
Reviews of The Demonic Contract


The Demonic Contract


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



When I got the most recent chapter, I died. This book is so intriguing and does a great job of drawing the reader in with its relatable and funny mc. It may still be too early to give a really detailed review, but from what I've read so far, this book has MASSIVE potential. Amazing work.

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chapter 1 and i already liked the story! i love how akiro is such a funny and relatable mc. although there were slightly info-dumping nonetheless, the overall story isquite amazingg


I love how the author narrated things and I can't help but be immersed in it. The author's characters made me feel like they were real and fleshed out. Another fellow countrymen whom I am proud of.....


Can I just say, Akiro is 👌 An absolutely flawless character: dynamic, humorous, and I really like how this is reflected in the style of narration. The author draws you in right from the start, leaving you with questions that make you just want to keep reading more to find out the answers. I love how well this is written, it was super fun to read. I think the world building and story telling elements are really strong- the plot flows nicely, and I love the unique twists the author as put into the story. Beautiful work


I should say, I have only read two chapters so far but I think this story is really original. I'm interested to see where it's going to go. I noticed a few grammar issues but it doesn't stop you from enjoying the story. Well done, writer! Keep going :D


Only two Chapters at the time of writing but I really like the main character Akiro. My favorite thing about this book is the laid back way the author explains things. "Yes gods have families" Loll I enjoyed those parts the most. Great Job! Can't wait to see how the story developes