
God and Devil System

Everything changed in an instant Peaceful lives no longer exist To survive now all we have to do is fight strive to become stronger and stronger

SixTeen · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs



level: ??

Description: A grotesque creature with sharp claws, has amazing hearing and great agility

was born through a genetic evolution/mutation that occurred upon contact with the host ]

After hearing the information about Yue Li's monster, Luo Hao's concern was evident

"This is really problematic," thinks Luo Hao, "if it were a human, we could guess more or less how powerful he is when observing his level but now we can't even do this.

After learning of the devourer's incredible hearing, the two didn't even dare to breathe much self in fear of attracting his attention much less close the door, they just stood at the door watching the monster in silence hoping he would leave as soon as possible

Meanwhile, the monster that was watching his surroundings after hearing the noise came back to eat the rest of the corpse on the floor after finding nothing

no matter what, he quickly finishes his meal and quietly starts walking towards the stairs to the second floor right in front of him

without wasting time Yue Li hurriedly closes the bedroom door and sits on the floor while leaning on it

"I thought I could die now," says Yue Li relieved but she wasn't the only one who had the same feeling

Luo Hao also felt the tension of the situation, a monster they couldn't measure the strength was frightening

say that the unknown is scary, well they're right

"Don't be too happy yet, we have to get out of here yet and we may end up finding that thing" says Luo Hao warning Yue Li

"Don't bring bad luck" says Yue Li quickly, unhappy with Luo Hao's words, "that was for the second floor, if he doesn't come back we can use the same way we came in here to leave, without finding that".

Luo Hao said nothing more because as Yue li had said, he did not want to attract bad luck. he then simply walked to one of the beds and threw himself on it "I will rest a while, call me if something happens".


after a tiring day, physically and mentally especially after that moment, Luo Hao quickly fell asleep

. . .

. .


With a blink of an eye, it had already dawned

Luo Hao had already been awakened by Yue li and the two were getting ready to go to his room and get out of the dorm

nervous Yue Li asks Luo Hao who was now checking the sleeping hall

"Any sign of him?"

Luo Hao shakes his head "Just a few zombies but they wander around like fools and do nothing else"

Yue Li releases a sigh of relief

The two then leave the room most quietly while carrying a backpack containing some clothes and in their hands their guns

As a building of considerable size, the floors have more than a simple corridor, each floor had four corridors that connected with rooms on two sides

"My room is on the other side, so let's hurry up so we can get out of here as soon as possible," says Luo Hao when suddenly a muffled noise and not too loud is heard behind him

he turns his face and finds Yue Li covering his face that was red with shame and then understands what had happened, "Let's look for something to eat after we go out, one day we don't have a proper meal".

"Oh" answers Yue Li with a low and embarrassed voice

Luo Hao holds his saber and hand firmly and begins to walk with slow steps with Yue Li following behind with his shovel in hand

Some zombies on the way were thrown to the ground with serious injuries all over their bodies, several of them had body parts missing

the two of them tried their best to avoid them, but it was inevitable that some who were still standing would be able to see them in that not a very spacious place that was the hallway

the few zombies they faced didn't have a high level so they ended up being overthrown quickly avoiding more problems, as they might end up attracting more of them

[you have advanced to level 5, gained 2 status points please distribute them]

Luo Hao listened to the system warning right after finishing the zombie with a cut on the head

with one thought he commanded 'add 2 status points in stamina'.

At the same instant, a wave of energy travels through your body taking part of your tiredness away

He then quickly picks up the items that had appeared on the floor when he killed the zombie, an apple of vitality and 20 System Coins

It wasn't the first time the two items appeared after killing zombies so Luo Hao didn't mind too much

Luo Hao moves his gaze to Yue Li who wiped her face from the blood that had sneezed on her after hitting a zombie, "I just went up to level 5, and you?

"You're already on level 5? I just went up to level 3" answers Yue LI surprised and then sharpens up to add the fallen items, "Oh, one more apple and 50 System Coins. With these, we have in total 4 apples of vitality and 500 System Coins

I would really like to know what these System Coins are for, we put together 500 of them and we don't even know where to spend them".

"In the item's information it says we can spend it in the beginner's village, but it doesn't say anything else either," answers Luo Hao as he gave the apple and coins in his hand to Yue Li

Yue Li picks up and takes the backpack out of the back with the intention of storing the items "5 packs of Vit and 520 System Coins".

"Have you distributed your status points as you explained?" asks Luo Hao suddenly

Yue Li says helplessly "Not yet, I'm in doubt about which one I put first".

"Start by increasing the statistics of agility and stamina first, then you gradually increase the others" suggests Luo Hao

"Okay, speed to run as fast as possible and stamina to go as far as possible and a simple and easy survival strategy I like, I'll start with them as you said," says Yue Li after thinking for a while and considering

Luo waves in response and starts to walk "Come on, my room is right in front".