
Chapter 2

"Time And Space-"


*Yawn* I wake up from my dream sweating. For some reason that voice was familiar but I couldn't quite remember, all well. I get out of my bed and walk towards my closet to pick out some clothes for the day. Once I change, I leave my room and walk downstairs to the living room. I see Grandma Sen downstairs drinking Apple Blood watching some movie of some sort.

"Good Morning Grandma Sen!" I say as I sit down next to her on the couch.

"Good Morning Pumpkin Pie! How did you sleep?"

"I slept amazing! The bed was so comfortable!" I replied, my stomach on the other hand started to grumble.

"Looks like someones hungry, there's some cereal on the table. Oh! And after that get ready. I'm taking you to the school to get enrolled, I would give you to Eda but she's currently busy with her kid," Grandma Sen says as she gets up and goes to get ready.

"Okay!" School huh? I still don't know what that is but I hope it's fun and has lots of games. After a couple of minutes I finish eating my cereal and wash my dishes. I go up stairs to get my socks and shoes on and head downstairs to see Grandma Sen with her palisman waiting for me at the door.

"You ready to go pumpkin?"


We headed outside and sat on the staff and flew off into the air. After a couple of minutes of flying we landed in front of a really big building.

"Here we are, Hexside School Of Magic And Demonics. Now let's go inside and get you enrolled," Grandma Sen says as she holds my hand and starts walking inside the School.

"Grandma Sen, what's a school?" I ask.

"Well it's a place where you get to learn new things and make friends," She answers as we make our way to a door. She knocks on the door waiting for a couple of seconds then someone replies.

"Come in." We open the door and walk into the room to see an old man with a hat? I don't know but he was sitting in a chair behind a desk in front of us.

"Ah Sen! It's so nice to see you again. Now what is it you've come here for," the old man says.

"Principal Bump, it's sure been a long time since I've seen you. Anyway, I'm here to enroll my granddaughter."

"Ah I see…WAIT GRANDDAUGHTER!! BUT WOULDN'T THAT MEAN SPEAR GOT A GIRL PREGNANT?!?! HE'S ONLY SIXTEEN!!" Principal Bump screams. Grandma Sen starts laughing while holding onto her stomach.

"No, no. He didn't do anything of that, if he did I would've slapped the living hell out of him. But no, this here is Y/n. My son found her lost and alone, and apparently she can't remember anything about her or her family. My son took her in. Which makes him a father and me a grandma," Grandma Sen explains.

"I see, well nice to meet you Y/n. Do you know what grade you should be in?" Principal Bump questions.

"I don't know," I answer, shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh? Well we can do a couple of tests and see how high her scores are and we can put her into the grade that most fits for her." Principal Bump says as he gets up from his chair and goes through his cabinets. He eventually pulled out a stack of papers and turned back towards us.

"Okay Y/n, this might be a bit hard for you to do but it's a test to scale how much you know in magic. Now let me find you a testing room for you," Principal Bump says to me.

"Now Sen, if there is anything more else you want to say or need?"

"No, that's everything. I guess I'll be taking my leave now. I'll see you soon pumpkin and goodluck at the test," Grandma Sen says as she walks out of the office. Principal Bump then turns to me.

"Follow me Y/n. I'll be taking you to your testing room," Principal Bump says as we walk out of the office and walk down the halls into a different room that was plain.

"Now take a seat right here while I get you a pencil." I sat down at the desk and waited to get my pencil. Once I did get my pencil Principal Bump told me that I have to do this whole test and that if there are questions that are hard that I could skip them, and once I'm done and press a button that will tell him that I'm done and he will come and pick up the test.


After a while I had finally finished the test so I got up and pressed the button that was on the test. Soon Principal Bump came into the room and picked up the test and quickly scanned through it. Principal Bump had this face of shock and looked at me like I had stolen candy from a store.

"Y/n it seems that you scored really high and didn't skip a single question or failed one out of the whole test."

"Yeah cause it's super duper easy!" I make a really big smile knowing that I passed.

"Has anyone taught you this before?" Principal Bump questions.

"NOPE!! I just chose the answers that seemed right," I reply.

"Well this just leaves you to how well you can perform spells and potions," Principal Bump speaks as he teleports us to a different room that had cauldrons, potions, and different types of herbs and such.

"Now what were gonna test first is how well you can make an abomination and if it ca-"

"Did it." Principal Bump was cut off and quickly turned around to see that there was an abomination standing next to me.

