
God's beloved daughter

Amadea was created by god to be perfect in almost every way but the family she was born into abused her until she left and ended up dead in the street. Wanting to see his daughter grow and be able to shine her best he sent a clone into another world so he could create a family and bring her soul over. Join us on Amadea journey of friendship betrayal will she settle on a simple life or aim for the stars only the gods know.

murdasquaddark · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Chapter 5 lessons

Jeff sat me down at one of the tables and began to speak about some of the basics of the human kingdoms. "So for starters there are multiple races and kingdoms. There is the human continent, Elven continent, Demon continent and Beastkin continent. Now not a lot is known about the others just surface-level information from skirmishes. Do you know the kingdom our village is in?"

I shook my head. I never needed to know more anyways. "It's too boring to try and remember. I rather play with Suzy and explore the woods."

He shook his head. "If you only remember one thing, just remember the names of the kingdoms and hierarchy. We are in the Zaroth kingdom ruled by a rank 3 warrior king. The Zaroth kingdom is the head kingdom in charge of farming and animal raising."

Jeff started rambling on. Apparently, the human kingdom is ruled by the Noutilan empire no one knows the king's true power level. Even though the zaroth kingdom technically has its own king, they all bow down to the mystery ruler. Each kingdom is about half the size of my previous planet, earth.

So having a king in charge who can make important calls is very important and let there be some autonomy. Beneath the kings are the lords. I thought there would be Jarl and Marquese but apparently no one is willing to distribute their power to others. It's also a way to prevent a coup.

There are a total of 6 sub-kingdoms. Jeff made a sad face when he said 6. He told me there was the Ahiwen kingdom which was the merchant capital. Wrairal a warrior kingdom most of the talented warriors come from there, Aivroborg the mage kingdom. The academy is located there. Most people start the academy at 18 since that is when most people have reached their full potential to learn.

"Lastly, there is the Karian kingdom which is the hub to travel to the other continents. It is the center of the world where strong monsters are born and the stairway to heaven is located. Now we say it is a human kingdom but it changes rulers every 100 years to prevent wars over the abundant resources."

I looked at Jeff confused as I started counting on my finger Zaroth, Ahiwen Wrairal, Aivroborg, and Karian. "Sir Jeff you named only 5 kingdoms. You said there were 6. What is the last one?"

Jeff let out a long sigh. "Technically, this town is the last kingdom. Well, what's left. We are the survivors. Did you not notice how this town is very small? Well, it is a refugee camp that was built 6 years ago after the fall. Everyone is forbidden from saying the name of the last kingdom. It was only renamed Hellswallow Crater."

I cocked my head to the side Hellswallow? Is that not my last name? "Why do we have a crater named after my family?"

"Your father is a very high-ranked cultivator. No one knows his true strength just like the head king. 6 years ago your mother was pregnant. She was attacked and it was up in the air if she would survive or if even you could be born."

My eyes widened. My father never told me any of this! Jeff continued describing how once my father found out he managed to save my mother and used 2 moves to decimate 100 miles leaving a crater. The only ones who were spared were the ones that my dad was friends with. Due to the high resentment, the crater was filled with vengeful spirits and special herbs that only should be available in the death realm.

"Your father has another name. Since every warrior sent to arrest him has been killed they removed his bounty and gave him the title of god of extermination." Jeff shivered as he recalled all the details.

I can not believe how strong my father truly is. Guess I really don't need to get stronger. Hmph, see who will dare to touch this princess! I smiled and giggled thinking about how maybe I could have a whole harem of servants. (A/N No it will not really be a harem. Also she's kind of dumb she just thinks a harem is a group of servants please educate our poor dumb daughter some one should have been paying more attention in both worlds.)

"Now let us talk about cultivation we only know of the 12 major ranks" Jeff started to explain the basics to me. First, there are 2 awakenings people can go through a physical awakening and a magical awakening.

So once your physical stats reach the max of rank zero you can try to push your body to the limits breaking the shackles of normal limits and gaining extreme strength being able to lift about 300lb with one hand. Each rank is broken into low medium and high rankings.

Now magic awakening is rare. You need to have been born with mana and awaken your core by age 10 or else you will never be able to use mana. It also follows the same basics of low medium high but the real magic is the people you cultivate both. Very few can actually cultivate both to high realms normally a mage will max out physically by rank 2 but they will reach rank 2 faster since they can use mana to temper themselves.

"Now Amadea if you say stats you can see how strong you are. Sadly it can not say to much it mainly shows your strength dexterity and intelligence. It is mainly used to show you meet base requirements to join the guild or academy. It can also display your guild status if you join or academy status. But there are still tests needed to be done to show talent magic affinity and mana size."

Man status really sucks compared to my system. I can see everything. But I wonder why my talent is only D. Oh well does not really matter. I guess I just wanna enjoy life.

"Next we are just going to go over some basic sword movements so you can at least defend yourself if you run into trouble" With that Jeff took me to the training grounds and handed me a wooden sword.

[ Quest activated swing sword 100 times (Bonus at 500 and 1000)

Reward: F sword skill ( D for 500 B for 1000 and talent unlock) Time limit 120 minutes]

My eyes lit up at the rewards it would be easy to accomplish. Hehe here I come rewards! I watched as Jeff showed me the proper way to hold the sword and how to swing it without hurting myself.

I started swinging my sword and saw the number go up getting excited. I started swinging my sword for hours and hours before I finally dropped my sword feeling bored and sleepy." Phew that was hard and boring can I go home now sir Jeff?"

Jeff's face darkened as he smacked his own face" Amadea you swung the sword 20 times! It has just been 10 minutes! Can you not just train for a bit longer? It is not that bad."

T-t-twenty times ugh this is too boring I don't wanna do this anymore. I giggled and smiled. "My tummy hurts Sir Jeff. I am going to go home now. See you tomorrow" Once the words left my mouth I took off running to Suzys house to play. I need to at least enjoy myself after that hard work.

Once I got to Suzy house I snuck her out and we went to our special spot in the woods to talk and play. "Wow Ama are you not tired after doing all that hard work and training? I mean swinging a sword a million times must have made your arms ach!"

I puffed out my cheeks and chest "Hmph this princess is amazing especially since I have a special bloodline that makes me stronger." Realizing I accidentally let my bloodline secret out I panicked and looked over at her before shrugging. "Just don't tell anyone it will be our little secret."

"Special bloodline" Suzy eyes lit up. "You are amazing my princess!" Suzy grabbed my hand and we started playing until the sky darkened and then I escorted her home.

As I dropped Suzy I kissed her cheek and patted her head. "Remember this princess treats her dogs well!" I giggled and ran off to tell my dad about my day.

As we ate I told my dad about the training and everything I learned and glossed over my blunder to Suzy. "Daddy do I need to keep on training?" My eyes got misty as I pouted it's really too boring to train.

He smiled softly at me his eyes filled with doting. "You do not need to train hard but just get used to the weight of the weapon. Daddy will always be here to protect his little treasure" With that he leaned his head

Feel free to join discord links in chapter before 1. I wanna thank every one for supporting me and giving me advice to better my work and to give me motivation to wake up early to make more posts. There will be a time skip Amadea will be 9 and a half it will probably happen at the end of next chapter. There will be a minor time skip and some updates to the system. things will be getting intense either at the end of next chapter but guaranteed in chapter 6 after the coming up situation we will go into a new arc since we have most the knowledge talked about. Also I would appreciate any reviews and power stones :)

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