
God's eyes wielder is an idiot

what happens if you give a legendary ability to an idiot find out in the tale of the vixen thief... In this world.. nobody is weak, everybody have spacial skills, even the skinny bone, even the fat ones. it depends on what their good at nobody is weak. BUT this world is based on four organisations Combined to two groups, the shadows, and the martial artists,the power of law and inforecment the government and the last. the modern revalutions, all of them are rulers of the world, but only the better one is the one who can be called a ruler of this world. the shadows wants to become stronger so they joined forces with the modern revalutions both are strong together, stealth and modern weapons known as shadow weapons. the martial artists is struggling by their own, so they joined forces with the government to push back the shadows, with the power of the governments number and strength, and the martial artists technique they will be a worthy enemy to the shadows. because of both teams the world is ruled by rivalry of who is better. the shadows wanted to make the world evolve while the martial artists want to bring honour to the world. both disagreed and will fight for what's right to them but there is people who suffers from their actions and grows in silent to destroy... the shadows created a new project that will help eliminate the martial artists. THE ZODIAC project all was successful but one the pisces project was a fail because of that project the martial artists found out what they have created and used it against them and martial artists learned how to create a powerful technique to absorb aura know as aura essence with the project of the shadows and the martial artists new techniques they both clashed at war till this day. in the side line one scientist tries over and over to recreate project pisces but did not really know what is it really for this project will save both the world and the people but if the project is made by a mad man the world is doomed but only one can save the world from rivalry and it's a dumb boy who is currently overweight and has a eye that can learn anything but in anything he is trash and absolutely usless till the end but he will save the world with his little Guinness crew and find out how sazo Jin will become the vixen vole know for as the [fox theif]

obie_20 · Action
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9 Chs


[Chapter 3]

[While sazo is suffering in the toilet]

kage is trying to examine the hole he found, next to the strike, that Kage did on the wall.

And says [with excitement]

"this will be fun".

kage then tried to find sazo around the school, but did not find a trace of sazo anywhere, while searching [Kage was thinking] 

"How did that hole end up there"

Kage was confused so he overthinked about sazo,

[kage thinks]

"he is a wolf under a sheep's clothes"

[And thinks in his head]

"this sazo guy.. must be a shadow.. or a boss!! no he could even be a genius".

[then Kage hears a guy getting beat up]

[then walks to the direction of that noise]

[ kage looks up]. Then saw sazo flying while saying[loudly]


kage gets hit by the head by sazo. 

[kage was confused and angry] and said"what the hell man"

[kage Looks at sazo knocked out deep to sleep]. kage [sighed] and says

"OK let's bring you to my house boy"

[then said quietly] "what a drag. i guess this is what you call karma"

Then after a while, Sazo woke up to his senses, [with a split headache].

Saying"where am i?" 

Then wakes up at a big house full with old dynasty furniture's 

[Then looks at everything like its some kind of toys ]. While sazo was goofing around, he heard someone shouting [loudly]


a couple of times, then goes to check it out, sazo saw an old man doing some weird punches, but when sazo was looking at the old man. He suddenly felt something amazing..

he felt [EXCITEMENT]

like he wanted to do it too.

The old man was doing a weird stance, then he shouted again, but even louder


he struck the tree with amazing speed, forcing the tree to shake tremendously, shaving off wood at every hit, sazo has never seen a powerful punch like that before. 

Then kage sneaks behind sazo and says [creepily]"what u doing"

[Then got a jump scare]

after that sazo accidently brakes the door and says "oops"

the old man notice both of them, and gave off a terrifying aura around the atmosphere.

[kage and sazo was chilled to the bones]

Then the old man approaches them with amazing speed, thats too fast for the naked eye.

then said[while smiling]

"Want some peaches" said kindly 

Then kage replied[with a shaking tone] "don't scare us you old man"

Then the old man AKA kages grandpa said back


Then kage ditched sazo, running as fast as he can like his life is depending on it, then sazo took the peach out of the grandpas hand kage and said thanks. then ran as fast as he could to catch up with kage BUT

They were both captured by the old man and said 

[While laughing]"you gotta do more better than that HAHA"

Kage said to his old man"quit it u old bag let us goo"

the old man replied

"NOT until you respect old grandpa u brat"

While both of them are fighting, sazo is eating his peach enjoying it quietly,

Then the grandpa heard someone walking towards his direction, and vanished...

leaving the two boys alone.

[then the steps got louder and louder] both kage and sazo got scared tremendously.


[slamm] a beautiful figure that looks like the queen of flowers.

then Sazo couldn't not stop day dreaming at her then says"you look beautiful" she replied"ehhh are you ok hope he didn't hit you hard" then released them from the bind,

Then hikari looked at sazo and says "thank you.. you have pretty eyes must say".

Then kage pulls sazo and goes out for a quick run [5 min passed].

[Sazo is already in the ground]

saying"stop I need a break"

then kage said to sazo"yo so i decided"

[Sazo looked at him]

and he was confused and said

"decided what?"

[Kage answered with a serious tone]

"i decided to help you transfer"

Then sazo said "really why?"

Kage answered "because you're interesting" but kage had his own intentions in kage's mind, "i want to see how far you can go or how far you will fall"

then said to sazo

"but u know u can't transfer now, u will have to wait for two weeks Ok" sazo replied "sure"

Kage then says "till then u will live as my room mate to train under my grandpa"

[sazo got confused]

and said "whe?"