"Ho-How in the world did you do that? Especialing at your age?!"

"I don't know, I just did." Principal Bump looked at me then rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Alright then, I guess we should test how well it is. First let's test how well it can listen to instructions," Principal Bump then snapped his fingers and out of nowhere a piece of paper appeared in his hands.

"This is the list of things that we're gonna test the abomination on," Principal Bump then reads out the list.


After like 5 minutes or something, the abomination had finished the whole list perfectly. Leaving Principal Bump really impressed.

"I'm really impressed by how well this abomination did. Well next is potions, I want to see how well you can make a fog brew." Principal Bump walked over to a shelf that had different ingredients and books. He grabbed a book and placed it next to a cauldron. He then motioned me to come next to the cauldron.

"This here has the information of how to make the fog brew, I want you to make it and see if it can work or not," Principal Bump explains. He then steps back and sits in a chair and waits for me. Out of nowhere I started grabbing ingredients that felt right to me and started to complete the fog brew without even looking at the instructions to make it. I soon finish it and show Principal Bump.

"Impressive that you didn't even use the book. Now let's test how well the fog potion is." He then grabs the potion and uses it causing fog to go everywhere and lasted for a couple of minutes.

"So is it good?" I ask in hopes that I did well with the potion.

"Yes indeed, now I suppose we should move on to Healing. I want to see how well you can heal someone," Principal Bump then makes a small cut on his arm.

"Now I want you to heal this cut that's on my arm." I looked at his cut and made a circle with my hands unconsciously and I somehow started to heal his cut.

"Let's see how well you healed the cut. Looks good, it seems there won't be any scaring, you seem to impress me more and more for an 8 year old. Let's move onto Construction. I want you to make a statue of a bird," Principal Bump explains as he teleports us outside and waits for me to make a bird statue.

"Okie dokie." I unconsciously start using my magic and making the bird statue.

"Impressive yet again. Next is Plants, I want you to nurture this seed into a tree. Take your time if you're unable to do it," he explains yet again while handing me the seed and a pot of soil. I put the seed into the pot of soil and slowly use my magic to nurture the seedling into a tree. It grew into a beautiful tree that had purple flowers blooming from it.

"Congrats yet again, next we move onto illusions. I want to see how big you can make your illusions." I close my eyes and imagine what illusion I want to make. I slowly open my eyes to see that the illusion was ginormous, it was an illusion of the galaxy.

"T-this is talent. I'm having a really hard time believing you weren't taught magic. Well I suppose we move on to the next one which is Bard." Principal Bump then teleports us to a room that had a bunch of instruments. I walk over to the piano and touch a key.

"This one, I wanna try this one," I say.

"Then go ahead, show me what else you can do." I sit on the bench and start to play a song.


The room started to glow gold and balls of light started to float as I got lost in the music, it felt familiar like I heard it before. I slowly come to an end with the song and open my eyes to see an amazed Principal Bump. He starts to clap his hands and smiles.

"Once again, amazing. Now let's move on to Beastkeeping." We walk out of the music room and walk down the halls when out of nowhere someone screams.


There out of the corner of my eye I see the wild griffin running at us. I quickly turn around and raise my hand up.


On command the wild griffin sat down and obeyed me. Soon a kid older than me looks at me in disbelief.

"D-did you just t-tamed this griffin?!"

"Yeah, Why?" I ask, confused. They slowly made a rope out of magic and tied it around its neck and looked at me.

"Well it's that this griffin is the only griffin that hasn't been able to be tamed and well it isn't allowed in here," The said as they quietly mumbled the last part.

"Oh, I see," I turned back around to see Principal Bump amazed yet again and then slowly got mad and scolded the student that had the wild griffin in the school. After he did that we came back to me back to his normal calm self.

"Now it seems you have already tamed a beast so I supposed you passed this one too so the last one should be Oracle. I want you to try and feel my aurora and tell me if I'm lying or not when I say something," He explains.

"Now let's begin, I have never stolen before." I close my eyes and concentrate.


"Good, how about this one. I don't care about my students."


"Good job, now let's move on to something a little more advanced. I want you to sort of read my fortune or future," Principal Bump explains as he stands in front of me and patiently waits for me to read his fortune/future. I concentrate yet again and speak out loud for him to hear.

"In a while from now, you will have to make a big sacrifice for something dear to you." I open my eyes and look at Principal Bump.

