
Chapter 3

Oh Titan, Where Art Thou

"One Day-"


"Hey, sleepyheads. We're back in Bonesborough," Luz says to us. Both King and I get up and walk to the edge of the ship and see the Titan.

Soon we head off the ship and start walking to the Owl House.

"Hmm. 'Mom took Pensta but we're safe, will contact' Aw, she sent so many hearts. Hope she's doing okay." Luz says as she looks at some device in her hands.

"Is that Amity? It's okay if you wanna check on her. I can get to the Owl House on my own." King offers making us stop walking.

"Hey, look! Everyone missed us so much, they put up pretty signs!" Hooty says excitedly.

"Um..I don't think they missed us Hooty," Spear replies.

"Let's take the long way home," Luz says with a sweatdrop and quickly puts her hoodie on.


After a while of walking, we make it into the forest. That's when we hear voices.

"Without that bird tube, this place was wide open." Luz quickly makes a spell and turns herself invisible and grabs all of us to also turn invisible with her.

"I still haven't recovered from that tea party." One of the coven guards says talking to the other one. They were riding a cart filled with boxes that were confiscated. After they left we quickly headed to the Owl House. Once we get there Luz opens the door to see that everything was taken from the house.

"Do you think they were arrested?" King questions.

"I hope not," I answer.

Luz bends down, grabs a piece of paper, and makes a light spell.

"No. They're hiding out on The Knee," Luz explains while showing us the piece of paper.

"I guess we should start heading out," Spear announces. We agree on going to the Knee and start heading out leaving me in my thoughts again. The Collector, I still don't get why I called out to him. Are they someone I used to know? A family member? Or a friend? This is starting to hurt my head from all the thinking. That's when I'm suddenly caught in a net with everyone else squished together.

"What the-" That's when Lulu, Eda, and Grandma Sen came out of the cave.

"Hey, Lulu!"


They quickly took us out of the trap and brought us in the cave.

"It took a while to figure out which town you were in from your map. We had to keep off the streets with all those wanted posters, but that's when we saw your Hex Mix trail, and, well, you know the rest," Luz explains.

"What map are you talking about?" Eda questions.

"The one you left us, obviously," Luz says as she pulls out a piece of paper.

"Oh! The one we left them," Eda says with sarcasm towards Lulu.

"Well, someone had to bury our bones," Lulu says.

"Lulu! I got you a shirt!" Hooty then proceeds to barth out a shirt on Lulu's lap.

"I was sacrificed to the Grand Huntsman?" Lulu reads off of the shirt.

"What the…"

"Yeah about that…" Spear nervously scratches the back of his head.

"So, turns out King's letter was sent by a group of Titan Trappers. And they may have tried to sacrifice King to The Collector, who they worship. Also, they said something about a person named Moonflower and that Y/n looks like her," Luz explains with a nervous smile.

"Well that's interesting. Maybe she might be Moonflower I mean after all we don't actually know who she is and where she came from," Grandma Sen says.

"Oh, so you found a commune of bloodthirsty fanatics in a place that was supposed to be empty," Eda says as she looks at Lulu with a mad face.

"Well, they couldn't have been that scary, not without any Titans to trap," Lulu chuckles nervously.

"Umm…" I look at Luz to explain the story to them.

"Actually…" Then Luz looks at King for approval and he nods his head.

"...King is a Titan." Luz finishes.

"Looks like I'm due for a growth spurt soon," King chuckles. Everyone looks at King and grasps.


King and I were outside making a snowbunny out of the snow while everyone else was still in the cave talking. King wrapped a scarf around the snowbunnie's neck and looked at the Titan skull with a sad look.

"Are you okay King?" I sat next to him and tried to cheer him up but he didn't answer. So I hugged him and then Hooty joined in the hug by wrapping his body around us. After a couple of minutes we let go from the hug and King goes back to finish making the snowbunny.

"There. All Done. Nice to meet ya, Fran-snow-ois," Then the arm King was holding fell off and onto the ground.

"Don't worry King, we can fix it!" I cheered hoping I can cheer him up.

"Aw, King, let me help with that," Luz says walking out of the cave with Spear to help us fix the arm of the snowbunny. Luz then pulls out a ice glyph and makes a buff snow arm for the snowbunny.

"Hehe~ It's a buff Fran-snow-ois, King," I say towards him, that's when Eda and Grandma Sen come out.

"All right, kids. The, uh, plan isn't gonna be ready till tomorrow. But if you could do anything in the world today, what would it be?" Eda asks.

"Thanks, Eda, but I just want things to feel normal right now," King answers looking down.

"Well, I wanna go on a heist," Luz answers.

"Oh! Me too! I wanna come with Luz on a heist," Spear answered also agreeing with Luz.

"Of course you two do."

Soon Luz, Spear, Eda, and Grandma Sen all get ready for the heist and leave leaving me, King, and Hooty alone with Fran-snow-ois.

"King of, um, Titans, would you like some tea?" Lulu comes out with a cup of tea.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm-I'm good," King answers looking uncomfortable.

"Of course, Titans don't care for such lowly pleasures," Lulu then throws the cup of tea behind her.

"Perhaps I could offer you dark deeds carried out in your name?" Lulu then proceeds to pull out a sword behind her back.

