
God and Devil System

Everything changed in an instant Peaceful lives no longer exist To survive now all we have to do is fight strive to become stronger and stronger

SixTeen · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


Hearing the words of the girl Luo Hao shows a complicated look


The two quickly saw each other in the direction of sound and realized that there were more zombies coming

"Let's leave it for later, let's get out of here as quickly as possible" says Luo Hao in a hesitant way for the girl and then starts running towards the hut

Although she's still a little scared, the girl runs decisively after Luo Hao, also running away from the zombies who came

Although not as fast as Luo Hao the girl seemed to have a more athletic disposition than normal girls since she had a shallow speed

the two then quickly arrive at the cabin that was already close to where the girl herself was, leaving the zombies long behind

"Today it's really going wrong" complains Luo Hao as he tries to open the door and it ends up locked, he could try to break the door down but that would be totally useless since they wanted to use the place to protect themselves and if the door wouldn't close right the danger was much greater

"it's really dangerous to take shelter in there, if they get to the door we won't have a way out of the cabin until we can kill them all" says the offending girl after running at full speed

"Where will we go then?" asks Luo Hao realizing that the thought was logical

"We can go to my place, she's about ten minutes away if we go," replies the girl

"Zombies will probably be all over the roads, then rejected," says Luo Hao, although it's a second-rate college it's still considered a university town that resides several people

"You're right" she answers in agreement with Luo Hao, "We can try to get in through the window of one of the male dormitories and then go out somewhere else" she says by proposing another action plan

"This is very easy, even if we have to fight more zombies it won't still be like here on campus," answers Luo Hao as he turns back and sees a group of over 20 zombies walking slowly towards him


Luo Hao kicked the door open, the interior of the cabin was the size of a living room equivalent and was all covered in dust

The dressing was done only by a small window leaving the place with little light and a lot of humidity

"What are you doing?" asks the surprised girl after seeing Luo Hao enter the cabin

"Before they get too close we should see if there's anything we can use as a weapon in here to keep them away," explains Luo as he turns the place around

He looks away and finds a shovel and a rake, "Looks like the school spent a bit on gardening equipment," comments Luo Hao when he sees that both the rake and the shovel were almost completely made of iron.

"Well, the school has a big garden and many come just to visit, so they've always taken good care of it," she explains as she watches him turn the place over

"We should thank them then, for this you're gonna target our lives, at least for now" says Luo Hao in a sarcastic voice, "Here take this" Luo Hao extends his hand as he passes the rake to the girl

"Eh? I'll have to fight too?" she says with a reproach tone as she looks at Luo Hao

"Hm? Of course, or do you think I'm omnipotent and will give my life to zombies just so you can survive?" he answers as he stares at the girl like she's looking at an idiot

The girl, when she hears this, is a little frightened by his harsh words, and with her teeth clenched and hesitatingly extends her arms to reach for the rake

"Hurry up, they won't wait for us to get ready" rebukes Luo Hao as he sees her just taking her time to catch the rake and simply throws it into the girl's hands, "Besides, I haven't asked her name yet" says Luo Hao turning to her in front of the open door surprising her

"Yue Li, 3 years of finance college, and your name?" answers Yue Li

Hearing the name of the girl Luo Hao from a light smile "Luo Hao, 2 years of engineering college, I hope we become good partners..."

"CAUTION" Yue Li suddenly screams scaring Luo Hao as he pulls him by the arm into the cabin

Clumsily she raises her rake and tries to push the zombie who had appeared in front of the door out of the hut

Luo Hao despite being momentarily frightened by Yue Li's scream he quickly pulls himself together and takes the shovel in his hand and swings towards the zombie's neck

the shovel stuck in the zombie's throat gushing blood forward and dirtying Yue Li's face that shows a face of taste for what happened

"They got here too fast" complains Luo Hao after pulling the pa off the zombie's body

"I don't think he's one of that group that was following you, maybe one that was already nearby," says Yue Li rubbing the sleeve of the sweatshirt on his face wiping the blood

"well, no matter now, let's get out of here fast," says Luo Hai and the two of them quickly and attentively get out of the hut

"Kyaaa" Yue Li lets out a scream as she gets scared of Luo Hao picking her up, "What do you intend to do?" she says scared as she lets her imagination run wild

"If you hold on tight, I'm not sure what can happen if something goes wrong again," says Luo Hao in a way that would make Yue Li hold on to him harder than he was before

"Wait, what do I say again? you've done it and it's gone wrong? and it will if it goes wrong?" she says in a frightened and desperate tone as she tries to get out of his arms

Without giving her any answer and holding firmly in her arms Luo Hao shoots in a would-be and focused race as he activates his Flash Step towards the male dorm

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next chapter on Monday

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