
God's chosen mage

TheAbscureWhale · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter 68: Message from the Old God

As Damian emerged from the temple, clutching the ancient artifact in his hand, he felt a sudden surge of power coursing through his body. It was as if the artifact was infused with magic, and the magic was now flowing into him.

In that moment, he heard a voice in his head, a voice that he had not heard in a long time. It was the voice of his old god, the one who had sent him on this journey.

"Damian," the voice said, "your journey has only just begun. The artifact you hold in your hand is but a small piece of the puzzle. There is much more for you to discover, much more knowledge for you to uncover."

Damian felt a sense of excitement and anticipation growing within him. He had always known that this journey was not just about finding ancient artifacts, but about discovering the truth about his past.

"What about my memories?" he asked the voice. "When will I get them back?"

"Soon, my child," the voice replied. "As you continue on your journey, your memories will begin to resurface. You will remember who you are, and where you come from. And when you are strong enough, you will be able to return home."

Damian felt a sense of relief at these words. He had been wandering for so long, searching for answers, and now it seemed that he was finally getting closer to the truth.

As he continued on his journey, Damian remembered his abilities as a mage. He focused his mind on the power of nature, and soon he was summoning vines and roots from the earth, creating walls of ivy and controlling the weather around him.

He knew that he would need all of his abilities to face the challenges that lay ahead. But for the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of hope and determination. He knew that his journey was far from over, but he was ready to face it head-on.