"Interesting, well now you have completed everything. And from the scores this should place you- actually I don't think you need to take classes. In fact your magic and knowledge is higher than a 12th grader." I looked down in sadness, I wanted to go to school and have fun. I wanted to meet all kinds of people but I guess I can't.

"But I want to go to school," I say, still looking down on the floor. Principal Bump looks at me and thinks about something.

"How about this, you can go to Hexside and help the students that are struggling to learn but still get to be a student here and take any classes of your chose?" Principal Bump explains. I look up in excitement.

"Yes! I really want to go here and I'll do anything to go here." I scream out.

"Well welcome to Hexside School of Magic and Demonics. Now what track do you want to be in?" Principal Bump asks.

"I want to be in Bard, Beastkeeping, and Illusions!" I answer. Principal Bump then snaps his hands and there I am wearing the school uniform. My left arm had a light blue sleeve and my right had a light brown almost a tan look sleeve, my pants being reddish pink.

"This is sooooo cool!" I twirl around in my new uniform and that's when I heard the school bell ring.

"Looks like it's time for lunch, you should go and have lunch with the rest of the students and go make some friends while I get your classes scheduled," Principal Bump says, as he walks me to the cafeteria.

"Head to my office after lunch."

"Will do." Principal Bump then leaves and heads back to his office. I walk over to the line for food and wait. I eventually got my food and sat at an empty table and started to eat my food. I started to feel scared from how there were so many teenagers here that were so much bigger than me. It felt familiar too, it felt like this happened before. Like there was a giant that did something mean but what? I continued to look down and eat my lunch when someone sat in front of me, I looked up to see Spear.

"Big brother Spear! You're here!" I smile. Spear's eyes widens then goes back to normal as he smiles at me.

"Hiya Y/n, it seems you've chosen your tracks. So what grade are you in?" Spear asks as he drinks his apple blood.

"Oh well Principal Bump said that my magic and knowledge is higher than a 12th grader and so I'm here to help some of the students that need help with learning while I get to be a student here or something like that," I explain. Spear looked at me like I was crazy.


"WHAT?! You're an 8 year old kid but smarter than a teenager. A. TEENAGER! You're smarter than me! How?!?!" Spear exclaims.

"I don't know," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. Spear continued to look at me like I was crazy. We eventually finished our food and heard the bell ring.

"Well I see you around, gotta head to class. Byeeee!" Spear left to go to his classes

"Bye-bye." I got up from my spot and left to go to Principal Bump's office to get my schedule. Once I got there I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. When he does I enter his office to see that he has my schedule ready.

"Hello Y/n, I've got your schedule ready. So right now you should have the illusions track. You best should be on your way right now. I hope you have a great time here at Hexside," Principal Bump says as I leave his office with my schedule and a map of the school to know where I'm going. When I got there I knocked on the door, I get greeted by the teacher and takes me inside the classroom.

"Hello there, you must be Y/n. My name is Ms. Ambers. Welcome, why don't you greet yourself to your new classroom?" Ms. Ambers, my new teacher, says.

"H-hello, my name is Y/n."

"Very good, now why don't you go and sit next to Augustus over there." Ms. Ambers then points over to a kid at the back of the class.

"O-ok then." I walk over to the desk feeling a lot of people's gazes. Once I finally got to my seat I sat down and looked at Augustus.

"Hi." I make a small wave at Augustus and smile. He looks at me and smiles back.

"Hello, your Y/n right? I'm Augustus but you can call me Gus. You seem pretty young, how old are you?" Gus asks.

"Yeah and nice to meet you Gus. I'm 8 years old." I answer. And just what Spear did, Gus looked at me like I was crazy and eventually he looked really happy.

"You're really 8?! That's amazing! You must be really smart to be in this grade. And I've only skipped a couple of grades. It's nice to meet you too." Gus says. I smile at him.

"You're fun to talk to, do you want to be friends?" I ask Gus, hoping he will say yes and be my first friend.

"Of course, it's nice to have new friends." And from there on we were talking about all sorts of things and of course doing our assignments.


Soon school ended and I waved goodbye to Gus. I went outside in front of the school and waited to get picked up. That's when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hiya Y/n, how was school? Did you make any friends?" Spear appears behind me asking questions.

"Oh, hi Spear. School was amazing! And I made a new friend!" I answer.

"That's good, well come on we gotta get home." Spear's palismen hops off his shoulder and turns into a staff. We both get on and fly home. Once we got there we hopped off the palismen and headed inside.

