, 1 and 2 icons.

Gaps accumulate every 10 levels.

Less is more.

Once everyone is at level two or three hundred, the gap is immense.


There are even some godly people who are willing to paint the entire iconography.

Each level of iconography also generates additional bonds and attributes when painted.

But that's limited to the Godhawks.


Originally, Chen Ming was prepared to rely on brush experience to activate the icon.

I didn't know that one had actually popped out.

"This is an unexpected pleasure." Chen Ming smashed the icon.

Endless decks of cards floated steeply in front of his eyes.

The cards are silhouettes of different monsters.

But it's all pitch black.

Indicating that it is not activated.

After Chen Ming smashed the Poison Bee Illustration.

One of the cards is illuminated.

The image of a poisonous bee appeared.

As a result, his Agility increased by 3 points!

Plus the 2 points from [Heritage Leather Armor - Wristguard].

Plus the 1 point that came with the upgrade, plus the 15 points that he actively allocated.

At this point, his agility points had reached a staggering 126 points!

Within 5 levels of difference.

I'm afraid it would be hard for any monster to hit Chen Ming!

He looked at the mission.

He has killed about 40 bees of all three types.

Halfway to completion.

"Try to finish it in half an hour."

Just as Chen Ming was about to continue killing the monsters.


A system beep sounded.

[Ding-Newbie Village #616 player has massacred monsters, triggering monster hatred].

[Monster Attack Event, Opened!]

[Ask the player of Novice Village #616 to help the village chief and defend the Novice Village].

[Successfully fending off a monster attack will be handsomely rewarded!

[Failure to resist and the destruction of Novice Village #616 will be severely punished!]

The Moment.

The chat box in Novice Village channel #616.

It exploded!


"Crap, what's going on? Monster attack?"

"Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup Big Brother, is it you again?"

"Can someone explain what the hell a monster attack is!"

"OMG, you guys need to go back to the novice village! I can already see a bunch of monsters appearing on the horizon!"

The players in Novice Village #616 were completely confused!

How could it be that when they were brushing monsters and brushing well, a monster attack suddenly appeared?

It was soon analyzed.

This is their 616th Novice Village Grand Guild playing it out!

After Chen Ming stole the title earlier.

The big guilds have also chartered.

Trying to steal a title for the president of his guild.

Good to raise eyebrows worldwide.

It's also a way to promote your guild.

A couple of big guilds led by Snow Moon.

All of them are desperately trying to brush up on their skills.

Originally, there weren't many monsters near the Novice Village.

Now it's being fought over by the big guilds in packs.

Many monsters die horribly as soon as they are refreshed.

It only takes a few hours.

The amount of dead monsters is extremely high!

In addition, there was the Chen Ming monster in Novice Village #616.

The amount of monsters he killed in a single raid completely surpassed a guild that had nearly a hundred raids.

Soon, the number of monster kills reached the trigger conditions.

A monster siege had begun!