
Chapter 1

"What Happened



"Hello? Are you still alive?"

"Huh?" I woke up to a person in front of me.

"Oh good you're awake. I thought you might have died," the mysterious person said. Then I looked around, checking my surroundings. I can't remember where I am or how I got here. Most importantly, who am I? I look back at the mysterious person to have woken me.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Oh, my name is Spear and I just found you here floating in the lake," The boy named Spear answers. Spear had short brown hair and has this birthmark that is shaped as a spear on his face. Maybe that's why his name is Spear.

"Well can you tell me where the nearest town is?" I ask Spear.

"Oh sure, just take a right then head forward then take a right then just continue forward." I look at the boy trying to understand what he said.

"Uh… I think you just gonna have to take me there," I say to the boy hoping he will take me there.

"Sure I don't mind, beside I gotta head back to town too. Lunch is almost over." Spear then started walking showing me the way towards the town.


"So…What's your name?" Spear spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"Hmm? Oh my name…It's-" I stopped, I couldn't remember what my name was.

"I…I don't remember what my name is," I answered Spear.

"Hmm you don't remember your name?! Do you even know who you are?!" Spear questioned.

"No, I-I don't remember who I am. Why c-cant I remember who I am?!" I started to cry, I couldn't remember who I was and if I had a family or not.

I then felt a hug from Spear and all I could do was hug back and cry into his shoulder.

"It's going to be ok, can you tell me if there is anything you can remember like your family?" Spear asks as he lets go of me and wipes the tears off my face.

"I-I can't remember anything," I answer as I continue to cry.

"Hey, hey it's going to be ok. For now you can live with me till we find your family and recover your memories." Spear says as he holds my hand and starts walking towards the town.


After a while of walking we finally made it to the town. The town was filled with all sorts of monsters. Monsters of all sizes, ones as small as a bird to as large as a house.

"Here we are, Bonesborough."

*Que Intro Song*

"So now that we're in town I should give you a tour of the town. Now follow me," Spear says. We walk around the town showing me the markets that were in the town square.

"Question, how old are you or can you even remember that?" Spear asks as we continue walking to a neighborhood.

"Oh, um…I think I'm 8 years old," I answered. Spear then looks at me.

"8 years old huh? Mmmm, have you ever gone to school?"

"School?" I was confused about what was happening.

"So by the sound of that I think you never went to school and if you're 8 you're supposed to be in the 3rd grade. Mmmm, I don't know if I should put you in the 3rd grade or put you in kindergarten, maybe 1st grade. Let's head to my place first and we can start setting up your room first," Spears says as we got to a house. Spear unlocks the door and we both walk into a woman making food in the kitchen.

"Oh Spear, how was your walk? And-Oh who is this cute little kiddo? But um…why is she here?" The woman said as she questioned Spear.

"Oh it's not what you think, it's just that I found her passed out floating in a lake. And it seems that she doesn't remember anything of who she is so I thought we should take her in and try to get her to recover her memories," Spear answers. The woman looks at Spear with an unreadable expression then looks at me.

"OH MY BABY IS GROWING UP!! HE WANTS TO RAISE A KID!!!" The woman then picks me up and starts spinning me around in the air.

"WOOOOAH! This is so much fun!" I scream out. The woman then stops and puts me on her back doing a piggy ride.

"So Mom, do you think she can use that spare room as her own?" Spear asks the woman who I now know is his mother.

"Of course you can, how about all three of us go to the store and get some furniture and sorts for your room?"

"Yeah!" I yell excited to have a home to be in. The mother then starts to walk towards the door with Spear.

"Oh before I forget, since you don't remember what your name is, how 'bout we call you Y/n. Is that alright, pumpkin pie?" Spear's mother asks.

"Y/n…Hm, I like it" I answer.

"Yeah, Y/n suits her," Spear says as an animal hops on his shoulder.

"Oh and you can call me Grandma Sen."

"MOM! It's not like it's my kid or whatever and besides I'm raising her as my little sister meaning you would be a Mother not a Grandma," Spears says as I start petting the animal.

"Oh I know but it just feels like you have your own kid to take care of now, anyway Haku come here." Another animal comes towards Grandma Sen and turns into a stick.

"Wah! The animal turned into a stick! Does that mean it's dead?!" I started to freak.

"No sweet pea, he just turned into a staff," Grandma Sen says as I start to calm down.