"Oh good timing you two. Go drop your bags in your room and get ready. We're heading to the Owl House." Grandma Sen explains as she gets ready herself. Once we got ready we headed outside and started flying into the woods. After a while we make it to a house, we walk up to the door and that's when an owl worm thing? Approached us as it was connected to the door.

"SEN!! YOU'RE HERE!!! Hurry, come in!!" The owl worm thing said.

"Hello there Hooty, come on you two." We walk into the house to see someone wrapped in a green blanket and a woman sitting next to a creature. He looks kinda familiar.

"There you are Sen, Spear and who is this little one?" The woman asked.

"Oh this here is Y/n, a new member to our family." Grandma Sen answers.

"Well nice to meet you kiddo, I'm Eda the Owl Lady and this here is King and over there is Luz the Human. Now all of you come and sit." Eda introduces. We all sat on the couch, I sat further than everyone else. Next to me was King. I look at King and pet his back.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" King yells.

"Oh sorry, you just looked so soft and fluffy. Nice to meet you King." I say as I smile at him.

"That's King of Demons to you." King says.

"Oh sorry almighty King of Demons." I say fixing my mistake. That's when Luz puts papers down on the table and we all look at it. There was a picture of a man holding a mask, there were words saying Witch Hunter. That's when Luz explains that Emperor Belos, which I didn't know there was an Emperor, was a human witch hunter and that he was planning to kill every witch on the Boiling Isles. And all of this was gonna happen in a couple of days, on the Day of Unity.

"This is just a lot to take in," Eda says.

"We don't have time to take anything in. We have to stop Belos! I-I was a part of his plan. I-I fell for everything!" Luz says as she gets up from her seat making the blanket fall off her.

"King, Hooty, Spear, you know what to do." When Eda said that King and Spear hugged Luz while Hooty wrapped his body around her.

"Well, one thing for sure. People can tell when you've been inside their head. It's only a matter of time before Belos sends his scouts over here. You need to hide," Eda says, getting up from her seat too. That's when Grandma Sen also gets up and agrees with Eda.

"I am not hiding. I'm gonna stop Belos from completing the Draining Spell. I just need to figure out how." Luz says as she looks down. Then out of nowhere, another woman came through the door with an owl perched on her shoulder.

"Edalyn." The woman says.

"Lulu!" Hooty screams as he goes towards this Lulu person while squeezing Luz in the process.

"I came as fast as I could. Owlbert filled me in on the Draining Spell. Oh, Titan, I can't believe this is what the Day of Unity was about this whole time. Ugh, I was such a fool, a dolt, a chump, a–"

"Hey, no pity parties in this house. Besides, Luz is upset enough as it is." Eda says as Luz turns around and faces the woman and makes a sad look.

"I agree with Eda," Grandma Sen says.

"You're right. I'll do anything to help." The woman says. That's when Hooty flies himself into the woman.

"Lulu! I am so happy to see you, I could–, I could–" Hooty started to make gagging noises.

"Oh, here it comes!" Yells Hooty as he throws up a pile of junk with King in it.

"Ugh! Gross."

"Oh, my word."



"Hooty you gotta stop eating garbage from the ground." Eda says while they all nod their heads.

"Wahh! He's also been eating our mail. Look!" King says as he jumps out of the pile of garbage, showing us a letter that was black. King opens the letter and something falls into his paws.

"'Dear King Clawthrone, if you wish to know who you truly are, come to this location and meet our warrior clan.' I think they might be my family! And maybe they're an answer to all our problems." Kings says as he shows us the letter. Family huh? I wish I knew who my family is.

"That's incredible, but how is it supposed to help us stop Belos?" Luz asks.

"They're a clan of warriors! How else do you defeat a tyrant with their own army? By making an army of your own!" King answers.

"Well, it's not like we have many allies." Lulu says.

"Not to mention it's a chance for King to find out where he came from. I say let's go for it!" Luz yells.

"That's a good idea," Spear also says.

"Well, I say you two need a safe place to hide while the adults take care of things." Eda says, objecting at the idea. Making all three of them growl and scoff.

"I agree with Eda, leave this to the adult. You guys are just children." Grandma Sen says.

"I'm actually in favor of this plan." Lulu speaks up.

"You are?" Both Eda and Luz speak at the same time.

"It wouldn't hurt to check. Plus, judging by King's map, you four would be taken far, far away from the Boiling Isles and Emperor Belos." Lulu explains.

"What if something goes wrong?" Eda questions.

"Hooty could accompany them. Their safety would be your responsibility, my dear, brave Hootsifer." At those words, Hooty began to cry with joy and moved its head to Lulu.

