
God's Mercenary: Spirit Master

A spirit is no different from a human being, even if is one kind of ancient bond magic, there is a special condition to be able to be their master and that technique was long gone missing. Alev who repeatedly died in his reincarnation made him decide to try not to die and be reincarnated again to be able to complete his task from the otherworldly gods and find the cause of the chaos that occurred in the human world. With the help of power he got to control spirit elements, making him the last spirit's mage to go on an adventure to collect other spirit elements while steadily getting a piece of information guiding him to complete his tasks.

ReDore · Fantasy
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20 Chs

More Trouble

"Great?" Alev said in astonishment, "You didn't see how big those creatures were, did you! Look at those things, it was something that would eat everything near it!"

Alev pointed his finger at the tree monster who looked angry while wiggling his roots around wrecking everything along its path.

He would not be surprised if those big creatures would be very angry like that if he mentioned the root that has been thrust at it was still intact in its body.

Their gaze looked away from that creature and saw Tina, who caught their attention right now. She looks very scared, with her face looking pale as she is sweating a lot of trying to get away from the roots that wriggling around trying to catch her.

The Death looks so satisfied with his pursed lip and a wide-eyed open seeing that scenery behind him, "Yep, that was a very spirited plant."

"It's not a time to joke, you stupid god's errand boy! Why wouldn't you do something to help us?" Alev shouted spontaneously.

But, the Death just looked at him in wonder while tilting his head as he shrugged his shoulders. His reaction somehow was something that Alev expected would come from him.

Alev rolled his eyes when he made a facepalm, while averting his gaze away from him. He just couldn't get it, why seeing him again in an unfortunate situation like this if he just only wanted to watch them being in trouble.

While in the back, Tina still tried getting away from those roots who attacked her, But not to mention the movement of those roots is a bit different from the first time they encounter that creature. It is rather a bit slow and that's why Tina could easily avoid those attacks from it.

But even though she easily avoided it like that, it is still much harder for her to avoid it while still running. It really makes her exhausted faster from doing that.


She screams in whining while running zigzag, evading the roots which look like they're going to catch her.

"Help me, Alev!" She shouted, "Please do something about it!"

Meanwhile, when looking at that creature who ferociously attacked her made the Death look astonished while rubbing his chin thinking about it. That creature's behavior is somehow bothering his head, it looks very indifferent like a monster he knows in his knowledge from this world.

Alev, who is still focused on Tina, seems thinking really hard to help her, but he couldn't get anything as he looks for anything around him that doesn't have any use for him. Of course, it's just a rock and a stick lying around in the ground. It is a forest, to be honest, that would be hard to get the exact equipment he needed.

"Damn it! It's useless! I didn't find anything that could help." He shouted in despair and felt regret when hoping something could be useful for him.

"Try a bit hard! Is there not a single vine or anything to stop this thing!" Tina shouted in response while she still tried hard to not get caught by those roots.

In response to that, Alev just did what she said, looking at his surroundings again. He just sees the same thing as he did before, he just sees trees, rocks, sticks, and even… A tree that looks covered in vines.

He shook his head in disbelief seeing some tree that was covered in vines like that ahead of him, he hadn't seen that before, and even he doesn't know what kind of tree it is, it is a slight bit different from the tree around in this forest.

"Huh?" Alev was shocked to retain his logic, "It's strange! I didn't see that tree in the beginning?"

The tree itself looks like a banyan tree but rather it has a big difference because it was so tall and slim almost like a palm tree, but there is no leaf around, it is just only vines growing from its short branch at the top.

It was just so strange for him to see that a different tree in this forest just came out of nowhere mysteriously, but he just didn't bother about it because that was exactly what he needed right now to stop the monster's movement.

He pulls out his knives and tries to aim his weapon at top of its vines, he would not be sure if it can cut through the vines in a single throw, but at least he knows if a vine does not have a thick and hard like tree bark. And then, he threw his knife with full faith in his accuracy into it.

The Death alongside him also looks in surprise seeing that strange thing happen, and eventually, he knows exactly what Alev is trying to do by throwing the knife like that but, he squinted his eyes looking at him while scratching his head.

It's just a surprise for the Death to see him doing a stupid move by throwing his only weapon into the air just trying to cut a single vine.

He knows if Alev's throw will eventually reach it, but he just isn't sure if it can cut through it because he has known for a long time that he is not a left-handed person, so there is not much power in his throw.

Stealthy, the Death uses his hand to do its magic by enchanting the knife that is still in the air imbued with a razor-like sharpness and easily cutting through the vine, but the movement he does is caught by Alev's attention who is slightly aware of his sudden movement and force him to act naturally in a sudden while he was forgetting something.

He forgets to undo its magic as soon as it's cutting the vine.


A sound they hear coming from the knife, not just it's successfully cutting a vine but eventually, its sharpness making it gets stuck into that tree and that was just not of it, it stuck at the top of the tree with half of the knives going inside it.

The Death is filled with sweat when looks at him. He doesn't expect that coming either, the only weapon he just thought that Alev's only had is already gone, even though it was still there, but it was hard for them to take it. The Death averted his gaze away from it with a dumb face showing his innocence.