
God's gift.

Humans sorrow are different in every person. Even tough human have unheal-able sorrow, one person's love for him and make time for him is enough to keep the person happy and heal through the help of love. “Good night, mom, i miss you and i love you". “Mom if only you could see ive met a person who love me as I am just like you did" “Im never letting him go!".

pawi_hlawncheu · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter~2 (Happiness is like a butterfly)

The sun was shinning bright when Henry woke up, he was sitting on his bed praying to God, thanking him that he let him see the new light and a new day, he also thank God that he he had given him new strength to face the world after praying for more seconds he close his prayer to Amen.

He stood up from his bed and went towards his private bathroom which was inside his bedroom, he brush his teeth, take a warm bath and prepare for school.

After he was done, he looked at the clock and it was 7:30 a.m.

He went down to the kitchen and started making their breakfast.

His menu for the morning was two slice of bread with a fried egg in the middle and also with a warm milk for him and his little dear brother, and as for his dear father it was tea rather than milk.

They all get ready for the school, when the clock hands strikes 9:30 a.m they all went to the school.

Stacy was absent that day.

Everyone was looking fine, good and healthy as usual, Henry also took class actively that day but the side of his thought there is something in between that he dont wanna think of.

Everytime he knew Stacy wasnt there because of her mom's death, he couldn't control but come to think of his loss.

* * * * *

Henry was lying in his bed, his facial expression was a serious one, that day while he was taking class the headmistress announced teacher's meeting at noon, Henry and his dad also got there in the staff room

"Henry should teach the higher secondary if he please to teach them." the headmistress started to talk with a requesting and questioning tone of voice.

Henry was shoked for a mili second "What?" with a higher tone he shouted. Evryone was looking at Henry, his dad told him to not talk and listen.

The headmistress with a questioning voice started "Sir Henry, you have two options to pick teaching the higher education or teaching the higer secondary education, we can talk about the payments later."

Henry open his side drower and took out a dairy which he love to write in it.

He named his dairy,"wings of dairy" he had been writing on this dairy ever since his mom had given him three years ago.

* * * * *

It was his 18th birthday, he woke up pretty early in the morn. He took a warm bath, ate his breakfast and got out of his house to return before lunch time.

He headed to his bestfriend house, he was still asleep like a dead log laying on the bed, he woke him up eagerly.

His friend Hack also knew that it was his bestfriend birthday so, he wished him and surprise him with a special gift, which was a bracelet it was exactly same with his, it was written "BFF forever and ever until death do us apart"..

Henry also accepted it happily.

Henry's friends also arrived to the spot.

They all had so much fun, that they could see and meet altogether again for Henry's birthday, he was also happy to see everyone was present there. They talked about their childhood memories.

Before 12:00 p.m Henry and his bestfriend Hack reached Henry's home, when they entered Henry was surprised by his parents and his little 8 years old brother.

His dad gave him a simple car as a present, he was so happy that his face also lit up like a light bulb!!!

His mom gifted him with a dairy, but he was happier than ever as it was given by his mom.

And his little brother also gave him a present which was a car key and a beautiful pen to complete the gift he had got.

* * * * *

Tears fell from his eyes as he compared the past three years with the present he is.

He wipe his tears as there was a knock his door and followed by a sound of a foot step entering the room.

When he sees his little brother, his beloved mother facial can be seen, this makes Henry happy and let him have joy.

While his little brother was sitting on the floor with his robot toys playing unbothering.

Henry thought to himself,

*Sometimes there are clouds of gloom above us but these are all transient*

*Tough death at times step in,

and calls our best away.

When sorrows seems to win,

and no hope was there.

Yet hope again until all the marigold patel's fell on the ground*

Henry again forced himself to sleep as his little brother went to his room to wish the night a good one.

The night was black dark, no stars nor moon can be seen, the sky was gloomeir than ever, no light passes through the window, no sound can be heard but the little drops of rain, it was a lonely night for Henry.

But he whispered under the lonely sky,

"Good night, mom, i love you".

To be continued...