
GOD: I give you S-class stealing, and you use it to steal from me?

It is a fantasy MMO novel. The protagonist accidentally receives the S-class stealing ability given by God, but decides to steal from God. Guided by the rebirth and return, he befriends a group of like-minded partners and embarks on a journey to find God. After a fierce battle, they discover the secret of God and successfully destroy God's core, dissipating God's power and revealing the truth that God is not omnipotent.

Daoisto7TQwQ · Games
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61 Chs

Chapter 50 - Defeat of the Old-timers! Cows and horses run faster

The woman s words came out, and immediately drew the presence of countless people stunned.

Such words ... are really not afraid of offending people?

Although I know that you are a Tsinghua Hegemony, but there are also many bulls present!

Indeed, there are quite a few players who insist on trying, and after hearing these words, they immediately showed a hint of displeasure.

There were even some hot-tempered ones whose faces immediately changed, as if they were about to open their mouths to express their displeasure.

But ... just at this moment.

Nan Feng Bei, who was ranked second after the Female Streamer, opened his eyes and revealed a bitter smile, "Female Streamer Sister is right, this puzzle, it's even harder than we imagined, with just us, we can't pass".

Seeing quite a few people with unconvinced looks, Nan Feng Bei explained, "This chess puzzle seems simple, but as the steps are deduced, the difficulty and complexity of each step will be layered and superimposed."

"At 32 moves, the difficulty will even undergo a qualitative change!"

"As chess amateurs, we can't do anything to break through this level of difficulty."

Ling Yue had been stuck in the fourth position for a long time, she had always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell herself exactly what was wrong.

It wasn't until the two of them spoke that she came to a realization.

"So that's how it is... ..."

It wasn't just Ling Yue.

Almost all of the top ten ranked players had a pensive expression on their faces.

At this scene, those players who originally still had some resentment in their hearts were the ones who showed expressions of shock.

All of the top ten ranked players actually had the same thought?

It seemed that only the experts could feel the true pressure of the puzzle.

At this thought, all the players who were still upset earlier closed their mouths one after the other.

"I'm going to ask for outside help." The female streamer's words were directed at Southwind North alone.

Obviously, the two of them knew each other.

Nan Feng Bei smiled faintly, "I knew you wouldn't give up ... willingly. But if you're going to ask for outside help, I'll do the same."

The Female Stream nodded her head, stopped answering, and then her entire body entered the Temporary Departure Protection state - a function set up for players who were in trouble in the real world and needed to leave for a short period of time, but didn't want to go offline.

Within five minutes of entering Temporary Departure, the player was in a state of invincibility.

Of course, it can only be opened in a non-combat state.

Nan Feng Bei also made a gesture to temporarily leave, but Ling Yue took the first step to stop him and asked, "Uncle Nan Feng, what kind of foreign help do you have?

Nan Feng Bei was already over forty years old, and Ling Yue calling him uncle was nothing to be ashamed of.

Although he was from the same prestigious school as the Female Streamers, compared to the tall and silent Female Streamers, this uncle was obviously much more gentle, and he was willing to answer Ling Yue's question.

"The one the Female Streamer wants to invite is Old Senior Umeishi."

Old Senior Plumstone?

Ling Yue's beautiful eyes flashed with dismay.

Elder Shi, the titan of the chess world, deserved to be number one!

Although many people here had never heard of this name, they were shocked by Elder Shi's reputation after a little research.

"The female stream went and invited Elder Shi, what about you, Uncle, who would you invite?"

Ling Yue couldn't imagine what other person could be more powerful than Elder Shi.

Unless it was an expert in a different field.

Ling Yue couldn't help but look forward to something.

Is it Go?

Or chess?

Nan Feng Bei, however, showed a confident smile, "I have a classmate who happens to be researching artificial intelligence, I'll go ask him to help me train an AI that specializes in this puzzle.

One can still ask for this kind of foreign help?

Ling Yue was speechless for a moment.

And the others who heard these words also showed complicated expressions.

Artificial intelligence?

That's nothing but cheating!

In this world, no matter how expert one was in the field of chess, it was impossible to win against an artificial intelligence.

Everyone was suddenly in an uproar.

"What the hell is this even playing, Southwind North, this is too much."

"All right to ask for outside help, but you just opened up!"

