
God Asked Me To Help A Friend, So I was Reborn In Another Universe.

One day God suddenly took me to Heaven. What! Did I DIE!!! Nope, but could you do me a favor and go to another Universe. Sent away by God to another Universe to fix another's Opsies he receives great blessings and abilities, but what is this New God! Instead of sending me to the Magic Kingdoms I landed up into the Cultivation Lands? With only Sorcerer Powers? How am I suppose to live and learn how to use magic, isn't all useless now, you screw-up god!

MacNTheCheese · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Character Creation

"Alright, Eric right, let's get down to building your character. I just started reading a story about a guy that tranmigrated with a RPG like system, so.."

"Stop right there boy." I immediately stop Zeus, while it might be fun to have a system and all, I don't trust his 'I just started reading' ideas. "Let's keep this simple, no system needed."

"Eh, but it seems soooooo cool, please! I'll add a super harem bonus!"

"....no, let's not." That's was kind of tempting, but I don't want my life story to be something out of a Hentai novel. "Let's not get too fancy right now. You can play with that idea with Athena for some quality daughter-father time."

"Ooo, great idea. She might actually like that challenge. Then let me do this instead."

Zeus waved his hand grandiosely and a window appeared before me.

"I thought we weren't going with a system."

"Well, I kind of had the framework ready already, and it makes this more convenient right, I'll give you some freebies and some points to spend to formulate your new body and where you will be born, not bad right!"

I got admit, it would be easier than trusting him not to forget something.

"Sure, so I can choose location of birthplace, family status, gender, and race as freebies right?"

Looking over the system showed me options for these four categories first, and none of the options seemed cost any of those.....thunder points...

"Thunder Points?" My stare of disappointment caused Zeus to look away.

"It was a place holder okay, I had a flight of fancy and went for it. Ahem, in any case most of the option in those four categories are free, minus for a few special cases, such as rare, powerful, or elevated races or positions. Birth places are all free, minus three options, The Celestial Planes, Infernal Realms, and the Greater Abyss. Areas in there are pricey. Family status have some more options that cost points, such as upper nobility and special status families. Those scale with the importance and uniqueness of the status and family heritage. Having your gender opposite of your spirits cost points, but I won't stop you, and races beyond normal ones cost more, sometimes exponentially more.You can sort them, or filter them, by pressing that triangle. Ask if you have any questions."

I would be in admiration of his pose if it wasn't for the that smug look. Your a god, at least act like it! Ignoring his face asking for praise, I sort my options to lowest out of habit.

"Hey I think there's a glitch, what with the negative points."

"Oh, right, I forgot. How silly of me." Did you get struck by too many of your own lightening bolts Zeus. "Negative point mean talking an extra burden and can be caused by certain combinations, even reducing the cost of special options, though with some risks. For example, let's say you wanted to to have some fun and be born as a normal human, zero points, in the the Greater Abyss, 100 points. Do to the burden, the cost would actually go negative and you would get 20 points more to help you. Of course being a normal human in the Greater Abyss is practically suicide. Understand?"

"Yeah, thanks, I'll be focusing for a bit then."

Several hours later, I had chosen these options:

Birthplace: Dornel Town, Cornell Territory,

Everheart Kingdom

Family Status: Gifted Middle Class citizens

Father alive, craftsmen, jeweler

Mother alive, seamstress

One sibling, kind older sister, gifted

Gender, Male

Race, half-breed, human/shadow stalker

demi-human(cat folk)

To explain, the choices, they all seem safe and fun with low to no cost in points, with the most of it spent on the mix race status.

The birthplace, Dornel Town is a quiet place in the middle of Cornell Territory of Baron Cornell, a relatively safe and prosperous locale in the Everheart Kingdom which welcomes all races in, as long as they don't cause harm. A total of 5 point spent there. Family status cost nothing as after I selected the middle class option, it randomly selected a family for me after I chose my race. I actual lucked out and saved 10 points from my pool of 100 t-points.

For the race, it cost a fair amount, 20 points for the active race traits of the Shadow Stalker demi-human. A cat folk race with the bloodline of the Shadow Stalker, basically a panther with the shadow element. Gender cost nothing as I left it as is. After I confirmed my choices a new window appeared asking me to select attributes for myself. Filtering the highly dangerous sound ones like psychopath and heavy disabilities, which removed many bonus points, and the really high cost stuff of 60 plus points I skimmed through the rest for a couple options.

Magic eyes(10-100pts), high compression(10pts), beryl tier mana vein(20points), small mana pool(10pts), beastification(15pts)

I saw many other tempting and juice choices, like Black Rank green-blue Spirit Roots, elemental resistances, and psionic, but I decided against them due to practicality and being able to have more abilities.

I immediately bought beryl tier magic vein. I magic, I want to be able to sling fire, crush earth, and create water. Its magic guys! It is also the fourth option for it, letting me cast magic with some more convenience and develope in the arcane arts. The total spent is 45 of 100, add High compression to help with learning magic and a small mana pool for a little boost, I have 35 points left. I decided to look at the Magic eye options at or under 35pts before auto-selecting beastification.

Magic Eye(10-35pts)

Hawkeye, minor, 10pts

Hawkeye, major, 20pts

Mana Seeing eye, lesser, 15pts

Mana Seeing eye, greater, 30pts

Time Perceiving eye, lesser, 20pts

All Seeing Eye, lessor, 20pts

Nighteye, 10pts

Quick Sight, 5points(points reduced do to

High Comp)

Spirit Eyes, 20pts

After a quick skim through, but a long time of agonizing over my inner weiboo, of the options, I chose Greater Magic Eye, allows for the perception of magical energies and structures in greater depth and details, and Quick Sight, allow for quick recognition of things in view and add reaction times. After I confirm my choices, I send over to Zeus, who is watching Anime, for completion.

"Oh goodie, your done just as I finished this episode. Let's see, no point left over and some nice choices, though it doesn't make you feel too Main Characterish. How about I..."

"No, I am fine." I quick interrupt before a calamity happens, "These are my choices."

After saying so, another screen popped up next to mine.

"Oh, the guy I am send to the Cultivation Lands is finish too! Alighty, confirm, confirm. Now all that is left is to send you both on your way and the problem will be fixed."

The new screen vanished and mine turned into a stream of light, entering me.It felt nice and fuzzy.

"Now, all I need to is press these buttons and you will be on your way, thank you for your help!" As Zeus's hand reached for one of the buttons one his desk, a ominous feeling came over me and an ad began to play on Zeus's TV. "Oh! I've been waiting for that to become an anime for ages!!"

"Wait! You're going to hit the wro-"

He slapped his hand on the desk, landing on a different button.


"Oh dear. Tehee?"

Before I could say anything, I was flung from the office to my new Life.