
God's Scout and Empress

A visitor was allowed to design a new vessel for his mind in a world filled with magic. Who wouldn't create a perfect body with a perfect mind? Everything was going smoothly until God himself made an error. Forcing his male visitor into a female body. God even had the audacity alter his memories so that he always remembered himself as she?! If Loki only could remember, he would probably be furious. However, since he can't remember it, he can't be furious about it. With the perfect body and mind. She surpasses everyone around her at a frightening speed. Her main goal, making use of the one ability that God left her with. "God's Scout". The ability to awake hidden powers in other people. Why not build an empire while she's at it?

RfGrandiosa · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Respawn (2)

Loki's mind went blank for a second and his eyes rolled backward. He couldn't see nor hear anything. The only thing he felt was immense pain. His entire body was trembling.

What he didn't see was that he was traveling between dimensions and stars. It was a fantastic sight to behold. To bad that all he could see was the sea of darkness that hid behind his eyes.

His body was adapting to the massive increase in strength and all other attributes that he had increased to the limit.

He felt his consciousness slipping away but he tried to keep it in place, trying not the fall into nothingness. He didn't want to spawn into a world unconscious. Who knows what would happen if someone found him lying unconscious in a ditch or something?

Luckily it all came to a sudden stop.

"Loki? Loki?"

Loki's eyes sprung open and he faced the voice which was calling him. Before his gaze stood a very familiar boy. Poking his head through the door of the horse carriage. His attire was that of a butler. Making him look quite handsome.

"God?" He asked, carefully.

"Good, you are awake." God let out a sigh of relief. "Listen, we have arrived at your new home, you're in your new body and your new family is waiting for you. So hurry up and get inside."

Loki's mind we're still a bit dizzy after everything that had happened. He had just gone through the most intense pain he could imagine. He had never felt anything like it.

He wasn't in the condition to go greet his new family, he wanted to rest.

"Shut up" he whispered back to God as he rolled over to the side. The spot in which he rested was very uncomfortable and not soft at all.

*This ain't a bed...* He thought. *Wait... Where is the pain? Where am I?*

He flew up from his laying position and stood up as if his ass had caught fire. However, due to the unfamiliar environment, he hit his head into the low roof.

"Aaaaaaoooouuuuuccccchhhh!" He moaned.

But the second he let out his groan of pain he noticed how different his voice sounded.

"Aa, oo, ii." He voiced out some vowels to try it out. And just like he thought. His voice was much higher.

*I sound just like a g...* He looked down toward his body.

Two bumps were on his chest.

*Why do I have...?!* His eyes opened even more and he could feel sweat starting to form on his forehead.

Instinctively he moved his hand towards his crotch.

*What... Where? Where is it?*

*Where are my jewels!? Where is my love wand?!* He tried to scream but nothing came out of his mouth.

He sat himself down again and stared down at the floor of the carriage.

"Oh, God..." He started to feel dizzy.

"What's up? You called?" God poked his head through the door once again.

"What the fuck have you done?" Loki's eye's now burned with rage.

God saw his hate-filled eyes staring at him. He felt like he stood naked on a field with starved carnivore in front of him. The pressure that Loki emitted were massive, but not close to his own. yet it was out of this world, this evil aura would not go unnoticed.

God quickly realized the reason behind Lokis feeling. He had lost his manly parts. His soul with the new attributes had manifested in a female corpse. This was indeed a problem. God couldn't just change the body parts of a living person.

God recognized his mistake. There was only one way to fix this.

With a snap of a finger, he knocked Loki out once again. The reason why everything had gone wrong was due to God's own blunder. He had picked up a dead body from a graveyard not too far away, and he had placed Lokis mind inside it. He didn't know the skeleton he picked up was the remains of a female. He didn't even know that the previous gender was important.

Lokis mind had been placed inside the skeleton, and as soon as his mind reached the inside of it, the skeleton grew back all of its body parts from its previous life. Except that it was way prettier than in its previous life, It also somewhat looked like a female version of Loki. Blonde long hair set in a braid, gentle facial features, and ice blue eyes.

Loki was indeed a beauty. Even so that his looks swayed the heart of God. Not only because the strength which his body contained was massive. Even God himself felt pressured by him.

*He will probably be lesbian.* God knew that his mind would remain intact and that his sexuality would remain the same.

*I'll at least help him get over the chock* He thought and tapped Lokis flaw-free forehead. Inside Loki's mind, God rewrote his memories. He made Loki think that hed been a girl his entire life. He forged no new memories and he erased none. He simply changed the perspective of which he viewed them all. his personality and sexuality would, therefore, remain the same.

God smiled a bit before gently tapping him again on the forehead and waking Loki up once again.


"Have we arrived?" Loki opened her eyes and stared at the surrounding. "That sure was a weird dream..." He mumbled to himself.

God managed to contain his laughter. "You have woken up at your new home, in your new body, and your new family is eager to meet you."

"Right, I better hurry." Loki climbed out of the carriage and set her first step down in her new world. She breathed in the fresh air and her gaze turned towards the sky. unknowingly to her, behind her stood God and inspected her curves. She had a gentle and understanding face. Her blonde, almost white colored hair reached down to the perfectly formed waist and butt.

Her breasts were neither large nor small. In short, God could see no flaws on her body at all.

*How much did he raise his charisma?" God pondered for a moment before disappearing in a portal. Traveling back to his office in between the dimensions.

Charisma was an attribute that raised the ability to lead and create feelings withing other individuals. Since beauty could both create feelings of love, admiration, and loyalty. It was something that went under the charisma category. Due to Loki raising her charisma to the almost maximum, her appearance was now comparable to that of a goddess.

Before her, stood a large mansion that almost surrounded her four sides. The mansion itself was shaped in a "U" and had a color theme of white and gold.

Loki currently stood in front of the central entrance. Behind her was a large garden with all kinds of colorful plants and flowers. She started walking up the stairs which led to a massive brown wooden entrance, two large doors we're now the only thing standing between her and her new family.

She reached out with towards the door in an attempt to knock. But just as she closed her fist, the door slowly opened revealing an older man, dressed in the same tuxedo that God wore just recently. He had a massive bald spot on the top of his head, and his face wore a bored and uninterested expression.

"Miss Loki, I presume?"