"I would protect these silly children with my life!" Hooty then bows his head with Lulu.

"Yeah, well, how–how would they even get there?" Eda stutters to ask a question.

"I know a ship that might take us." Luz says. King then hops on to Luz's back.

"Yeah! The ole Selkidomus crew. Think about it. Belos won't be able to withstand a whole army of mes." King explains.

"Such allies would be quite valuable."

"I wonder if I still have my sailor's hat."

"Does anyone else feel that marching around the edge of the forest?"

"Fine. You can go. We'll find out all we can on our end to create a plan for, uh, when you get back." Eda says while Grandma Sen finally says yes agreeing with them.

"Thank you, Eda! We won't let you down." Luz says as she hugs Eda.

"Let's pack for the trip." King says as he runs off to get packing with Luz and Spear right behind him.

"Wait for us!" Luz says. That had just left me, Grandma Sen, Eda, and Lulu.

"What are you waiting for?" Grandma Sen asks me.

"H-huh? I'm going on the trip?" I ask.

"Yup, now go get ready with the other children. I get up and follow after the others and get ready.


"Doin' a lot of work there, Salty. Where's the crew?" King asks as he sits next to me.

"Well, I'm no longer working for the Golden Guard. So, me mates abandoned ship for greener, snailier pastures. They were like family to me too." The captain of the ship explains.

"Land Ho! Land Ho!" Luz yells. We all walk up to where Luz is at and see something in the distance.

"Is that a finger? It's a long way from our Titan." Hooty says.

"That's 'cause it's not from our Titan. This be part of a different beastie. Come back with a good story, sea squirts! If ye come back at all!" The captain says as we row away on a small boat to the shore.

"Aw, he's so supportive." Luz says.

After a couple of minutes we make it to shore and hop off the tiny boat. We started walking and found these stairs and started walking up them and made it to the top.

"Is anyone here?" Luz speaks out.

"Maybe we're a bunch of early birds?" Hooty spoke out.

"Or maybe they got sick of waiting. That letter was over a month old." King says feeling looking down at the floor.

"Hang on. There's something here." Luz then pulls out a piece of rock and puts it in the hole in the middle of the symbol on the wall and it starts to glow and makes a flash of orange. Then the whole Titan finger starts to glow and makes a glowing portal of some sort in the sky and flashes blue onto the island.



"What the-!"

"Here we go!" Luz says as we all start to float off of the ground and into the portal in the sky. Then we teleport somewhere else and start falling towards the ground.

"Luz, are you okay? Where's your other arm?" Hooty says in concern.

"I only ever had two, Hooty. Did you think I had more?" Luz questions as we untangle ourselves from hooty.

"Luz, look!" King says as we turn around to see a different Titan.

"That doesn't look like the Boiling Isles to me." Hooty says.

"Yup," Spears replies.

"That's because it isn't. Welcome to the other side of the world. You dare trespass on this sacred…" Suddenly the man that looks similar to King grasps as he looks at King.

"By the Huntsman, 'tis King! My name is Tarak. Hail and well-met." Tarak, the man we now know his name is, bows.

"Uh, y-yeah. 'Tis King!" King says. Luz then bows next to him.

"Psst! King, introduce us." Luz whispers to King.

'Right. Uh, this is Luz the human/friend/sister. This is Hooty the, uh, door? This is Spear and his little sister named…" King made a thinking face trying to remember what my name was, making me feel like I didn't exist. Huh? Exist, what a funny word. I was interrupted from my thoughts when I felt someone pull me next to them.

"Y/n! My little sister." It was Spear that pulled me next to him.

"Yup!" I replied, smiling.

"Your warrior-ship," Luz says as she bows towards Tarak.

"Did you send me that letter? Are… A-Are you my…"

"Father? Alas, no. Nor is he here. But I did send the letter, and, by the sight of you, I know he was one of us. He passed down that handsome skull of yours, didn't he?" Tarak says as King giggles.

"Now we celebrate! Everyone will be so happy to meet you." Tarak announces.

"Who's everyone?" Luz asks. That's when he started to walk leading us to the top of a hill.

"Welcome to Titan Trapper Island." King grasps at the site while I feel nauseous. We all start to walk to the town and look at the people there.

"I've never seen so many demons that look like me. Look at them go!" Kings says as we pass a couple of demons that are training with spears.