"Yeah, here my palisman does the same," Spear says as the animal also turns into a staff.

"Woah, CAN I HAVE ONE?!" I ask.

"Maybe someday Y/n but for now we should go get some stuff for your room," Spears says as he sits on his staff and starts to levitate.


"Oh this is normal, this is what a palisman does. Come here and sit in front of me, I'll be sure to hold on to you," Spear explains as he grabs me from Grandma Sen and sits me on the staff.

"Are you sure I won't fall?"

"Of course not silly, now hold on." We start to levitate more off of the ground and start flying in the air.

"WOAH!! THIS IS SO COOL!!" I scream. We stop in the middle of the air and I look over on the island to see a monster being the island.

"Wow, I didn't know that the island was a dead monster," I say.

"Yup and it isn't any monster, it's a Titan. Though all of the Titans are dead and no one knows why," Spear explains.

"That's what they all say but I've heard from some person I think his name was Bill? I don't know but they said that there was one Titan left somewhere in this realm." Grandma Sen says.

"I don't know why but he looks kinda familiar," I say to the two.

"That's interesting but we should really head to market before they close," Spear says. Spear then wraps one arm around my waist.

"Now hold on really tight, don't want you falling off do we," Spear says. I shake my head no and hold on to Spears arm.

"Hear. We. GO!!" The staff starts flying down really fast. After a while we made it to the town and got off of the staff.

"Here we are, now let's start shopping," Grandma Sen says. She grabs my hand and takes me into a building that has furniture.

"Ok Y/n, let's start off with what color room do you want?" Spear aks.

"Oh! Oh! I want the walls to be black with bits of glowing stars everywhere!"

"I get the paint while you do the furniture," Grandma Sen says as she walks away to a different spot to get paint for my room.

"Ok Mom, come on. Let's get some furniture."



We finally got done getting the furniture and paint and left to go home.

"Ok now that we got everything here, I'm gonna start painting the room. I think it would be best for you to start getting some clothes at the store Mom," Spear says to Grandma Sen.

"That's a great idea, now pumpkin pie let's head to the store again to get you some clothes." Grandma Sen grabs my hand and sits me on her staff.Then we start to levitate off of the ground and then we start flying to the town to go shopping for clothes. A couple of minutes goes by and we make it to the shop and we get off of the staff.

"Now pumpkin, let's go shopping!" Grandma Sen says as we walk into the store. All the clothes here looked pretty and after a while Grandma Sen had a cart full of clothes.

"Ok pumpkin, I want you to go try all of these clothes and tell me which ones you don't like or are uncomfortable and we can leave it here," Grandma Sen says.

"Ok!" I say.

*Que Speedy clothes changing*

"We're home!" Grandma Sen yelled as we got back from shopping at the clothes store.

"Oh, that's nice. I'm finished with the room and got all the furniture set up," Spear says. I quickly go to Spear and tug on his sleeve.

"Can I see it?" I ask as I do puppy eyes.

"Of course you can. Let me just put your clothes away first." Spear says as he grabs the ten bags of clothes we got from the store.

"Man, did you really have to get so much?" Spear asks.

"OF COURSE!! We need our little pumpkin pie to look fashionable." Grandma says. Spear then goes upstairs and into a room I'm guessing might be my room. Then after 5 minutes Spear came back out and with a blindfold.

"Now turn around, I'm gonna surprise you," Spear says as I turn around. He starts to wrap the blindfold around my head.

"Now be careful, cause we gotta walk to your room." We start walking and he starts to guide me up to my room and then stops.

"Here we are, now let me just take this off." Spear starts to take off the blindfold and I open my eyes to see my room. It had the black walls and ceiling with the glowing stars and bits of planets and a Moon over my bed. My bed was in the corner of the room and had purple drapes and next to my bed there was a desk with a pocket watch that I saw at the store laying there with some books. Next to the desk was a little nook with purple drapes, on the other wall there was a big TV on the wall and under it had a small little coffee table that had a console and remote control. Right next to the door was a closet that had all my clothes hanging with a drawer that had some more clothes in there with a different drawer that was used for some shoes that I got.

"WOAH!! THIS IS SO COOL!! IT'S SO PRETTY!!" I ran to my bed and flopped on it.

"Wow, it's so soft. I love it! I love it! I LOVE IT!!" I scream.

