
GOD: I give you S-class stealing, and you use it to steal from me?

It is a fantasy MMO novel. The protagonist accidentally receives the S-class stealing ability given by God, but decides to steal from God. Guided by the rebirth and return, he befriends a group of like-minded partners and embarks on a journey to find God. After a fierce battle, they discover the secret of God and successfully destroy God's core, dissipating God's power and revealing the truth that God is not omnipotent.

Daoisto7TQwQ · Games
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61 Chs

Chapter 47 The key to deciphering the puzzle! Queen's Shame ID

Chen Ming controlled his expression, not letting his excitement show.

He dragged the map.

Soon, a mountain range was found deep in the north of Qingfeng City ...

Marika Mountain Range!

Seeing this familiar name, Chen Ming's mouth could not help but smile.


He had indeed remembered correctly!

That difficult Rao Chess puzzle from his previous life, which had overwhelmed countless Rao Chess puzzles, wasn't even in this Radagon Mountain Range right now!

Rather, it was at the foot of the Marika Mountain Range that he was locked into at this very moment!

As a native Chinese, Chen Ming had a problem with most Chinese Rao - he was not sensitive to foreign names!

Coupled with his last life in the glory, has been very late, very late, all are desperate to level, for these edges of the strange gossip only heard a little, simply do not have the leisure to find out.

Therefore, at first glance, he didn't even recognize this chess puzzle he was in, which was different from the one he found in his previous life.

It was only after he heard the Queen's chatter that he reacted sharply.

This wasn't the same chess game at all!

In the world of Glory, there are two different chess games ... and this is the key to breaking the formation!

How about attacking the shield with an opponent's spear?

This is the answer to the puzzle.

And the chess game hard, the next step is to exhaust the effort, vomit blood, try for several years, but no gain.

Open both sides of the game at the same time.

Let them compete with each other.

That's the way to crack it!

Unfortunately, in the previous life this secret chamber hidden at the foot of Radagon Mountain was not discovered at all.

It was hidden too deep and too deep.

If it weren't for the Queen's A-grade treasure hunting skills, she wouldn't have been able to find this chess puzzle at all.

And the Queen would appear in this area ... probably because of the butterfly effect caused by the change that appeared in this life, Chen Ming.

After a round of calculations, the corner of Chen Ming's mouth couldn't help but appear with a smile.

A good opportunity has presented itself!

"Did you send the address?" Chen Ming turned around and asked.

"Hmph, I am not like you to go back on my word, old lady to do it, it has been sent!"

The queen finished and immediately showed a smug smile.

She had thought that Chen Ming had backtracked and wanted to monopolize the puzzle to crack it herself.

She gloated over the fact that she had been extremely quick with her hands and revealed the secret, causing Chen Ming to lose the chance to crack it.

"Good work, this way I won't have to bother marking another coordinate myself." Chen Ming smiled faintly and turned his head to throw the queen's position to Ling Yue.

Queen: ????

This is not the same as good?

Ling Yue received the message and quickly replied.

"Decryption? Do you need my help?"

"Needed, but not for the decryption."

"Rather, I'm asking you to arrange a time for me to take Su Su to practice."

"After I use her for half an hour, you need to let her have some free time and still not fall behind in her leveling."

Chen Ming's appointment in the afternoon was because the Marika Mountain Range was far away.

Even for him, he would have to walk for at least twenty hours or more before he reached the area, which was filled with level 30 monsters and was far from an area that was currently open to players.

Because the Marika Mountains were so far away, Chen Ming wasn't afraid that the game in the Radagon Mountains would be exposed and someone would get there first.

No one would be the first to find this chess game before him!

Ling Yue on the other side looked at Chen Ming's reply and couldn't help but frown slightly.

Just asking her to deliver a message?

Heh, was this a disrespect to her intelligence?

Ling Yue turned her head and looked at the well-behaved and cute loli standing next to her, paddling and eating her experience, a look of dissatisfaction appearing in her eyes.

Pearl Emerald White Jade Soup let this loli solve the puzzle?

Did he think that his intelligence was still not as good as this loli who was seemingly good and naive?

"I want to see what kind of puzzle this is."

A wave of defiance appeared in Ling Yue's heart.


"Here, your equipment."

Chen Ming tossed a set of leather armor to the Queen Sister.

The Queen Sister showed an incredulous expression, "You, what do you mean?"

"I will get the treasure and return your equipment. ... Those are our trade rules, have you forgotten?" Chen Ming replied calmly.

"Get the treasure? Heh, are you that confident?" The queen usually used a mocking tone.

The words were not even finished.

Then she saw Chen Ming's hand accidentally touch the dagger hanging from his waist.

The queen immediately shut up and grumbled as she crouched down to pick up her equipment.

After she finished dressing, the brave queen reappeared.

She was about to open her mouth to sneer, but after she saw Chen Ming's dagger, she quietly changed the subject, "Are you so confident that you can crack the puzzle?"

Chen Ming ignored her.

Remembering how she had been tormented by the chess game for two or three hours and still had no clue, she couldn't help but become curious.

"This chess game is really difficult!"

"Didn't you almost pass?" Chen Ming looked at them with a smile.

The queen almost collapsed, forcing herself to stabilize, "Hehe, for me to almost pass, but for you, it's quite difficult, don't you want to compare yourself to my old lady?

I'm too lazy to care about you, this school bitch.

Chen Ming bristled, "Add a friend, in the future, when you find a treasure and tell me, I have the operation and the power to help you get the treasure, and we'll split it fifty-fifty, just like a treasure hunter and a treasure hunter's dog.

The queen was furious.

What a treasure-hunting dog!

What do you take the old lady for?

Chen Ming silently scratched his thigh.

He accidentally touched the Hound's tooth on his waist.

As a thief who often hangs his dagger on his waist, it is reasonable to accidentally touch the dagger ... while scratching.

The queen's beautiful face changed violently, forcing out a smile that was harder to see than crying, "It is not impossible ...".

Through a friend.

Only then did Chen Ming realize the queen's identity.

"The king of devouring gods who wanders in the darkness!"

The corner of Chen Ming's mouth twitched.

This was too damn shameful!

You can obtain this kind of id?

Chen Ming glanced at the queen's sister who had eyes full of disdain, as if she was quite satisfied with her id and felt that she could fiercely deter Chen Ming ... .

He silently turned his head away.

En, it was indeed the id that this item could take out.

After returning the equipment, Chen Ming parted ways with her and crushed the teleportation scroll to return to Qingfeng City.

He had already completed the quest before leaving with the Queen's sister to search for the treasure.

He returned to the city to deliver the quest and complete the transfer before running off to attack the Marika Mountains.

And just as Chen Ming was busy with his own affairs.

The post that the Queen's Sister had sent to the ... forum had already attracted quite a bit of discussion.

The heat was constantly rising!