"We are Titan Trappers, under oath to protect the world from giant monsters of death and destruction…but uh, not many of us have seen a live one, of course." Tarak says, chuckling nervously and then clears his throat.

"Come!" We walk to this tall pillar and enter it.

"Aren't Titans extinct?" Luz asked. Once we entered we saw a giant Titan skeleton with a spiral staircase with other people.

"The Grand Huntsman says one remains, so we sharpen our spears until the vile creature rears its head and a new hunt can begin! And now, dear King, you can join us and become a Titan Trapper yourself." Tarak announces as all the other demons cheer.

"Weh?" King replies.

"Oh, my gosh. King, that's amazing! Well, we don't know any Titans but the world could definitely use your help." Luz says.

"That's right! It's a lot to explain right now, but could you…I mean, we, help the people of the Boiling Isles?" King asks.

"Oh yeah, I totes forgot why we were here," Spear says as he whispers towards me, causing me to make a small giggle.

"Any enemy of yours is an enemy of ours!" Everyone starts to cheer again and then starts to leave.

"But we can make no vows. For that you must beseech our elder, the wisest hunter of them all…Bill!" Bill…wait a sec. Wasn't Bill that man Grandma Sen was talking about or that dorito looking dude.

"Is that short for something?" Luz asked.

"Nope, just Bill. He's so cool, he actually met our god, the Grand Huntsman! He's my best friend. It's no big deal." Tarak answers.

"Luz! Spear! Look what they gave me!" King then pulls out a mouth scythe thing?

"That looks awfully pointy, buddy." Luz replies.

"I agree with Luz," Spears says as we back up.

"Don't worry. It's mostly paper-mache. And bone. They're gonna show me their Titan Trapper ways, Luz! *gasps* I guess they're my ways too." Kings said happily.

"How about us three go see the elder, and in the meantime, you and Spear can learn all you can about being a Titan Trapper?" Luz says. Then King hugs Luz with joy.

"This is a dream come true! Come on Spear! Let's go!" King says as he grabs Spears hand and starts running outside.

"Just be careful!" Luz warns them.

"I will!" King answers.

"Are we really leaving him alone?" Hooty asked Luz.

"He should have time to get to know his family, plus he has Spear. Besides, we have a job to do." Luz answers. We start to walk with Tarak as he shows us where Bill is at.

"I shall take my leave. Tell Bill I said hi." Tarak says as he walks away. As he leaves Luz opens the door and we both walk in.

"Hello? Whoa. Look at all this stuff, Hooty! This will help us defeat Belos for sure." Luz picks up a sword only for it to turn to dust and fly away.

"Yeah!" She picks up another weapon and it too breaks causing me to giggle.


"Tarak? Is that you? I told you to stop rummaging through my stuff!" Some man says as he puts down the book he was reading.

"Tarak's not here. It's just us. Uh, greetings. My name is…"

"What's that? Speak up! You barge in like an angry Titan only to whisper like the wind?" The man says pulling out a horn thing or something. I forgot what it was called.

"Greetings! Uh, this lowly traveler begs an audience with the great Bill. Mayhaps we might perchance to venture to…" Luz was cut off by Bill.

"Oh, for the love of…Tarak sent you here, didn't he?" Bill says as he puts away his horn thing.

"He said you were the wisest of all the Trappers. And also his friend. He says hi." Luz answers as she waves hi to Bill.

"Of course he does. What do you want?" Bill asked, seeming annoyed.

"I'm here to ask if you would lend me your mighty warriors. You see, Emperor Belos has threatened to…" Luz was cut off from Bill's laughter.

"That upstart on the carcass kingdom? He's no big deal. I've got battle scars older tha his reign as Emperor! Wanna see?" Bill says as he pulls up his shirt to show a scar on his stomach.

"We're good. But please understand, Mr. Bill, a lot of people are in danger and they don't even realize it." Luz explains.

"Yeah, that dude is straight up evil." Hooty speaks out.

"Don't worry. We'll help. But if you think Belos is evil, you've never seen a live Titan. The children out there haven't either." Bill turns around and looks out the window.

"Don't know a thing about their ravenous appetites, or their terrible cries! Even their babies act like little monarchs. The last living Titan, I saw it once before it disappeared. It's hateful roar blew out my eardrums. How did it go? 'Weh!'" Bill says as he looks at us.

"So, Titans are always hungry, act like monarchs and say, 'Weh'?" Luz questions. It kind of reminds me of King.

