
chapter 41 kingdom of pride

As Ren and I approached the palace, we chatted and laughed while poking fun at the arrogant attitude of the guards. We entered the main audience chamber where Oria and Apael were waiting.

Apael was not too happy seeing me laughing with Ren, but we were too lost in the jokes even to notice we arrived at our destination. "Ama who is that old geezer that you are so intimate with?"

I smiled brightly and jumped into Apael's arms and wrapped her tightly in a hug kissing her cheek." He is my new advisor. He helped me fix the problems that were bothering me."

Apael snorted in disdain before kissing my lips. " I will follow whatever choice you make but do not forget what you promised me."

I blushed softly nodding before hiding my face in her neck. Once I managed to cool off a bit I tried to get more comfortable on her lap before getting down to business. "Oria bring me all the information that has been going on here for me to review."

Once I received all the documents I started reading them slowly before passing them over to Ren to review as well.

It seemed completely normal day to day nothing that would really require my intervention. The main thing would be to try and reduce the effect their sinergy has on the personality. If I can limit personality shifts, it would unlock a lot of potential in all demons.

"Ren, do you think there is a possible way to prevent the sins from overwhelming all demons? It would be great if they could all think clearly without any emotional fluctuation. Our army would become even deadlier."

Ren closed his eyes contemplating any possible solutions to my request. He slowly stroked his beard humming gently as if he was going through all the possible scenarios. "It is possible. Give me a few months and I will have it ready for the masses."

I gave a nod to Ren dismissing him and letting him address the issue at hand. Once he left I closed my eyes leaning further into Apael." I missed you. It was fun traveling alone but I got too worked up and I needed company. Luckily I ran into Ren and he got me out of my slump."

Apael kissed my neck gently before whispering into my ear "Feel free to talk to me about anything that is bothering you. You are my girlfriend the one I love with all my heart. So please be open with me."

I let out a soft moan blushing. "Why don't we go out and have some fun?"

Oria let out a cough. " Excuse me my lord, is there anything that I can do to improve my kingdom?"

I glared at Oria before grabbing Apaels hand and running out of the palace to enjoy some quality time together. Once we got out of the palace we started looking at all the different restaurants in the area. 

Most of the restaurants seemed about average but they all claimed to be the best. After walking for a while we found a smaller restaurant that did not have too many people. I let Apael sit down first before I sat on her lap wanting to be held.

We ordered just one plate to share. She would take a bite and would feed me a bite while I rested my head on her shoulder. It has been a while since I felt so special. It was nice to let my problems wash away.

Even if I hated the whole world I know I would never come to despise her old memories or not. Once our meal was done we walked the streets looking at the different outfits that they had for sale. Nothing stood out but it was nice to walk around looking at the different things.

After walking around for a couple of hours we went back to the palace since we had a room there already. Once back inside Apael pinned me against the wall kissing me and forcing her tongue into my mouth.

I let out a muffled moan in her mouth. Not wanting to be outdone too much I tried to gain dominance over the tongue battle. We broke the kiss for a few seconds to regain our breath. Once she sealed my lips once more I decided to use a partial dragon transformation just on my tongue to make it longer and more agile.

Apael bit my lip and pulled my body against hers tightly whispering softly in my ear. "It looks like my little Ama learned a few tricks. Maybe I need to put that new tongue of yours to a better use."

My face heated up instantly becoming a bright red. As she let me go she slowly started to lift off my shirt before a loud knock interrupted us making both of us upset. Letting out a sigh she let me go and I fixed my clothes and walked to the door to see who dared to ruin our good time.

Oria was standing behind the door with her hands behind her back waiting for me to open. Once I saw who it was my glare became even more ferocious ready to bite her head off. "What is it Oria? It better be something important or there will be hell to pay."

Oria swallowed before starting to speak. "My lord some humans have started an attack in the residential area. We need some reinforcements to help stabilize the fight. It is approximately 1000 troops."

Pinching the bridge of my nose I let out a sigh. "Go get Ren. Tell him to meet me there for battle. Apael get ready we need to take out the trash before we can continue."

Cracking my neck I walked out of the room making my way towards the residential district. I have not had a big battle like this before but my fingers were itching to kill these insects that dared to interrupt my time with Apael. Once I arrived Apael and Ren appeared one after the other ready to listen to my orders.

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