

In a twist of fate, Aiden's life takes an extraordinary turn after a near-fatal accident. He encounters God, who compels him to return to Earth and marry His daughter. Aiden undergoes rigorous training to become a worthy partner for God's enigmatic offspring and is sent back to the mortal realm. Awakening in his own body, Aiden grapples with memories of his past life, using them to forge a path in the business world. His unwavering determination drives him to construct a life of happiness with God's daughter. Little does Aiden suspect that God has concealed a crucial part of the truth. As a formidable adversary emerges, Aiden is faced with a harrowing choice. Will he defy the divine, or will he rise to the challenge that destiny has thrust upon him? Update: Atleast 1 chapter per week.

_akc_ · Urban
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12 Chs


'Ariana's POV'

Wait for the rain to stop. " Elizabeth said to Ariana.

"Come on, it's a light rain and It will take only ten minutes to reach the room." Ariana said after tightening the raincoat's zip.

"It will become strong shortly. "

"Exactly, that is why I have to hurry."

"Suit yourself. "

"That's my big sis El. I know you will understand."

"But don't come back when it becomes strong. "

Ariana puffed and left the supermarket.

Soon after the rain became strong, she thought about going back but decided against it after realizing how annoying Elizabeth will become after it. The heavy rain and her accumulated fatigue made her really tired. What she wanted the most was to reach the room as soon as possible and sleep.

'I shouldn't have agreed to Fidha's proposal to work in that clothing shop yesterday, my legs are hurting like hell after using the tailoring machine for the full day. At least they paid me a lot for a single day job.' She was thinking many things like that and walking without much awareness about her surroundings. 'And that creepy guy, why was he looking at me like that? But he was cute. Did he think I am cute? Ha.. Ha no way he thought like that. No one has ever asked me out in my 21 years of life.'

It was then she heard a horn from her side, she looked to the right and saw a jeep sliding towards her. She stood there shocked and the only thought going through her mind was ' I should have heard when El said.'

In the last last moment she felt a pull from her side and saw a figure passing her and the jeep approaching it. Before she could see what happened she hit the ground and started rolling.

"Aaa" She cried in pain but immediately remembered the situation she was in and got up. She saw a black jeep and a man lying on the road some distance away. She went near him and saw that the water there was red. She ran to the jeep to get help from the driver but a black bald man got out of the jeep before she could reach him and ran towards Aiden.

"Help me carry him." He said to Ariana.

But before she could respond she heard a horn and looked behind the jeep only to see an ambulance coming their way.

"Move your car. " she said to the bald man and ran toward the ambulance.

"Help.. Help.. " She screamed and waved her hand.

Ambulance stopped near her.

"Please help him. " She said while pointing at Aiden.

The ambulance moved there and the ambulance driver, along with the bald man who came after moving this jeep to the side, carried Aiden to the ambulance.

The ambulance continued to move with Aiden, Ariana, a doctor and a nurse at the back. The bald man promised to follow them in his jeep, to which the doctor allowed only after taking a photo of him and his jeep.


(Aiden's POV)

Aiden found himself in a white room alone.

'Where is this place? Isn't it supposed to be a judgment hall or is it that I am not dead and this is a dream. Wait a minute.' he looked down and saw he was barefoot but was wearing a black t-shirt and white pants. 'Thank god, I am not naked.'

" You are welcome." He heard a voice from behind and turned around in panic. He was dazed by what he saw.

There he saw a man in beach wear. He had white hair and beard combined with a pair of blue eyes. His toned body along with the cocktail in his hand made him a perfect model for beach wear. The most important characteristic was the aura around him. It was so bright and charismatic that it took some time for Aiden's eyes to see the man completely.

"Are you a God?" Aiden asked after regaining his composure.

"Yes I am."

"Are you here to judge me?"

"Oh, you are not dead."

"Then why are you here? Wait a minute, then why am I here? "

"Why don't we talk after taking a seat? "

Then a cloud appeared near God and he sat on it. Aiden looked down as saw a cloud close to him. He slowly sat on it, being relieved for not falling through it. God drank the cocktail in his hand and dropped the glass to the floor. Aiden expected it to break but it passed through the floor. Being afraid he moved his legs from the floor and placed it on a small cloud close to the floor.

"Don't be afraid, that doesn't happen to living things." God said while taking a cocktail from a cloud that appeared near him.

Both of them looked at each other and sat there silently. Then God's eyes widened like he remembered something.

"Oh, you are waiting for me to answer. I forgot about that."

And the position of God in Aiden's mind started to fall.

"Hu… hu.. '' God cleared his throat, then continued.

" You Aiden D' Angelo, son of Maya and Michele D' Angelo have been chosen by me Solarius, the God of light, to marry my daughter. "

Then some party poppers fell on him and the room became silent. This time it was Aiden who broke it.

"You want me to be God's son in law."


"And you brought me here to marry your daughter."

"No no no no, I brought you here to make you worthy." Then he finished the drink and the same things as earlier took place.

"Can I have some water?" Aiden asked.

" You can't eat or drink here. I kept a part of your soul in your body so that you won't be dead and things relating to taste and hunger are down there. "

The F word came into Aiden's mouth but he stopped after remembering he is with a God. Then he saw Solarius looking at him and trying not to smile.

' Can he hear my thoughts? '

"Yes, I can?"

" What the… " Aiden stopped himself from finishing. Solarius started laughing.

"Ha.. Ha… Ha.. Boy, I am liking you more."

Aiden felt embarrassed for losing his cool. "Can I meet your daughter or at least a photo? "

"No, But I can say you have met her."

'Me, meeting a goddess.' Aiden searched his whole memory but couldn't find anything. 'I am sure I haven't met anyone that can be a goddess. Is it Emma? '

"No, she isn't my daughter. How could you compare my daughter to such a plain looking girl."

Aiden bit his tongue, when he remembered that Solarius could hear his thoughts.

Aiden hated the idea of being a live in son in law. He doesn't want to be part of a relationship in which both don't see the other as an equal. He chose to get out of this, that is if possible.

"Can I choose to not marry? " He asked, being a little afraid.

"Young man, I think being comfortable made you interpret what I said as a proposal." Solarius said and snapped his fingers and Aiden felt a huge change around him.

If you guys want illustration for any character, tell me in the comments. I will try to upload one.

please tell me what you think about the story through comments.

love you guys. ❤❤

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