
God Against Gods

Jay_Qui · Action
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12 Chs

Chapter 9:

Part 1:

"Ah! Sid!"


"Let's go"


We head inside, some of the students are from our old school that collapse.

They still wearing their old uniform.

Asie and I head to our own classroom, Asie is already a Second year in Third grade and I'm Second year in Second grade.

"Alright class today I will introduce you to our new transfer student from other school"


"Please come in"

I walk inside the classroom.

"Then please introduce yourself"

"Ye- yes"

"Good morning everyone, My name is Sid Kroul I'm 10 years old, nice to meet you everyone"

They look happy compared to my old classmates reaction when I introduce myself.

"Alright there's a empty sit at the back"

The classroom look the same as my old classroom.

I sat at the back middle row, there's a guy sitting in front of and in my left side, And a girl in my right side, they look friendly so there's nothing to worry about.

"Alright let's start our lesson, Void Magic"

Hm?, Void magic.

Never heard of it! And looks like this school only focus on magic lessons.

My Mana is about to get drained again.

"In this lesson we will only learn on how it works, we will not try it because its one of the dangerous magic type"

So my Mana won't get drained, *sigh we're good.

'Void Magic, one of the only magic that allows the user teleports. This magic is divided into two parts, Void Teleportation Type and Void Dimension'

Teleports, I remembered Azulphe Teleports so he knew some of this magic.

Part 2:


After class, I learned about the advantage and disadvantage of void magic.

Mastering Void Magic will make you able to teleport faster than the other teleport magic but will decrease your physical movement speed, and also the Void Dimension cost a lot of Mana.


"Ah, Asie"

"Walking home alone?"

"Yeah, I got no choice"

"Why don't you live in the school dorm?"


I haven't think about that.

"Yeah, it's free"

"I see, what about you?"

"That's why I'm inviting you, It needs to be atleast 2 or more people to allowed to use school dorm"

"Then, I'm in"

"Here, fill this up"

"Oh, give me a minute"

I head back home to get my other stuff.

I guess I'll leave this place for awhile now.

I head back to school immediately.

After that we head to the dorm, I never been in a dorm before.

"Here we are"

Asie open the door, the room is pretty normal.

I look a around the bookshelf and find a book about Void Magic, I'm really interested in the teleports one.

I wanna learn it.

"By the way Asie"


Asie is reading a book too.

"What lesson are you learning right now"

"Ah! About the Use of Magic in Combat"

"Ah Okay"

Magic in combat, I like sword more than magic when it comes to combat though.

I continue to read the book, And found out that Void Teleportation only cost a small amount of Mana.

Now that's exciting, Only cost a small amount of Mana really fitted in me who had a such low Mana.

It's say's that the reducing speed in combat is only taking effect when you master the whole Void Magic.

So I'm fine mastering the teleportation just not the whole Void Magic itself so it won't reduce my speed.

"Asie? Can you teleport?"

"Hm? Teleport?"

"Yeah, have you try it"

"No I haven't learn teleportation magic"

"Ah I see"

I then go back reading the book.

So Asie don't know about this kind of magic huh.


"Haven't our school back then didn't teach Void Magic?"

"Void.. Magic?"


"Never heard of it before, But our school before only focus on Heal Magic, Wind Magic, Water Magic, Fire Magic, and Sword Art"

This school focuses only in Magic huh, and they teach some cool magic.

It's already midnight, Asie already fell asleep.

I'm still reading a book, I'm now so sleepy that it reach the point where I didn't even understand what am I reading.

*Yawn, "time... to... sl- leep.."

I fell asleep in the desk.


"H.... hey. Wake up, we still got some class"


"Quit with that face, we got some class you know"

"Oh I forgot"

*Sigh, "I'll be heading first"


Asie head to school.

School dorm apartment are really close to school, there's nothing to worry about.

After preparing I head to school.

Now is second day in the Magic Private School.

I head straight into our classroom.

A person entered, It's not the same teacher we have yesterday.

"Alright class, Teacher Hallen will be out for a while I'll be your teacher this time, By the way my name is Fardo Dhern just call me Sir Fard"

This teacher looks kind and handsome too, with a black hair, brown eyes, with fit body, and a glasses.

"Void Magic is your lesson right?"

"Yeeees. Siiir"

Sir Fard is thinking, Something dangerous.

"Alright then what about let's test your ability using void Teleportation"

Heh? I thought Ma'am Hallen said it's dangerous to use it?


End Chapter....
