
chapter 43 Problem deciding

We made our way back to the palace at a snails pace. I had many thoughts that went through my head at this moment. This was the first time I got conquest points and I needed to debate whether it was more important to regain my memories or save for some of the other equipment.

It seemed like fighting invaders could also help me get points. With that knowledge, I could probably attack other places for even more points, but I would need to put that on the back burner for the time being until I can get a better grasp of everything happening in my realm.

But at least my last year in the academy I will be able to go on a small-scale war with a strong army. The other issues is what were those people doing invading and what is the end goal? My mind felt a lot more chaotic at these uncertainties. For now all I can do is walk forward and try to get this kingdom back on track.

Ren just walked along slowly, looking around and escorting Apael and me, keeping silent, not saying much. Apael slowly reached out and held my hand as if she knew I had a lot going through my mind and not wanting to disturb me.

Once we made it back to the palace, I closed myself into the main chambers and began working on some reforms to try to deal with how weak the kingdom of pride was. They had the benefits of making some great things, but there were also many demons that made mediocre things and used pride blindly, making most of the kingdom weak and unable to fight back.

Hours went by as I worked unable to come up with a solid solution making me pull my hair in frustration. The problems I saw could also be labeled as being the lack of diversity of sins. Demons can migrate and travel and I started to allow them to not be limited by birth and go where they can flourish.

But the problem is the sin energy of other sins is weaker in other countries the capital being the only exception where the sinergy all congregated together making it a holy land for the top brass and training the promising youths.

Letting out a sigh I laid my head on the table feeling anxious and stressed. Suddenly my vision started to get blurry while a gentle smell of pines and strawberries filled the room. Before I could even fight the drowsiness I fell into a deep sleep….

 ????? POV

I gently placed the strawberry incense down on the desk next to the sleeping girl before slowly extending my hand and brushing her hair behind her ear gently. "Foolish girl, why could you not just come home obediently? I will wait for you to return but let this old man help you just a little." 

Once I finished speaking I gently kissed the girl on the cheek lovingly before covering her with a blanket. After I was sure she was comfortable I flicked her forehead hard leaving a mark before vanishing.

After I returned back to my palace I fell to my knees coughing up blood. "Damnit.. It is really hard to break these pesky barriers.." My coughing fit lasted for a good ten minutes before a sweet voice sounded in my ear.

"My love you know that you can not keep going against the order of the world and going to see her. I miss her as well but we can not meddle too much. She will make it back with her family. Until then, we just can only watch unless it's an emergency."

I smiled bitterly at my wife and shook my head. "I know but seeing her suffer so much makes my heart ache for her. She is so small and fragile right now. I forgot how soft and cute she was in person."

 Pov Amadea

In my sleep, I felt snug and cozy feeling a gentle peck on my cheek but was unable to hear anything or see. But then I felt a sharp pain on my forehead and a memory started to flood into my mind…..

The wind blew my hair as I finished carving the array patterns with my blood. As soon as I finished I let out a deep breath and slammed a purple crystal into the middle. All the sinergy left the area except for Pride.

I stood up cracking my neck a cold light glistening in my eyes. A cold chuckle escaped my lips as I slammed my foot on the ground causing the earth to shake and shatter building a palace with a wave of my hand. Once the entire palace was built I placed the throne on top of the formation.

"Now they will rule never finding that their curse is right on the doorstep never to grow stronger again. May they be their own undoing and cause the downfall of themselves.."

I walked for about an hour before teleporting back to my main palace. The only thing left was a teleportation circle left from my own power. Once I returned I went into the prison and added the last crystal completing the main control to the array. Without this the whole array would crumble becoming useless allowing sinergy to flow freely.

My vision turned to black turning only into a sweet blissful dream.

 Apael POV

It has been hours and Ama still has not returned to our room. I started to feel worried and made my way to the working chambers. As I opened the door, I smelled a gentle smell of pine and a sweet strawberry.

The strawberry kind of reminded me of the sweet scent of Ama when I held her close but I could not find out where the pine scent came from. As I looked through the room I saw some ashes on the desk and a weird blanket covering my precious girlfriend up.

She looked happy and content, snuggled up in the blanket. The only thing that worried me was the red bump on her head. I shook my head kissing the red mark gently before picking her up and taking her back to our room.

I guess we will not be able to have any intimate time tonight. She overdid it working. At least she is trying to better our own little world. As I set her down in the bed I could not help but rub the blanket a few more times. It seemed made out of some exotic material that was very soft making it feel as if you were sleeping on clouds.

I brought my nose closer to the blanket and it smelled very strongly of strawberries just like the blanket Ama used at home.