"The Huntsman wants us to find the last one. Only a Titan's power can free him from his prison. But we've had no luck. Nice poster, right? I took a printmaking class once. Not sure about the font though. I feel like the serifs…"

"Luz, Y/n, follow me!" Hooty whispers to us. Hooty leads us to a different room that had skulls and bones of Titan Trappers or Titans? In the middle of the room there was a big sun statue with a pocket watch hanging next to it and the walls had pictures of Titans.

"Oh, hey! Thought I'd get Lulu some souvenirs." Hooty then picks up a snow globe that had a black sun with eyes and a small pocket watch that was purple with three hands instead of two.

"Their god is that collector kid?" Luz says in concern. Collector…that name sounds familiar. That's when I was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Ah! You've found the shrine to the Huntsman. It's been my little DIY project for years. You like our disguises? You gotta look like a Titan to trap one." Bill says as he pulls up his sleeve he takes off glove.

"But if I ever find that missing Titan, I'd hunt it down, tear it limb from limb, and mount its head in pride as we released the Huntsman! Then we can finally go from Titan Trappers to Titan Slayers!" Bill screams out.

"Say, who's your buddy's tailor? His costume looks so real!" Bill asks. Us three look at each other and Hooty drops the snow globe and pocket watch, causing it to break.

"Uh, this has all been super cool, but I gotta go check on, um, things." Luz says as we back up and leave the shrine.

"But what about the…What were you talking about? Your quest with Belos. I also have a question for that kid next to you. She looks similar to Moonflower." Bill says while we are trying to leave the room.

"Oh, ha, I'm sure it'll work itself out. Really. Okay, bye!" Luz quickly closes the door, accidentally squishing Hooty's head.

"We gotta get King outta here now!"

"Then run faster!"

"I'm trying!" We continue running trying to find King and Spear. After a couple of minutes we make it and Luz writes something on a piece of paper.

"Ok Y/n, I want you to hold your breath on the count of three. Okay?" Luz explains.

"Okay." She gives me the piece of paper and she counts to three, that's when I hold my breath and grab her hand. We walk over to the Titan Trappers to see Spear knocked out on the floor and King has a blanket with the Sun symbol on it on his head. Bill then grabs a knife and lifts it above King's head. That's when Luz grabs Bill, stopping him from stabbing King and gets thrown.

"Weh? Wha-what's happening?" King says. We quickly grab Spear and King and run away while we are still invisible.

"King, I'm so glad you're okay!" Luz says as Spear starts to wake up confused.

"What're you talking about? We were just about to play catch." King yells.

I start to feel my head hurt and I slowly sit down on the floor. I started to tune everything else out. I feel sick. My head…it hurts. Why? Why me? Who am I even? I feel like I don't exist. Do I even exist? Why is this happening to me? I want to see Collector! I widen my eyes. Collector, who is Collector? Luz mentioned them before but I still don't know why I called out for them. I don't even know who they are so why did I call out for them?

"Hey Y/n! Are you okay?"

I was broken out of my thoughts when I saw Spear in front of me.

"Are you okay Y/n? You're crying." Spear says as he's crouching in front of me with a concerned look on his face.


"Yeah, look at your face." He suddenly made a mirror appear in front of me. I look into the mirror to see water coming out of my eyes. I grab my face and wipe the water off and look at my hands.

"W-what? Why is there water coming out of my face?" I ask.

"Huh? Do you not know what crying is? H-have you never cried bef-" Spear was cut off from a familiar voice.

"Hark! Tis the wretched spawn of…" Tarak was also cut off by Bill.

"Shut up and get that Titan!" Bill yells

"Come on, let's go guys!" Luz yells. We all start running as the Titan Trappers start shooting at us with magic.


"King!" Suddenly King gets lifted by magic. Luz quickly grabs a piece of paper that had a symbol on it and throws it at the Titan Trapper that was levitating King. The Titan Trapper gets blinded by light and King starts to fall to the ground. King uses his cape to make him slowly float down toward the ground while the Titan Trappers use magic and weapons to try and shoot him down. Hooty quickly goes and tries to get King but gets caught and fails.


"Tell Lulu how brave I was!"

Tarak approached us with blue fire in his right hand. King quickly pounces on Taraks face.

"Stop fighting! I'm one of you guys!" King yells only to get thrown on the ground with Taraks skull…WAIT WHAT?!

"You were never one of us. My brothers and sisters, a new hunt begins today!" With that the Titan Trappers all took off their mask except Bill.

