
God Cultivator

In this world of fantasy, a land where the strong make rules, and the weak have to obey against their will. It was always the survival of the fittest. Rudra, who belonged to a small clan, in a small city, yet showed extreme potential, and will to cultivate through saint way no one had seen in decades, lost everything when he found a talisman. Since then, his life force kept weakening day by day, he was considered to be a guest of only a few years. He considered the talisman as a curse. He fell down becoming a loser, his will and thoughts had no value. Suffering from nightmares, until one day, his health recovered at an unbelievable pace. His 9 years of cultivation recovered, as he got back to the stage to breakthrough his first chakra, but this time he seemed much more powerful. Things took a turn when he found that the talisman he found a year ago, was within his body. Was it because of the talisman that he lost his cultivation? Then how did all of it come back suddenly? What was that talisman? Was it a blessing or a curse? Join us in this adventurous journey of Rudra unravelling the secret behind the talisman and to know whether he could protect his loved ones from the upcoming danger... This is my first novel so please ignore mistakes a bit and don't forget to suggest any ideas in the comments..... Guys I've joined Webnovel Spirity Award 2024 through this novel so please do support

Theomniscientbeing · Fantasy
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8 Chs

A barrier

Rudra closes his eyes and starts to meditate.

He then starts to feel a powerful energy from the surrounding entering his body.

Then that energy slowly starts to move towards the bottom beginning of his spine where the first chakra was located and just below that chakra the kundalini rests.

Rudra had started to absorb cosmic energy.

He kept meditating, absorbing the cosmic energy from the cosmos.

Somehow, Rudra was getting a different sensation.

Rudra felt that the chest pain had reduced and now he was able to absorb more cosmic energy.

He felt a certain change in his cells due to which he could absorb more cosmic energy than others at once.

He started to feel a weird sensation in his spine near its bottom beginning, in his pelvis.

Yes pelvis is the point where kundalini rests in our human body, and right above that is our first chakra point.

And Rudra was feeling like something was trying to move upwards a bit from his pelvis.

But then that sensation disappeared as if something was stopping his kundalini from moving upwards.

He tried to do it a few more times, but it seemed like there was a barrier stopping him.

He needed a breakthrough through that barrier and for that, he needed something special.

Realizing this Rudra finally opened his eyes.

Taking a deep breath he gets off his bed and looks out of the window to find that it is morning already.

Although Rudra knew some ways of extreme practices to force one's kundalini upwards to break the barrier of the chakra point, mostly the kundalini had to be forced upwards to break the barrier, increasing one's power.

The first was to practice a technique.

Different powerful techniques are powers formed by redirecting our life energy either as an attack or something else.

If someone only cultivated their body energy, then the techniques performed by them are usually weak in front of saint cultivators, no matter how powerful the attacks are actually.

Whereas if body and spiritual energy both are on the same level, balanced with each other, then if we redirect our life force which is made up of these two energies, one can form much more powerful attacks than only body energy cultivators.

Therefore saint cultivators are considered more powerful, as they use their kundalini to perform attacks.

Whereas some who only cultivate spiritual energy can only use a specific type of technique called magical skill.

Which are especially comprised of spiritual energy and are known for damaging the opponents' spiritual energy.

These techniques can be used by directing the flow of our energy in different ways.

To direct one's energy in different ways we use mantras.

Mantras and hand mudras are things through which one can control one's energy to perform different techniques.

Those hand signs and mantras are used in different ways to perform different techniques.

After a long experience of using mantras and hand mudras, one starts to understand more things about them.

Due to this one can even become able to create its mantras, its techniques causing the attacks to be even more powerful.

Due to these one starts to get a better understanding of techniques, one can improve some things in that technique, and try their creativity with them.

Due to all these, if someone gains mastery in mantras, mudras and an understanding of techniques, they can do much.

They become much more powerful than other average people around them.

But where could Rudra get these techniques after all even beginner-level techniques are very expensive, and Rudra didn't have anything.

Also even though his clan was the most powerful in the city its financial condition was miserable nowadays, due to constant conflicts with rival clans.

Which meant he needed to get some money.

Of course, he won't ask for money from someone else.