"Looks like we'll know the reward for the puzzle by tomorrow at the latest."

"My heart aches for the female stream sister, it was so hard to invite Shi Lao, but in the end, when I turned my head, there was an AI on the other side!"

While the crowd was whispering, Nan Bei Feng had an old and calm expression.

In his opinion, to crack the puzzle, everyone was the Eight Immortals showing off their skills, there was no such thing as cheating or not cheating to speak of.

At this moment, almost everyone agreed with one point of view.

South Wind North's deciphering of the chess game was a foregone conclusion.

The rest was only a matter of time.

Seeing that Nan Feng Bei had also entered the temporary protection state, everyone present shook their heads and even dispersed.

They had already invited an artificial intelligence.

What were they still wasting their time on?


Riding oxen and horses all the way.

Fortunately, this game had an automatic navigation system, otherwise Chen Ming would have to die of exhaustion sooner or later if he concentrated on riding the horse for twenty hours.

During the ride, it was also quite pleasant to open the game's built-in browser to brush up on the forums.

Soon, Chen Ming saw the board puzzle that everyone was eagerly and unusually discussing.

"A woman of the world? I recognize this person, ah, a super high-strung female schoolmaster with incomparable intellect, once killed 100,000 people in a foreign service with a stratagem ... and was thus held in hatred, pitted with insidious tricks, and his head was still hung in the capital of the foreign country for more than a month after his death."

"South Wind North, is also quite a famous guild president, also quite a potential lord, just a pity that he was later betrayed by his men ... It was also in this battle that Huaxia lost a city, and all the players retreated for three hundred miles."

Chen Ming was quite emotional.

These two were both great heroes of Huaxia, but it was a pity that their end was too tragic.

But this was also after the game was reflected in reality.

The world pattern changed, the balance between countries was broken, plus the birth of monsters invading ..., it was a chaotic time.

In this life, he wants to form his own forces in the game and protect everyone.

As for his family ... he is not in a hurry to pull into the game, wait until he stands firm in the "glory", and then pull the family in is not too late.

It is like a boy who goes to the city to fight, always have a place to stay to pick up his parents and relatives.

The fact that his sister had already bought a game helmet was also a good thing.

Chen Ming planned to let her familiarize herself with it first, and then bring her along when she more or less understood it.

There was no rush now anyway.

So a whole afternoon passed leisurely.

As dinner time approached, Chen Ming found a safe place to go offline and ate the meal his sister had prepared.

Halfway through the meal, there was a knock at the door, and it was the courier brother delivering the helmet.

The sister held the top of the line helmet, worth thirty thousand dollars, excited and heartbroken.

"Listening to the opening of this game can awaken various powers, I don't know if I can awaken the SSS level powers ... Well, at least it has to be S level, right? After all, I bought the most expensive and top of the line helmet!"

Chen Jiajia spoke longingly.

Chen Ming smiled and didn't open his mouth to hit her.

The Awakened Empowerment had nothing to do with the helmet.

It all depended on luck!

Anyway, as far as he knew, in his previous life, the strongest of those popular figures were only S-ranked empowerments.

Anyone with an A-Rank Fusion would be able to make a name for himself.

SSS level?

Sorry, never heard of it!

After dinner, Chen Ming went back online to run.

The discussion in the forum about the chess puzzle was active again.

The reason was also quite simple ...

This so-called Chinese chess world, the front and back of the unheard of titan Mei Shi old senior ... defeated!

And the old-timer went out only ten steps more than the women's generation!

According to these ten steps, each step let the old-timer long test at least half a time before daring to strike.

On the last step, the old-timer even sat for an hour!

But even then, he was defeated!

In the end, the old-timer dropped a sentence, "this game manpower can not be broken," fled!

Such an ending.

Of course, it was beyond imagination!

On the forums, the players were already in a state of shock after Meishi's defeat.

If this group of people knew that even an AI could not win a chess game, what kind of expression would they show?

Of course, what made Chen Ming even more excited was ...

After the AI had all lost.

He would then step in and crack the chess game.

And what a sensation that would cause!

Just thinking about it, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up slightly.

This was not pretending.

This was called manifesting a saint in front of people!

"Bull Horse, run faster!"

Chen Ming fiercely slashed at the horse's belly.

He seemed somewhat impatient.