
God didn't mean to kill me so he gave me five wishes

Arthur gets killed by god, and god feels bad so he gives him five wishes. And a world of his choice, he chooses to be reborn into Naruto.

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#2 In The Naruto World As Saruto

30 minutes later.

"Well we've talked and drank tea for quite a while, so I think you should get going." Said god

God clapped his hands and the cups disappeared. Arthur then stood up dusting himself off, even though he was sitting on clouds.

He then sighed as he smiled. "Well thanks god, you did kinda kill me but I'm happy you did because if you didn't I would still be in my room watching anime until I died. I mean you could've picked a different method, instead of sending lighting right through my roof and killing me."

._. … "Yeah sorry about that, the person I was trying to kill was a super bad person so I did what had to be done"

"Yeah I guess it's alright. But now how do I get to the Naruto world?"

"Well that's easy, all I have to do is snap my fingers, and when you open your eyes you'll be somewhere. You could open your eyes and you could be in school, at home or simply talking to one of your friends."

"Well I guess that's fine."

Arthur sighed and then gave God the heads up that he was ready to be sent off

"Well this time live your life to the fullest, even if you become a villain or something like that, it's not like you'll be killing real people"

God then snapped his fingers, not giving Arthur enough time to say thanks.

#2 In the Naruto World as Saruto

When Arthur opened his eyes he was in a classroom sitting down by a whole bunch of kids. He knew that it was the ninja academia. His face started to go bright red. He didn't think he would actually open his eyes and just like that he was in the Naruto world. He then found some things different about him, his half grown beard was gone, and he had smaller hands. He wanted to see his face but there was no mirror. When he was done blushing he looked at the front of the class and there was Naruo and Iruka

"Look Naruto, I'm at the end of my rope here. You failed the graduation test last time and the time before that. Tomorrow you have another chance and you're messing up again, if you keep doing bad stuff like painting on the Hokages head, you might not be able to become Hokage." Said Iruka

Naruto that was tied up looked like he cared but just said "That's dumb!" And turned the other way

"Okay, Whatever but when you fail again don't come running to me asking for another chance!" Iruka said with an annoyed look

And likewise, Naruto didn't care, and that made Irkua even madder.

"Okay then Naruto since you've been acting up lately, I'll make everyone review the Transformation Jutsu."

"Wait what!"

"Dang It!"

"We just got done with that!"

"Thanks alot Naruto!"

'Oh yeah, I remember this like it was yesterday. But for now I should work out and meditate. That's the only way to upgrade my stats, or fighting.' Arthur thought as he silently said "Stat System" It was the only way he knew how to open the stat window.

Name - Saruto Uchiha

Age - 12

Gender - Male

HP 1500/999,999,999

Charka 3000/999,999,999

2x boost [Only way to upgrade stats is to fight or do work out)

Str 100/999,999,999

Spd 100/999,999,999

Con 100/999,999,999

NinJutsu 100/999,999,999

GenJutsu 100/999,999,999ine where everyone was. He then started doing push ups, but no one noticed

TaiJutsu 100/999,999,999

Eye 100/999,999,999

He then closed out of the stat system and went into the lbut Sasuke.

'Looks like I'm the third strongest person in the class. The eye of all things is very useful. I can see how strong everyone is. Naruto is 80 in str, 70 in spd, 230 in con, and 90 in the rest. Sasuke and me have the same in everything. And Iruka is the strongest with 250 in everything. God did tell me something, that I wouldn't level up so if I did push ups and I got 100 stat points, it would instead upgrade all of my stats at the same time so I don't have to apply them. So I'll always have the same number in every stat.'


"Alright Sakura here let's do it! Transform!"

When she said that smoke covered her body so you couldn't see her. The smoke cleared up pretty fast though like a second after. And it looked pretty good

"Yeah it kinda looks like me good, now go sit back down." Said Iruka

"Yeah I did it! Sauske, Saruto did you guys see it? Did you did you?" Said Sakura

"Next Sasuke Uchiha"

Sasuke then walked up with his hands in his pocket. And when he got to where he wanted to be, without saying anything he transformed into a perfect Iruka.

"Good now, go sit down," Said Iruka.

And after some time it was Saruto's turn.

"Next Saruto Uchiha."