Then he remembered something.

He ran towards his cupboard.

Opening his cupboard, he began to search for something and after a few moments when his hands came out of the cupboard.

In his hands was a sack back stuffed with something.

He shook that bag.

Rudra opened that sack bag and took out all the things inside it.

And the things inside it were revealed to be white stone coins.

In Kashvyagiri city, two types of currencies were mostly used white stone coins and iron shillings.

White stone coins had the lowest value.

That is hundred white stone coins is equal to that of one iron shillings.

Even his whole Skambha clan had a monthly revenue of nearly 10 bronze coins.

Rudra starts to count those white stone coins one by one.

After a while, finally finishing his counting, "Finally, it's finished, right now in total I have a Hundred-sixty white stone coins, can I get technique with this?", Rudra said.

Rudra knew that even a beginner-level technique would cost more than one iron shilling.

He wouldn't ask anyone in the clan to lend some money to him.

There were different ways to gain or lose valuable resources, either you sell something to gain or buy something to lose.

But the fact was what could Rudra sell in the marketplace?

For this thing, he had to go to the marketplace to investigate, and according to that, he would decide his next step.

Therefore he took his sack bag, put all the white stone coins back inside it and walked out of his room.

Rudra had already exited the mansion and right now was walking on the city roads, directing towards the marketplace.

After a while, he was standing in front of the gate of the market place which was specially made to mark the beginning and end of the market area.

He enters the marketplace.

The marketplace was decorated with many things different types of things, that would attract anyone.

He roams around the marketplace shops.

Many different daily accessories, jewels and things were being sold in most of the shops.

In some shops, people were selling different types of leaves, roots and various parts of plants, which were herbal ingredients from herbal medicinal plants used for preparing Ayurvedic medicines, pills, liquids and many more.

Different kinds of valuable items, creature energy stones.

Weapons like spears, swords, bows, arrows and many others, and different types of precious and powerful armor.

Wooden items, normal mud pots, and some vases and pots for decoration.

Clothes and many other things, it was a huge market shop.

Rudra starts to investigate by going into every shop.

He was asking the managers of the shops about those things they were selling and for how much and what were the most expensive things they were selling.

If the managers asked back, what for he needed this information, Rudra would say that he was also intending to sell something precious to them.

But still even after that if they didn't tell him, then he would go to people who were buying stuff and begin to note everything about their sales.

After consulting with a lot of shop owners and keepers he came to know that jewelry was the most essential thing and was also the most expensive.

But the thing was, from where could he bring jewelry now?

Rob someone's house?

'No, I can't do that, I must have to find some other things which have a high worth as well as I can get it from somewhere to sell', Rudra thought.

He again began investigating but instead of normal shops, he went to Ayurvedic shops.

And did the same thing for more than one hour and compared the data he had about normal accessories with the data of Ayurvedic shops about their sales.

He came to know that different types of leaves, roots and various parts of plants, which were herbal ingredients from herbal medicinal plants used for preparing Ayurvedic medicines, pills, and liquids were the most valuable, and due to which they had high worth.

And one of the most valuable and rare items out of them were different pills.

They are rare because only a few people were able to succeed in the formation of pills.

And even if someone made a pill, they always sold it in auctions, as there they could get more rewards for their hard work in the auction.

And its ingredients were even more expensive.

And it wasn't like if someone who knew how to make pills, could make a pill anyway.

There are special recipes for specific pills, according to which special and particular ingredients are used for a certain type of pills.

But right now who would teach Rudra to make pills?

It wasn't any common knowledge only people who made pills knew about it and only they could teach about it to others.

Slowly the evening time was rising looking Rudra finally decided to take a leave.

But even while on his way back to the mansion he kept thinking about it.

He was lost in his thoughts.

Due to this on the way to his mansion, he almost got into an accident with a carriage that seemed to be transporting goods.

But he was pulled aside and saved by a girl.

He was not sure whether that person was a girl or a boy, because that person had all its body parts completely covered with black cloth.

But he didn't pay much attention to it and kept walking.

And in the mansion also he bumped into someone, again bringing him out of his world.

Rudra raises his head to find his sisters standing in front of him.