

a mysterious person with considerable power

Armi and Aternos were shocked to hear a loud explosion from outside the cave. They quickly ran out to see what was happening. Outside, they saw a dark sky and billowing smoke. In the midst of the smoke, a figure in a black cloak held a staff.

"Who is he?" Armi asked fearfully.

"That's Zalos, a second-tier god who seeks to destroy this world. He's my main enemy and the enemy of all other gods. He's looking for a way to break through the first-tier god limits and become the supreme god," Aternos replied seriously.

"Why is he here? What does he want?" Armi asked again.

"He may have sensed your presence. He knows you're a demigod, the child of a fourth-tier god and a human. He wants to take your power and use it for his evil plans," Aternos explained.

"Child of a fourth-tier god? What do you mean? I know nothing about that. I'm just a regular hunter," Armi argued.

"I'll explain later. Right now, we have to face him. He's very powerful and dangerous. We don't have much time," Aternos said.

Aternos drew his sword from under his cloak. The sword gleamed with a blue light. Armi felt something strange about the sword. He sensed a connection between himself and the sword.

"What's that?" Armi asked, pointing at the sword.

"This is a holy sword, the weapon of the gods. This sword belonged to your father, a fourth-tier god who protected this Earth. He gave it to me before he died in a battle against Zalos. He asked me to protect you, his last child," Aternos explained.

"My father? A fourth-tier god? I can't believe it. What's his name? Where is my mother?" Armi asked confusedly.

His name is Orion, the god of stars. He fell in love with your mother, a beautiful woman from this village named Lila. They secretly married and had you. Unfortunately, Zalos discovered their relationship and killed them both. I managed to save you and took you to another village. I raised you as my own sibling. I never told you the truth because I feared Zalos would hunt you," Aternos revealed.

Armi fell silent. He couldn't process all the new information he had just heard. His life seemed to have changed in an instant. He didn't know whether to believe it or not.

"You're lying. You must be lying. None of this makes sense. I don't want to hear it anymore. I want to get away from here," Armi said angrily.

Armi turned and ran away from Aternos. He didn't care about the danger that awaited him. He just wanted to get away from everything that confused and scared him.

Aternos chased after Armi. He couldn't let Armi go like this. He knew Zalos would capture and torment him. He had to protect Armi, as promised to Orion.

"Armi, wait. Don't go. I'm not lying. I just want to help you. Trust me. I am your brother," Aternos shouted.

But Armi didn't listen. He kept running without looking back. He hoped this was all a nightmare that would soon end.

Meanwhile, Zalos watched Armi and Aternos from a distance. He grinned maliciously. He knew Armi was the demigod he was searching for. He also knew Aternos was a third-tier god standing in his way. He decided to end this game.

"Arrogant third-tier god. Do you think you can oppose me? You're nothing compared to my power. I will kill you and take that demigod. He is the key to achieving my goal. I will become the supreme god and rule everything," Zalos said arrogantly.

Zalos raised his staff and chanted a spell. The staff glowed with a red light. He aimed the staff at Aternos and Armi, releasing a powerful wave of energy. The wave destroyed everything in its path.

Aternos saw the approaching wave. He knew he couldn't evade it. He could only hope Armi would survive. He raised his sword and yelled.

"Armi, watch out!"

Will Armi and Aternos survive Zalos' attack? What will happen next? Read the next chapter to find out.

To be continued....