Saruto or as you know him best by Arthur. He walked up and without doing any hand signs he transformed into an even better version of himself, A better Iruka then Iruka.

"Very impressive Saruto, You and your brother Sasuke are doing great." Iruka said

"Thanks for the compliment." Saruto said as he walked away.

Iruka then sighed and looked over at Naruto the last person. Naruto walked up and did the right hand sign. "Transform!" He said. When the smoke cleared it was a smoking hot babe. Iruka then got a nose bleed and Naruto transformed back and started laughing.

"HA, Got you that's my sexy Jutsu!"

"Cut the stuipd tricks Naruto!!! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING

--About 3 Hours later, 5:25 PM--

"Your not going home until you clean every last thing on the Hokages heads" Said Iruka

They were on top of the Hokage statues

"So what it's not like there's anyone waiting at home for me!" Said Naruto

… "Hey Naruto, when you clean this all up I'll take you out to get some ramen sound like a deal?"

"HECK YEAH!" Said Naruto

Naruto then started scrubbing faster than ever but it was still a long time before he got done. Until Saruto came, he yelled from the ground.

"Hey, I came to help Naruto. How do I get up there?!" Said Saruto.


And then they got Saruto up there and before you knew it they were done.

--Around 9:35 Pm night--

"Yum this ramen is delicious! … You're nothing like your brother Saruto. Sauske's mean you're nice, he's cold, your cheerful and you help people out, I've never seen you mad ever. Your a cool friend you know that!" Said Naruto as he stuffed his face with Ramen

"I guess but I think Sasuke is really cool, I'm also not saying that because he's my brother."

That night Saruto spent the night over Naruto's house.

--Next day--

"Okay everyone, we will now start the final exams. When your name is called go to the testing room. The final test will be on the …. Clone Jutsu."

'I can make five at a time, I showed Naruto, and attempted to teach him but I couldn't.' Thought Saruto

'Dang it I suck at making clones!' Thought Naruto

--A few minutes later--

When Saruto was called he went to the testing room. In the testing room was a table full of ninja headbands and two judges. They went by the name Iruka and Mizuki, he then did shadow clone Jutsu and made five clones.

'I said I could only make five but I know I can make way more than that.'

"Good job Saruto you made the most in the class impressive once again, you just might be a prodigy." Said Iruka

Saruto walked up to them and was given the headband, he put it on and walked out. And the next person to walk in was Naruto.

"Okay watch this, You guys are thinking I'm going to fail aren't you? Well guess what, I'm going to make 10 shadow clones see watch" He then did the hand movement and said "Shadow clone Jutsu!" and when the smoke cleared up the shadow clone was on the ground super pale and looked nothing like Naruto

… "I'm sorry Naruto but you fail." Said Iruka

--10 minutes later--

Naruto was on the swing hearing all the kids brag about their new headbands. In all honesty he was waiting for Saruto to come cheer him up or something but, Saruto had already told him he would be with Sasuke. Someone then came from behind Naruto. It was Mizuki.

--10 minutes later---

Naruto and Mizuki were on a roof just chilling and talking.

"I want you to know Iruka isn't against you."

"If he isn't against me why didn't het let me pass? I get that I don't know how to make shadow clones, but I'm sure if I practiced more I would be able to do it."

"Naruto if he had let you pass that would've been cheating. And Iruka doesn't like cheaters, he wants you to be strong. But that will never happen if he's easy on you."

"Yeah I know, … But this time I really wanted to graduate. "

"... Well I guess I have to tell you. But if you do it you might get into trouble."

"... Well if it's going to help me graduate who cares, it doesn't even matter I'm always in trouble"

"Okay then I'll tell you. What you have to do is steal this scroll and then you'll become super strong."

"... All I have to do is steal a scroll and I'll become strong. Okay then I'll do it."

--Later that day 5:25 Am--

"What are you telling me he stole the scroll!" Said Iruka

Mizuki was outside of Iruka's house, and Saruto was also there.

"At first I didn't think it was true but I guess he really did it. Naruto's my friend so I'm going with, to see what's wrong." Said Saruto

--13 minutes later--

"This is not some prank"

"Yeah that contains secret stuff"

"Yeah we can't just let this slide anymore."

Said ninja

"Alright, Bring Naruto here at once!" Said the Hokage

And like that the ninja were off. Some time passed about 10 minutes before Saruto and Iruka found Naruto on the ground all dirty breathing very hard.