"Well I'm glad you like it, it took a ton of work to get this done," Spear says. I get off of my bed and run to Spear and hug him.

"Thank you, big brother." I look up to see water coming down his face.

"AHH! THERE'S WATER COMING OUT OF YOUR FACE!! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I scream. Spear then quickly wipes the water away from his face and looks down at me with a smile.

"Yes I'm okay, it's funny how you don't know what tears are but people cry tears when they're either super happy or super sad," Spear explains.

"Does that mean you're super happy?"

"Yup!" Spear then grabs onto my waist and lifts me up in the air.

"Woah! This is fun!" I say.

"Yup! Now it's time for dinner so let's go get ourselves clean and ready for dinner," Spears says as he takes me out of my room and takes me to the bathroom. We then go to the sink, grab some soap, and start washing our hands. After we were done washing our hands, we went to the dining room to see that there were plates of food on the table.

"Come on, you can sit here," Spear points to a chair and he sits in a chair that's next to the one he pointed at.

"Ok," I go and sit on the chair and look at the food. Out of nowhere my stomach starts to growl.

"Looks like someone is hungry, so what are you waiting for? Dig in!" Grandma Sen says. I took a fork and took a bite of the food.

"Oh this is so GOOD! It's so yummy!" I say as I rush eating my food.

"Well I'm glad you like it but you should really slow down there or you might choke on the food," Grandma says. I start to slow down and after a couple of minutes I finish eating.

"Grandma, Spear, I finished eating my food."

"You finish that quick pumpkin pie. Let me take you into the kitchen and show you some rules in there," Grandma gets up from the table and takes my plate with one hand and the other holding mine. She walks us to the kitchen and places my plate in the sink.

"Ok rule number 1, when using any dish I want you to wash the dish you used. Rule number 2, never and I mean NEVER take my Apple Blood. Taking my Apple Blood will cause you to never see the light of day again." I gulped down when I heard that line. Note to self, never take Grandma Sen's Apple Blood.

"That's all the rules, I don't care what you do in here as long as you clean up after yourself and don't take my Apple Blood. Now I'm gonna show you how to clean the dishes." Grandma Sen turns on the sink and grabs a sponge and puts soap on it. Then she started to scrub the dishes, after a while it was clean and she put it in a rack next to the sink.

"And that's how you do it," Grandma Sen says as she turns off the sink.

"Oh okay then *Yawn*."

"Looks like someones tired. Why don't we get you ready for bed pumpkin pie?" Grandma Sen grabs onto my arm and takes me to the bathroom.

"Go brush your teeth and after that go change into your pj's. I'll tuck you in once you're in bed," Grandma Sen says as she leaves the bathroom and closes the door. I grab my toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.

"Wah! This is spicy! THIS IS SUPER SPICY!!!" I start spitting the toothpaste into the sink and start washing my mouth out.

"Hey Y/n, are you okay? I heard screaming," Spear said outside of the bathroom door.

"Oh yeah I'm fine, it's just the toothpaste is spicy." I started to hear laughing outside of the bathroom. I open the door and look around, only to see that Spear was on the floor crying from laughter.

"Oh, this is so funny. Oh sorry Y/n it's just that toothpaste isn't spicy. It's minty. I guess you've never tasted it before." Spear says as he gets up from the floor and walks into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Well it is! Anyway, I'm gonna go change into my pj's see ya." I walk to my room and lock the door.

"I really like my room," I go to my closet and grab some pj's and start changing into them. After I was done I put my dirty clothes in a basket and unlocked my door. Grandma Sen was walking past my room when she noticed that I was there.

"Oh, looks like you're ready for bed. Come on, let's tuck you in." We walk into my room and I go and lay in my bed. She starts to tuck me in and starts to sing a lullaby.

*Que Isabella's Lullaby*

After she was done tucking me in she got up and turned off the lights, closing my door, leaving me to fall asleep.

*In the dream*

Light, light was all that I could see then I opened my eyes to see a white screen. The screen then started to make noises, then words.

"Hey Collector! Wanna play tag?! I'm bored playing hide and seek." The screen that was playing the voices was glitching out and I could barely make out what the person was saying.

"Okay!! Just don't cheat okay?"

"I won't as long as you don't either!" Suddenly the screen went dark and then there was a sudden flash of a Moon on the screen then everything flashes white once more.


"Only Time Will Tell."