
God's chosen mage

TheAbscureWhale · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 69: Crossing the River with Lirien

As Damian continued on his journey, he found himself facing a new challenge. He had been traveling for days through a dense forest, and now he had come to a river. The river was wide and fast-moving, and there was no bridge in sight.

Damian knew that he had to cross the river if he wanted to continue on his journey. He thought about using his abilities as a mage to summon vines or create a raft, but he knew that it would take too much time.

As he stood at the edge of the river, pondering his next move, he noticed a figure on the other side of the river. It was a young woman, dressed in a simple tunic and carrying a staff. She appeared to be waiting for him.

Damian called out to her, asking how he could cross the river. The woman smiled and beckoned him to follow her.

Without hesitation, Damian plunged into the river, using his powers to swim against the strong current. When he reached the other side, he was exhausted and gasping for breath.

The woman helped him out of the water and introduced herself as Lirien, a druid who lived in the forest. She had been watching Damian's progress and had sensed that he was in need of assistance.

Lirien led Damian to her home, a small cottage nestled in a clearing in the forest. There, she offered him food and a warm fire, and they talked about their respective journeys.

Damian learned that Lirien was a powerful druid, with abilities similar to his own. She could communicate with animals, control the elements, and heal the sick.

As they talked, Damian felt a sense of connection with Lirien. They shared a common bond as practitioners of magic, and he felt that he could trust her.

When it was time for Damian to continue on his journey, Lirien offered to accompany him. She knew the forest well and could guide him to his next destination.

Damian accepted her offer, grateful for the company and the knowledge that he was not alone in his journey. Together, they set out into the forest, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead