
god has Abandoned me

i wanted to be a king but i died as a nobody

Sajid_Mehmood · TV
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why do i have to suffer for being good man

mc face is the cover

My name is alexander knight i used to live with my parent but they died by my hand because they abused me and now i'm a homeless 20 man i just wanted to be happy but i got cruelty and it has corrupted me.

if your wandering why i'm i talking to myself it because i only trust myself in this endless space of darkness i've been here four countless mellenia cultivating origin energy for an escape from here im a otaku just if your wandering

in the distence from our mc is a 6 year's old little girl

is someone here please i want to see my mommy

huh i've seen a person here other then me wait maybe the key is soul energy heheheheheeehe

hello little girl wat your name my name is what is my name again wait oh i remenber it alexender knight

hehellooo my name is oh wait a moment mister i dont have a name i'm a slave mister can you give me one please mister

okay that not that hard to do but you sure about that once you have name it become a part of you forever and ever

it okay mister im ready to have a purpose

okay what about maiyah wachtmen

i like it mister thank your

your welcome child

well your may be here for a long wild so you should stay near me okay

okay mister

<<<<<<<<<<<<<15 year's later>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

oi alex im leaving to get some wood for okay

why are bothering my beauty sleep mai oi may are you there may may mayr mai ! were are you wait may yoy cant go outsude of the barrier

well if wandering how theyr's wood well our lovely made a tiny universe with his origin energy for his cute wife