"No! L-listen, it's okay. I just, uh, need some alone time. Your Titan commands it?" King says. Lulu then bows with her black fluffy hair flips over her head. Then she kicks Hooty's side, making him also bow. She then grabs Hooty and leaves with her hair still over her head covering her face.

"Hey Y/n, you should stay here. Maybe Lilith might know what you are," King says to me.

"Okay but what are you gonna do?" I ask.

"I'm just gonna clear my mind," King answers.

"Ok but be safe."

"I will you don't have to worry," I start to walk away from him and go into the cave. I really hope he's okay. Once I enter the cave I see Hooty eating the firebees.

"Did I insult him by groveling too much? Did I not gravel enough?" I hear Lulu say.

"Maybe he just wants to be treated like, I don't know, normal," Hooty says.

"I think Hooty's right about this one," I say as I sit down on the couch next to Lulu.

"Nonsense. He's a Titan for Titan's sake. Oh, Titan. I just took his name in vain. Ah! I did it again!" Lulu says grabbing her hair. Hooty then moves to look out of the cave.

"Uh, guys? I think we have a bigger problem," Hooty says making Lulu let go of her hair.


Lulu, Hooty, and I were walking everywhere for King since he disappeared from where we left him.

"Oh!" Hooty was sniffing the air trying to smell where King was. He started to point to the right of us and Lulu pointed him toward a trail of wheel marks. We continued walking following the trail.

"Um Lulu, Can I ask you something?" I ask.

"Sure go ahead."

"I wanted to ask if you might know what kind of species am I," I ask getting a little nervous.

"Huh? But aren't you a witch, I mean look at you. You can use magic without glyphs, right?" Lulu questions.

"Yeah, I can but um…I actually don't um have pointy ears." I tuck my hair behind my ears to show her that I have round ears and not pointy ears. Lulu stopped in her tracks.

"Y-you have round ears but that makes no sense. We'll have to figure out what you are because humans don't have magic sacks on their hearts and could only use magics by glyphs and tha-"

"Um Lulu we're kind of getting of track here," Hooty says cutting off Lulu.

"Right. Sorry. For now, we have to look for King then we'll try to figure out what species you are," Lulu says.


We continued to walk more and more getting closer to the Titan Head when we eventually found King sitting next to a coven guard.

"Unhand him, you coven shill-Wait. Steve?" Lulu says lowering her guard.

"It's okay, it's okay. He's not a scout anymore. Did I read that right?" King asks looking at Steve.

"Mm-hmm." Steve answers.

"Nevertheless, let me shield you with my pitiful life, oh powerful-"

"Stop! I'm still King! King! Isn't this how you acted with the Emperor? I'm sensing a, uh, little bit of a pattern with you," King says getting slightly frustrated.

"Hey girl, I've been there. I can recommend a good therapist," Steve recommends.


"He's tricking you! Attack plan activated!" Hooty yells. He then goes flying at Steve and hits him, taking him flying.

"Oof that's probably gonna hurt in the morning," I say.




You might be wondering how we got here so let me rewind it. I don't know. We just somehow got here after finding King and somehow we found Luz and Spear locked up in a cage and the coven heads along with others helped them and now I'm just standing there simply confused about who all these people are.

"Welp we should start heading to our base," A guy with teal hair says. So everyone started flying towards a place with a banner saying CATS.

Once we got in, all of the adults sat on the floor at a table while Luz, Spear, King, Eda, and I went to the bunk beds. Eda then pulls out a bunny plush causing King that clap in joy.

"Francois!" King yells with joy.

"Look what else is in here," Eda then proceeds to pull out a box for Luz. Luz shuddered as she read what was written on the box. She then opens the box with a grasp.

"It's the Palistrom Wood," Luz says.

"I thought you'd want to carve your Palisman. What do you say?" Eda says pulling out a small carving knife out of her hair and putting it next to Luz. Man, I feel like a whole person can fit in her hair.

"I shouldn't, The Day of Unity is in two days. I have to focus on stopping Belos and-" Luz was cut off by Eda hugging her.

"You goob. Hey, this isn't all on you," Eda says, trying to comfort Luz.

"Yeah, we have teammates now. Meow, meow!" King meows.

"Meow, meow," I meow with King making paws with my hands.

"King's right. Luz you got to stop worrying so much. You got me, the almighty witch Spear!" Spears says from on top of the bunk bed.

"What if the Palisman doesn't like me?" Luz questions with worry.

"By my count, you've befriended more enemies than I have claws on my paw," King says.

"Yeah, it'd be stupid if it didn't like you. I mean what's there not to like." Spear says.

"Plenty of witches and demons would ditched this rock already. But you keep learning, and you keep fighting. What's not to like, huh?" Eda says pulling away from the hug and winking at Luz.

"Thanks, Eda. I think I'm ready to carve," Luz says with a chuckle and a blush on her face.

"Um, you're gonna show me how to do this, right?" Luz asks chuckling some more.

"Oh, duh. My dad taught me the ropes. Here, let's make sure we have some space. Lay the wood here," Eda pulls out the Palistrom Wood and puts it on the bed.

"Are you gonna carve me?" King says with a humorous voice.

"Calm down, King. Now, let's take it slow. We've got all the time in the world," Eda says.


"At A Time."