
God Among The Cats: Nya Tribe Dominance!

Chris Catlove, as appropriate for his second name, was a lover of cats. There were five cats at his home. He was an animal shelter volunteer, he helped cat orphanage nearby and even studied to become a veterinarian. But one day, this gentle and kind young man died, falling from the height while trying to get a small kitten down from a tree. Death wasn't the end for him, though! A certain strange existence offered him a second chance in another world. What Chris didn't expect is that he would take the role of God to the Nya Tribe of Cat-people. And even more unexpected was the fact that all beastkin of this Tribe is reincarnated cats that he helped through his whole life and they love him a little bit too much...

YourMaster · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2.

It was a cold autumn day. Rainstorm raged at those unfortunate enough to be outside of their homes. One of those unlucky people was a little boy, no older than eight.

He didn't have a parasol, and his clothes weren't suitable for being under the rain. He felt cold and hungry, and he wanted to get home as fast as possible. But a barely audible sound stopped him in his tracks—a cat's meowing.

Following the sound filled with a plea for help, the boy found out an existence that was in a much more miserable state than he was—a lonely kitten, probably less than a month old. Its fur, silver with black stripes, was utterly drenched, its body trembling from cold. It desperately climbed to its life under that cold rain, meowing over and over again, as if begging someone - anyone- to save it.

Chris was a strong child. He didn't cry when even when he was hit by other kids or when he was reprimanded by adults. He didn't cry when he injured his leg or when his favorite toy was broken. Even now, when he was drenched in chilly water, he endured. But when he watched this small defenseless life suffer, it was as if his soul was pierced, as if all suffering of this little kitten was transmitted to him.

He cried, completely forgetting his own predicament. The only thing he wanted to do was to save this small ball of cuteness. And then, to protect it with everything he had.

This was how Chris met his first cat, the first existence he took under his wing. This was how he met the one who loved him the most, the kitty which he later named Melissa.


"Nyaaa~! At last, you are here, God!"

"We waited for you for so long, Lord Chris, nya!"

"I always knew that we would meet again, Master!"

"I'm so happy, so happy, nyahahaha~!"

"I'm so sorry, Lord Chris, because of me..."

Currently, Chris Catlove was at the top of the altar, surrounded by tens of cat people who knew nothing about personal space or just didn't care. Each of them tried to push everyone else out so that they could touch Chris, hug him, or just be as close to him as possible. Some of the more daring girls even tried to kiss him on different parts of his body... No, not those parts.

Chris didn't know what to make out of all of this. His closest guess was too crazy to be true. Fortunately, before the true war for the place closest to him could start, helping hand came from an unexpected place.

"Everyone, stop it right now! Can't you see that you make Master uncomfortable by being so persistent? Give him so space!"

A catwoman in priest clothes shouted in an authoritative tone, her blue eyes glaring at them with anger. And, strangely enough, everyone obeyed her, getting away from Chris and giving him some space.

"Melissa, you were the first who tried to get him for yourself, though!"

The one who argued was a short catgirl with ginger hair (fur?), yellow eyes, and, well, flat chest.

"What you mean, Monica? I just tried to check if Master was alright! Anyway, let me explain everything to him."

The priest Catwoman's cheeks flushed either from embarrassment, anger, or both. Her long silver hair with black stripes swam through the air as she urgently turned away her face away from Chris. Calming herself down for a few seconds, she looked to him again with a charming and mature smile.

"Every one of us was a cat in the past life," she said in a matter of fact tone, "and each of us was indebted to you in one way or another. Back then, you were a godlike existence for us. This is why, this time around, we decided to make you actual God. Thankfully, our prayers were heard. I will say it again. Welcome to Nya Tribe, Master. From now on, we belong to you."

After she finished, everyone kneeled before him again. This time, the gesture was filled with more solemnity and reverence than before. As Chris tried to accept this revelation and his new identity, out of place sound ruined the moment for him. It was the sound of a notification from his smartphone, except it sounded inside his own head. And then, transparent visual hallucination (?) appeared right before his eyes.

System Message!

Welcome to Unclaimed World, oh new novice God!

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