"It's all over, you've done it now!" Said Iruka

Naruto then laughed rubbing the back of his head. "I guess you got me Iruka, and you to Saruto. Well listen Iruka I'm going to show you this super cool Jutsu and then you'll make me a ninja okay! … That's the way it works right Iruka? If you steal this scroll and learn a Jutsu out of it I can become a ninja."

"Wait huh!?" Said Saruto and Iruka at the same time

"Yeah that's what Mizuki said. If I take the scroll and learn a Jutsu out of it I'll be able to become a ninja."

"Wait that doesn't make any- … LOOK OUT!!" said iruka as he pushed Naruto and Saruto out of the way

A whole bunch of Kunai's were thrown, they were headed towards Naruto and Saruto. But Izuka pushed them out of the way and, the Kunai's went right into his body.

"I see you found are little hideout. Naruto hurry pass me the scroll!" Said Mizuki

"Don't do it Naruto!" Said Saruto 'Dang I could end this all right now, but my stats are only 180 his are 260.'

"Wait what the heck is going on here!"

"Don't give him the scroll Naruto. It contains forbidden Justu that will put this village in grave danger. Mizuki used you to get the scroll for his own power." Said Izuka

"Naruto Izuka is just trying to scare you because he doesn't want you to have the scroll."

"Don't let him trick you Naruto!" Said Izuka

"Me trick him, this whole village has been tricking him from the start."

"Don't tell him Mizuki!!" Said Izuka

"Everyone knows… That the 9 tailed fox is inside of you! The fox spirit that Izuka's parents and almost killed everyone In the village is inside of you! … But enough of that, DIE NARUTO!!"

Mizuki took out a giant Shuriken and threw it at Naruto. And as soon as it was about to hit Naruto Izuka jumped in.


"Because were the same, we both didn't have parents."

But Naruto got up and started to run away, Saruto followed.

"You know once he makes up his mind nothing can change it"


Naruto just give me the scroll so I can take it back to the Hokage!" Said Saruto

Izuka then jumped out of nowhere.

"Wait give it to me, the Hokage might be sleep."

Naruto then punched "Izuka" in the face and dropped down onto the ground safely.

"Your a fake, you aren't Izuka!" Said Naruto.

Mizuki then transformed back into himself.

"It seems like you already knew!"

Izuka then jumped done already in a fighting postion

"I won't let you touch Naruto or Saruto!" Said Izuka

"Stop trying to protect that freak he's a monster. He's just like me soon he's going to become a monster and kill you in everyone in this village."

"... You're wrong he's not a monster, Naruto's one of a kind. He works hard! You're wrong, he's nothing like the 9 tailed fox, he's Naruto Uzumaki!" Said Izuka

"I was going to save you for later but now I'm going just going to kill you right here right now"

Naruto then came from behind izuka with a angry face

"I'm done hearing you talk about killing Izuka, Hey Saruto wanna help me beat Mizuki's ass?" Said Naruto

Saruto then came from behind of Izuka and put his hand around Naruto's neck,

"Of course, My name's Saruto Uchiha, and this is my best bud Naruto, and we're here to kick your ass Mizuki!" Said Saruto, he then took his ninja headband out of his pocket and put it around his head.

"That's a bold assumption now isn't it-"

Saruto and Naruto both dashed over to him and kicked him in the face, sending him flying. He then stood up

"That's a good hit for just being some punks!"

"We still got a lot more from where that came from" Saruto Said

"Oh yeah! Let's see how tough you guys really are!"

Naruto then said shadow clone Jutsu, then a whole bunch of clones started appearing at least 100+

"Woah Naruto I can't let you show me off like that"

Saruto then did some hand signs and said "Fire Ball Jutsu!" He inhaled and exhaled, when he blowed a big fire ball came out of him mouth.


It took a while but he was down on the ground beat to a bloody pulp and the sun was already coming up

"You okay Izuka?" Said Naruto and Saruto

"... Naruto come here a minute i wanna give you something"

When Naruto walked up to Izuka, he took his headband off and put it on Naruto.

"Congratulations you graduate. And to celebrate we're going out for Ramen, you coming Saruto?" Said Izuka

"Of course I'm going, why would you even ask!" said Saruto