
God Book

Life of a God? It might seem easy, but to tell frankly... It's not!!

Nirinia · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Welcome to My World


Is everyone doing alright there in the lower world?

Well, I hope so... Because I hear things are a little shaky down there.

As for me, well, I'm not really to say things like "Oh, everything here is marvelous!" To tell frankly, it's horrible.

Wait, do you even know what I'm talking about?!

Hmm... Did the title not tell you obviously?

If not then I shall therefore introduce myself.


My name is Rym, and I... am a god.

Here in Godland, land of the gods, everyone is a god. Yes, everyone. Born a god, raised a god, trained a god, married a god, aged a god, and died a god. Wait, died? Well yes... but really?

In this heavenly realm beyond the limits of mortal minds, we of the highest level have powers beyond your wildest dreams like magic and miracles, power and might, and other etceteras of life. Even wee babies can do these stuff, which makes them more annoying when they do like summon lightning when they cry and stuff. Yeah... mortal babies are already a pain as they are, how much more these tiny bundles of joy and limitless power?

Anyway, being a god is like being a normal human. However, if you want excel past this point, that's where the God University comes in! Yes, a university on how to graduate as a proper god. Guaranteed to make your godly dreams come true. And yours truly, is a graduate of this school. Indeed, I am a certified professional god.

Now about powers, you might think gods are like elementals or stuff. But no. Well, yes but in truth, gods like those are what you might call lower gods. Why are they called lower gods? Simply because they were all created by higher gods like us. You might mention those like Zeus, Odin, Amaterasu, etc. etc., they are indeed powerful gods but, as lower gods they are limited to their myth or legend. Us higher gods, I'm talking about, "CREATION!" "DESTRUCTION!" "DISTORTION!" "BEGINNINGS!" "ENDINGS!" and "OTHER THINGS!"

God University teaches all students on only one course, though. I heard your schools have plenty of courses involving Science, Mathematics, Arts, etc. etc. Pretty hard right? Us too had those subjects; GodScience, GodMathematics, GodArts, Godetc. It's like for Godlike purposes. I mean to create a world, a god must have knowledge on how things look like, or how they function and stuff, how they relate and conflict, and other godly things. If I were to remember, the hardest subject I had would be... GodSocial Studies. I mean I didn't have that much friends so I don't understand all this connect to others thingy. Another would be GodPolitics. I mean it's how to properly rule right? Or was it? Simply put, our subjects are all the courses you have. We study all those to each create our own perfect world.

As for yours truly, I am a successful graduate making me higher than these standard gods on the streets. As they happily buy their groceries, going to meet friends, work part time jobs, I on the other and better, no, greater hand, am on the process of creating my own world. The process of creating a world varies depending on the God. However, we only have one source. That source is called "Existence Particles" or "EP".

This "EP" is what you might call the tiniest particle of stuff there is. Everything is made up of this "EP" thing, solid, liquid, gas, even mind, thoughts, feelings, memories, even us gods. The difference is that our "EP" is deeply concentrated while other beings, specifically you humans have just enough "EP". Born talented people have high "EP" concentration on that field. Example is a genius or a talented singer, it means their EP concentration is strong on their mind or their voice. EP can also be created through enhancement like those who study or those who work hard. Their actions gather EP from the surroundings, since EP is everywhere on everything, and convert them to their gifts. Anyway, that's how EP works. Us gods, we easily command EP as easy as blinking. Which is one reason why we don't have crimes here much because everyone can fight back easy. And of course we have a prison here so criminals can be convicted. Don't worry.

So like I said "EP" is the main source of everything, specially creation. Gods who have graduated before now have different worlds of their own. Oh, when I say world I mean like another dimension stuff. One god I heard, created a world where only spirits and magical creatures live. Another created a world where there's only plants and waters. Another one, which was then branded as the best god and awarded the best world maker award, made three dimensions where the other two was said as reward and punishment after the third world will be destroyed. And there's this god who made a world of only war and conquest.

There are still plenty of worlds out there, as more than a hundred have already graduated from the God University. And, we also have those unlucky hundreds who wasn't able to pass. As a result some ended as normal god citizens, while others magnificently became illegal world destroyers who's only love is to pulverize the worlds of others. Hmm... Now thinking about it, maybe they are the ones responsible for your world to be destroyed soon...

Anyway, so there you have it. A brief summary of my world. Well, it's not exactly "my" world since I'm still in the process of finishing my world. I heard my other batch mates have already finished some of theirs. Hey, there is a reason for why I haven't finished mine okay? Ehem... One reason is that rich gods can purchase stellar stars. These are lumps of EPs ready to make worlds with. Like clay which all you have to do is mold it. Stellar stars are EPs in massive amounts, plus a very godfriendly tool. You see, after a god graduates, they'll be given their first free stellar star, which will immediately become an empty dimension full of randomly floating EP ready to be formed. These EPs are like more than enough to create like ten worlds or so. Actually, once given an empty dimension, a god is free to do anything they want. They don't even need to create a world if they don't want to but, how boring would that be? To live in power and glory without anyone to be with? Of course its boring! You need to at least have a special someone to be with. Perhaps a nice beautiful lady to accompany you on your creation stuff, or your protecting stuff, or any other stuff like... you know... to do stuff like this and that... stuff... Hey, of course I'm not thinking of anything lewd. What kind of a perv god would I be? The thought of being surrounded by beautiful women is just so, so, so normal headed. Also, it is completely forbidden for a god to have relationships with his/her own creation. I heard one god did so, which resulted to a half god creature to be born. If your thinking about demigods well, they exist but only those who are born from lower gods. Us true gods have too much EP which if merged to a low EP being, it becomes unstable resulting to a terrible creature. With that fact, I don't want to have a terrorizing creature as a child.

And that concludes the important factors of being a god. I hope it was understandable and easy to understand, wait... redundancy. Anyway, like I said, I am a god and am currently on my road to godliness. Soon, my name shall reach the heavens! Wait, this is far more than heaven. Then my name shall be exalted to the very edges of existence itself! Not a bad dream right? I sure can do it. Oh, and you. Yes you. You just do your stuff or whatever. Now I shall return to my world. I still have a looooooot of stuff to do, like a lot of stuff. Seriously, a lot.

Oh, wait. I think I mentioned about how horrible things are right now. Well, let's just say that I'm talking about my standing as a god as of now. I mean, I graduated just about a year ago, which is like a thousand years in your time, so that means I haven't really wasted time, right? Okay, so that settles it for now. If you want to see my world, then be sure to stay tuned. Maybe next week? Though I'll try talking to the writer about speeding things up, despite being busy and all. So, I'll end things here and see you in my world!! Okay!

I hope that was good enough... oh, yeah about that one thing, I should have included that... ooh, the other thing too, about th-

Hallo? I tried making this novel for fun. Maybe I'll make this one at least once a week. Please continue reading this one as well.

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