"With this gift, the grand Huntsman and Moonflower will return, and I shall ride cloaked in glory above all others." Bill yells, laughing while everyone else looks at him like he is crazy.

"You mean, 'we,' right? You promised the Huntsman would grant all of us glory." Tarak says as he holds a spear in his hands.


"Are Titans even evil?" Hooty questions.

"How much have you been making up?" Luz also questions.

"Uh, don't let the girl fool you! I'm totally not lying. Hand me my spear." Bill takes off his mask and tries to defend himself but no one gives him his spear.

"Whatever. Just gimme that thing!" Bill snatches his spear but only to get thrown in the air by Hooty.

"Not today!" Spear yells as we all run away. We quickly make it to the dock and Luz quickly teleports us away.

"Time to go home." We start falling towards the ground when Hooty wraps his body on the Titans finger and wraps us in his body, preventing us from falling towards our death.

"We can't let them get through. We have to destroy this thing." Luz announces.

"Then step back." King says. King walked forward and started taking deep breaths.

"Weh!" With that the whole Titan finger started to crack and soon the top half started to fall down. We all gather together as Hooty wraps us with his body to protect us from any rumble from the Titan Finger.

"Hoot!" Hooty eventually unwraps us and there is dirt and rumble everywhere. I looked down at King to see that he was sad. He goes and grabs onto Luz's leg.

"I wanna go home," he said with sorrow, lacing his voice with water building up in his eyes. We eventually make it to the ship and King goes to the top of the deck while Luz, Spear and the Captain start to make food. Once we finish eating, King goes and sits away from the group. He must be really sad, maybe I should try to cheer him up.

I walk over to King and sit next to him.


"Hi Y/n." That's when I hugged him. I can hear the pain in his voice.

"It's okay King. I know how you fe-"

"No! I mean you don't. I've lived my whole life not knowing who I was or who my real family is. And when I finally thought I had it was just a big lie and my real family is actually dead. And my dream to play catch with my dad will never h-happen and t-that I j-just…" King started to cry into my shoulder.

"It's okay King, I don't even know who my real family is either or who I actually am," I reply to King as I gently pet his back.

"Y-you don't?" King asks as he looks at me.

"Nope, I can't remember what happened but all I know is that I woke up with Spear in front of me and next thing I knew I pretty much got adopted by them. And now they're my new family." I answer.

"I didn't know that."

"Know one knows. I just recently moved in but I know how you feel. I don't know my real family and I don't know who I am. Here, I'll let you in on a secret but you have to pinky swear not to tell anyone okay?" I held my pinky out for King to shake. King looks hesitant but wraps his pinky around my pinky.

"You keep a pinky promise all your life, you break a pinky promise I'll throw you on the ice," I spoke out.

"That's an interesting line. Where did you get it from?" King says.

"I don't know. It just came out of nowhere anyway now that we did the pinky promise I can show you." I slowly tuck my hair behind my ears so I can show King my ears.

"T-there round. A-are you a human? Like Luz?" King asks.

"Nope!" I reply, popping the p.

"Then how? Only humans have round ears." King questions.

"Not me. I'm not human since I've learned that humans can only do magic by writing glyphs but I don't need to. And I'm not a witch because witches have pointy ears…I think" I explain while untucking my hair.

"You really are like me. Well, I'm sorry for kind of yelling at you about it." King then hugs me in hopes that I'll forgive.

"I forgive you. I mean no one but Spear and Grandma Sen knows about this. So it really isn't your fault." I say.

"I see well what do you wanna do?" King asks.

"I don't know. I feel kind of tired from everything that's happened today." I answered.

"Me too," King replies, yawning. The next thing I know I see King has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I put my jacket on him and slowly fell asleep with him.


"Y/….Y/n…Y/n!" I woke up to King in front of me in a strong place.

"Huh? Where are we? Are…Are we dreaming?" I ask King.

"I don't know but I think we are." King answers. We looked around till I heard a voice. A voice that sounded so familiar but a voice I've never heard before.

"Almost free. Almost free!"

"Luz? Hooty? Spear? Whoa. Whoa! Is someone there?" King called out.

"Hello?" I speak out.

"I won't be alone. I won't be alone anymore!" The mysterious voice continued.

"Hello? Hello?" King continued to call out.

"Who's there?" I speak out once more.

"Who said that? Who's there?" The mysterious voice had heard us.

"Wha-" King and I start to back up being alert.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Don't leave! Come back!" The mysterious voice said as we started to see everything blurring then all I saw was black.


"Go Hand In Hand."