
God's Entities: Obscurity

A 17 year old boy goes onto a news site during class and sees that a kid committed suicide. Over the course of the story the boy's perspective is made clear. Vol 1 complete, Vol 2 after God's Entities Prolonged Reign is over. Very sorry but it will definitely be back once antiwonderland is finished.

LX_san · Urban
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7 Chs


I remember how it used to be.

In 9 months, high school would have been over. I could have easily heard all of the students going somewhere. Whether to a different building, up the stairs, to their homeroom.

On the first day going to homeroom I saw my friend who I got lucky enough to have class periods with last year. Throughout senior year, our schedules were to traverse and we never saw each other much from then on but last year he was always there. Lunch, damn near what felt like every class. But at the same time, me being pretty introverted led to a lot of silence.

In junior year, this girl in second period told me that I should make more friends. I should have listened because I borderline ignored her accepting my friendship and ended up being borderline alone for the majority of the time without him being there, but I also did get close to this other girl so I did sort of listen.

I still wish I could revert a lot of things. I want more time, I believe my life could have been different. I would have rather truly known someone then just know them for the duration of school. Though the more I think about it, it was more than I deserved.

I even tried to warn one of the two I ate lunch with that I was a bad friend incapable of understanding what others want me to do. If they wanted me to engage with them or not, I had no idea what to do.

I don't know. I just regret everything anyway, as dead people tend to do.

Though as enough time passed in fifth period, the teacher began talking about the summer project we should have already started on.

"The project over the summer was supposed to be on world events, issues, or conflicts that had been going on during the summer, even possibly going on right now."

I definitely hadn't paid attention to any world events. Other students however were planning on talking about climate change, advancements in space technologies, and other random things.

But I just lied. There was something that I had been paying attention to over the entire summer, before summer even.

While the teacher was formally droning on, I went on my phone to see what the average news site was going on to find a topic and soon I would see it.

It. What was it?

Something probably brewed in human hell.